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Yoongi point of view:
I woke up early in the morning and pulled my self onto my black wheel chair. I rolled out of my room into the big world " yoongi hyung" I heard my friend say " jungkook your up early" I said rolling up to him with the wind blowing softly. He was sitting in the comfy grass " it feels weird today" he suddenly said " weird how" I asked he looked at me and just smiled " race you down the hill" he said standing up " wait I-" before I could finish my scentence he transformed into a giant dog " fine ..I may be in a wheel chair in this form but I can run just fine in my wolf form" I transformed into my wolf form as well and we ran down the hill with my gray fur feeling the wind. When I got down jungkook had aready beaten me and was wagging his tail and grinning like a puppy. " hey stop playing around you two!!" Shouted a guy behind us , I transformed into my regular form and before I could fall Jungkook caught me in his large paw. "Thanks" I said sitting on the ground. Jungkook went to go get my wheel chair that I abandoned " it does feel weird today" I told my self as I saw Jungkook bring my wheel chair in his mouth. I picked my self up and got on the wheel chair " turn back" I told jungkook earning a groan as he turned back and pushed me to were everyone else was.

No one point of view:
"We will attack them today!!" Shouted a man " we have been nice enough to those blood suckers!!! We give them food, cloths , and land!!! Our Land!! Our territory! For our children and families!!"He yelled. Some people nodded and agreed with him others were looking at him like he was crazy. " will that really help us" the leader said out of no where causing everyone to bow. " y-yes" the man said, the leader punches him causing the man to fall Down " anyone else want to start a war!!!" The leader yelled causing everyone to step back " get back to work!" He said glareing at everyone "yoongi and jungkook follow me" he said walking away waiting for us to follow.

" come on jungkook" I said tapping him, jungkook pushes me following the boss into the woods. " namjoon you wanted us" I said looking at him " the vampires the want me to give them more food" he said sitting down on a log and sighing " blood?" I asked " they want me to give it to them but I don't feel like going over there and seeing there leader so I'm sending you and jungkook" he said finishing his sentence " me but I-!!" He glared at me causing me to stop speaking " you have to go now before it turns night I don't want you two to get hurt" he stood up and picked up two boxes then handed them to me. I placed them on my lap and looked at namjoon. " go" he said glareing again.

I was getting bored rolling yoongi down the path to the vampires and I was also scared. " what do you think is in those boxes" I asked curiously , he looked up at me and shook his head. I sighed minutes passed and we were getting closer and closer to the vampires forest. " yoongi hyung I'm scared" I admitted " don't be" he said lazily I pouted " you know your not that helpful right" I told him earning a chuckle. We finally made it to the forest it was dark and scary those were the only two words that I could think of to describe it. I heard foot steps and talking there were two people and yoongi must of heard to because he stoped me.

Yoongi: I heard two people in the forest so I stopped junkook. They were hiding for some reason " we have your food" I said, then suddenly two guys come out one was tall and the other was short " so your werewolves" the short one asked. I nodded and handed him the boxes then I looked over the the tall one he was looking at Jungkook and jungkook was slightly blushing. " I'm jimin and that's taehyung" the short blonde vampire said reaching his hand out. I glanced at jungkook who was aready shaking the so called taehyungs hand I was mentally slapping him for shaking the enemies hand.

I stretched my hand out shaking his cold hand in my warm one " weird" I said softly hoping he didn't hear me. I looked up at him and saw him grin which made my heart jump I quickly let go and felt my face heating up makeing my ears pop out.

I looked at jimins hand still stretched out and being me I didn't take it. He suddenly grabbed my hand and shook it himself " your rude .. I like it" he said grinning. I snatched my hand away harshly and growled at him as if I was in my wolf form it didn't affect him at all " cute" he said still grinning. I sighed " jungkook let's go" I said pulling him, he pouted " ok yoongi hyung" he started pushing me out of the forest and I could feel their icy stares.

They were cute I thought to myself mostly that yoongi guy " I want to see them again" taehyung said pouting. " don't worry their going the wrong way I guess you distracted that black haired kid" jimin said Chuckling.

This trip was takineing to long I've never seen this land before " hyung I think we-" I heard Jungkook say and before he could finish his sentence I punched his stomach "yah!! We're lost !" I said yelling at him . " aggghh" I heard him yell in pain " y-yes but we can find our way if we transf-" I cut his sentence again "kookie" I said calming myself down " who's territory do you think were in ?" I questioned him " ours?" He answered. I face palmed myself " I'm lost and stuck with a moron this is just great" I suddenly heard chuckles and footsteps "Jungkook I think we have com-" I stoped mid sentence after I saw the full moon. " I told you It felt weird today it's a full moon !! It's so beautiful" Jungkook yelled " it's beautiful aright... beautifully dangerous" I told him as I heard something run towards us. I knew I should have looked away but I just couldn't , everything went in slow motion I saw Jungkook with a scared look and a suprised look at the same time he was reaching towards me. I suddenly felt cold hands on my neck and then something pierced it, it felt painful and pleasurable at the same time. The feeling disappeared and Jungkook was shouting " I saw him hyung !!! The short vampire he bit you are you ok!! " he yelled " I'm ok I'm ok!! I'm fine" I yelled back. Jungkook grabed my wheel chair and ran home " jungkook don't tell anybody ok" I said seriously, jungkook nodded and kept running I wiped the blood off of my neck and the wound started healing. When we got home I went straight to my little house made of dirt and some hard substance. I lifted myself getting on my bed I just wanted to sleep and forget about today.

" you freaking idiot!!!" I yelled at jimin making him wince " I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" He said in a sad voice " how did it taste" I said forgiving and curious " sweet" he said " very sweet"

Arthur : so how Did you like my story a/n tell me in comments you can ask the characters questions in the next part

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