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I woke up later than usual today so I got on my wheel chair and went to the river. The other side of the river was the vampires place but I didn't care I turned into my wolf form and soaked myself in the water. I suddenly felt something touch me , cold hands " hello darling" I heard jimin say sitting on my back  " I don't know who you are but you sure are soft". I started growling and moving around to get him off my back when suddenly I felt a sting in my paw and blood in the water. I turned back to my regular form fast falling on the grass beside the river I stared  at my hand that had a large peace of wood in it. " tch" I looked at jimin that was behind me I was shirtless and cold and now my hand really started hurting makeing me whimper a little. " need help" jimin said crossing his arms standing in front of me now. " that blood is quite tempting you know" he said licking his lips. " get away from me!" I yelled in pain " I'm trying to help here" jimin said innocently " I don't need your damn help" I yelled
" somebody's cranky" he teased makeing me growl.

This guy really doesn't like me I thought to myself, I grabbed his arm and pulled the wood out his hand makeing the blood spill out. " better?" I asked smiling at him i could tell he was not amused. The cut on his hand started to heal slowly but before it did I decided to tease the dog a little. Still holding on to his arm I bit hit wounded spot causing him to wince in pain and let out a dog whine which I found cute "so sweet" I said my eyes turning red and licking the blood on my lips.

I wanted to move away but I couldn't really run could I. I watched as he bit my palm causing me to whine " so sweet" he said makeing me blush at the sight of him then I remembered I was shirtless and wanted to go eat " let go of my arm" I said seriously ignoring the pain in my palm. "I hope we meet again yoongi ah~" he said seductively then let go and disappeared. "Freaking vampire" I whispered after lifting myself into my wheel chair. I rolled back to my house to find a flustered kookie and a bite on his neck that was healing slowly.

(What happened to kookie after yoongi left to wash up)
I woke up rubbing my eyes and looking around to see yoongi was not here I sighed and got up . I heard a snap and then I turned around to see the tall vampire who I shook hands with he was just looking at me like I was a whole snack or something. " w-what are you doing here " I said backing away from the cold man. " I wanted to see you again" he said stepping closer as I ran out of space to move back " can I have a bite" he said reaching out his hand but I managed to dodge and run. He appeared infront of me and pushed me on the ground " yah! Don't run away" he said looking at me a little mad. I looked into his eyes they were very pretty...what am I thinking this guy is about to rape me for all I know, werewolves are stronger than vampires but if I hurt him I would be in very big trouble. " why don't you just throw me of" he said holding my hands above my head " I'm not allowed "I answered still looking into his eyes. He scanned me head to toe stoping and my neck " get it over with" I told him.

" get it over with" kookie said I smiled when I heard him say those for words " gladly" I said smiling my box smile. I noticed him blushing alittle which caused me to smirk.

He leaned in and I felt his breathe on my neck " you'll only feel a pinch" he said reassuring me " I'm no-" he interrupted me with a bite to my neck. It felt awesome for some reason or was it just me , I wonder if yoongi hyung felt the same thing. The vampire let go of my arms and I tilted my neck so he could be more comfortable, I lifted my arm without thinking and pushed him down on my neck more. He was surprised by my actions and released his fangs from my neck. He looked at me weirdly and just left.

Back to were yoongi walks in on flustered kookie)
I was shocked as jungkook told me what had happened " you pushed him down into your neck more" I said blankly he nodded embarrassed " I didn't mean to.. he just made it feel good for some reason.." he explained to me " you have a bruise on your neck you idiot!" I said hitting his head " ouch" he groaned " well let me tell you what happened to me" I said. I told him everything that happened " that must of hurt a lot" he said muffling his laugh "why are you laughing?!" I said angryly " that's what you get for moving around in a river full of wood and sticks" he said laughing. I looked at him and sighed

"And then I left!!" Taehyung said catching his breathe " ok ok tae I get it" I said eating a blood pallet that the leader of wolves sent " how did it taste " I asked sitting on a fallen tree " it tasted soooo good I can't describe what it tasted like tho" he explained
" well I-" I stoped talking when I saw the moon "taehyung let's go tonight's not going to be fun we have a meeting" I said as I grabed my friends arm. We went to the rest of the group and our leader was talking " taehyung ! Jimin!!" Where were you two!" He yelled " sorry jin" taehyung said speaking up making the leader sigh " like I was saying we are going to start staying with the werewolves for some days " what!!! No we can't they will rip us apart!!" A guy yelled that was beside me. " I'm sure they would have done that by now" answered jin glareing " now let me explain we are staying because I'm trying to find a new territory if you haven't notice this forest is dieing" he said looking around at all the people " the werewolves have no choice because if they harm us we bring war and they are also searching for new land so it makes us equal . We will go to there land tomorrow I want no one acting like a fool or being scared understood?!" He yelled we all nodded our heads and departed. "Tae you thinkin what I'm thinkin" I said eagerly " I think I'm thinking what your thinking but I don't know what your thinking so I guess I'm not thinking what your thinking" he answered making me confused " uggh anyway I can see yoongi and you can see your kookie" I told him jumping up and down " ohhhh I get it now!!" He said jumping with me.

I fell asleep peacefully without a worry tomorrow would be a new day a better day .

He thought!!! 😂 but wait till he see chimchim

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