Chapter 18

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Lilith's P.O.V

I walk outside with my crutches and try to search for Gray. Why did he walk away. Then I stop. I think I know why. Because me and doctor Sheperd were talking verry well, he must thought we were flirting. I sigh and search for the spot the car is parked.

When I still see Gray's car I sigh out of relieve and I walk towards it. I swing the door open and throw my crutches in the back. I sit down, out of breath. I look at Gray who just is staring at his steering wheel.

'Well thanks for the help prince charming' I say sarcasticly. He doesn't answer, doesn't blink, I think he's just breathing. I try to make eye contact, but it's impossible. He sticks the car keys in the contact and drives away.

He can't get away with this, I will not let him. He needs to control his jealousy. 'Why the hell did you leave me there?' I ask him quite angry. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe he isn't jealous. 'You two seemed like a couple'  he says while clenching his jaw. Okay, this is not the good moment, but he looks hot as fuck right now.

Damnit Lilith, you're supossed to be angry. 'Me and Sheperd?' I ask with a laugh. 'You made each other laugh, teased each other, he touched your leg and you didn't-' he cuts off his sentance because he knows I have enough information. 

His knuckles become white on the steering wheel. 'That's ridiculous Gray' I say back. He laughs aggitated and throws his hand on his thigh. His knuckles become even whiter. I slowly put my hand on his and stroke it slowly with my thumb. 

'Pull over the car' I say out of nowhere. 'What-' 'Just do it' I say in a calm voice. He sighs and pull over the car. He still looks at the road and I try to look in his eyes. 'Grayson, look at me' I say with a sigh. He turns his head and looks at me with angry eyes. 

I kiss him softly, he's taken back at first, but then kisses back. 'I love YOU Grayson, not some random doctor in a hospital' I say smiling against his lips. I lean back in my seat and look at him. He slams his head against the seat and sighs. 'I'm such a dick' he says while burrying his face in his hands.

'You kinda are' I say laughing back at him. I see some sort of lake behind him and smile. 'Tag, you're it' I say while touching him on the arm. I jump out of the car and jump on one leg because of my foot. 'You're so childish Lilith' he says giggling while getting out of the car.

I stop and turn around. 'And, I'm way faster than you' he says while running towards me. I scream and run away from him. He grabs me and tickles me everywhere. I laugh and beg for mercy. 'Have mercy please, I'm gonna pee' I say while lying on the warm sand.

'Fine, just because I don't want to clean a pants with pee in it' he says anoyed. I laugh even harder and he sits straight up. I do the same and he pulls me in closer. I put my head in the gap of his neck and take in his scent. I smile to myself and we just sit there (see the picture at the beginning).

'Grayson.' 'Yes.' 'I have to ask you something.' He turns his head and then turns it back to the lake again. 'You can ask me anything, you know that' he says while almost sounding nervous. 'When we broke up, did you.... you know, do IT with someone else?' I ask while playing with my fingers.

I hear him sigh and I feel my heart sink. 'Well, no' he says with a sigh. 'Thank you dear lord' I accidently say out loud. 'But-' I put my finger on his lips to shush him. 'That was all I needed to hear, I don't want to talk about it anymore' I say with a smile. He also smiles and nods his head.

I sit on his lap and play with his hair. 'How do you get your hair so soft?' I ask while playing with it. He laughs a little. 'Using the right shampoo, I guess' he says staring at me. I look him in the eyes and he looks in mine. My hand travels from his hair towards the side of his face. I stroke his cheekbone with my thumb and rub my nose against his while smiling.

'I'm so in love with you Lilith Amor' he says while looking me straight in the eyes. 'I'm also a little in love with you Grayson Dolan' I say joking. He pouts. I laugh. 'I'm - verry - verry - verry much in love with you Dolan' I say in between kisses. He smiles.

He looks up at the skye. 'We should head back, it's getting dark' he say while standing up. I fall on my but and pout. I quickly jump up and jump towards the car. I hear loud laughing behind me and I turn around. 'What am I missing Dolan?' I ask tired.

'You look like a bunny' he says while walking towards the car door and sitting inside it. I also sit in it and cross my arms. 'I did not looke like a bunny!' I say angry. 'You so did' he says laughing even harder. There is a knock on my window and I open it. There is a elderly man standing beside the car door and smiling friendly at me.

'You kids okay? Having trouble with your car?' he asks friendly. I laugh looking at Gray. 'No sir, just some relationship trouble' I say laughing. He smiles and shakes his head. 'Just remember boy, from man to man, woman are always right' he says with a smile. He walks away and I roll up the window.

'See, I'm alway's right, and I say: I did not look like a bunny' I say proud. He rolls his eyes with a smile. 'You looked like a cute bunny princess' he whispers in my ear and then gives a kiss on my cheek. 'Shut up' I say while looking out of the window. 'Why?' he asks while driving away.

'You know I can't say anything mean when you compliment me!' I say angry. He smiles. 'I know' he says with a bitchy tone. I laugh at the way he's acting and shake my head.


Hey guys! We hit 103 reads!! Thank you all so much! I'm sorry it takes a little more time to upload chapters, but I'm not really feeling well psysichally as mentally. I've been really down and just been trying to get through the day.

Most people don't know that I actually want to sleep all day, but hey, I'm a teenager, who doesn't want that? I'm just saying that the chapters are going to take a bit longer to come out, and if you're going through a rough patch, and you have the feeling you can't talk with anyone, there are always people who want to help you! Always!

I love you all so much, stay positive and see you next time in The Bad Girl!

XXX Jules

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