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My mate was now resting in his bed which I had to carry him to and gosh the man was heavy as fuck. I watched him breathe slowly his face was peaceful and nice I wanted to bite that smooth soft skin of his but he was resting and I wasn't going to wake him up. Yoongi was crying in pain yesterday..it was the second time I've seen him cry and it kind of made me sad to see him in so much pain. I looked at his closed eyes and stained cheeks with tears from yesterday and I cupped his cheek in my small hand.
"I've never known you to be so..soft jimin" I heard taehyung say "shut up!" I said pushing him out the house and closing the door behind me. "Where's heosok do you know?" I asked tae "yeah he's with kookie building baekhyuns place" he said pointing to where they were. I quickly walked over to heosok and grabbed his arm " we have to talk" I said pulling him into taehyungs house. "Ok so you have dated yoongi in the past so tell me what you know about him parents? Brothers? Sisters? Cousins? Where he came from!!" I said quickly crossing my arms "ok ok hold on first off we found yoongi in the woods alone when he was 10 that is pretty much it I haven't asked him about his past life he doesn't talk about it but ...I guess it has something to do about promises and being left behind.." Heosok said suddenly In a serious tone "I see..sorry I hurled that many questions at you" I said running my fingers threw my hair " why don't you ask yoo-" I cut him off with my frustrated yell "yoongi is so complicated" I whined stomping out of taehyungs house. "Jimins angry yell is so cute" I heard heosok say which made me turn around and practically throw a boulder at him "ouch" he said laughing.

I should keep what I saw yesterday on yoongi to myself I don't want any problems with thispack they seem stronger than mine they have vampires and werewolves which was rare because vamps and wolves hated each other. I sighed and rubbed my my head "I'm going to check the patient" I stood up and walked out my house bumping into the blonde headed guy who stayed with yoongi "do you know where mr yoongi lives I need to check up on him" I said looking at the good looking young man "yeah he lives with me so I'll walk you there" the younger said as I followed him. I scanned the young mans body as we walked he had a nice butt that's for sure, we finally got to the patients house and I touched his fore head and scanned his body for anything unusual "he has a fever ..can you help me flip him over" I asked the younger as he walked closer. The young man helped me turn the patient over and I scanned his back it had a big dark bruise along with the stitches that I had applied "it's taking some time to heal..I said pulling the patients shirt more up and observing the stitches. "How long will it take to heal" the younger asked crossing his arms "a few weeks" I answered pulling the patients shirt down and turning him back slowly placing him on the pillow made of hay. "Well have a nice day" I say smacking the youngers butt which was a big mistake because the patient grabbed my wrist "don't touch things that aren't yours doc" he said in a deep voice while glaring "yes I'm sorry for that !" I said trying to pull my wrist out the mans grasp. He let go of my hand and I saw the younger smirk a little "I'll come to see you again later" I said speed walking out. I'm gonna get killed one of these days I thought to myself looking at the red mark the man left on my wrist.

I felt uncomfortable being moved around by a stranger but when he suddenly touched jimin I had to do something. My back was killing me it hurt like hell "so you were awake" jimin said sitting next to me "not exactly" I said my voice still hoarse from crying and yelling yesterday "hyung thanks for that" he said smiling at me " your welcome.." I said yawning "hyung you have to tell me about yourself ok I won't force you now but I just need to know since you know I'm your mate and all I think I should know things about you" he said looking at me with A serious face. I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes ignoring what he said "yah! Hyung.." I heard him say then sigh "your rude .." he whispered as I fell asleep with him stoking my hair.

Yoongis fever had gone down some but he was still asleep. I walked out the house bumping into Jungkook who was looking at horse guy who was playing around with taehyung. Jungkook poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue in jealousy watching them. "Someone's jealous.." i said teasing him. "Mmhmm" he said putting his lips together into a tight line. "Yah Jungkook ah!" Heosok Yelled "yes heosok" jungkook said smiling but it was a mad smile as if he wanted to strangle horse guy. "You mean hyung! Anyway come here I need you to help me put the roof" he said smiling happily.

I really didn't like how hoesok played around with taehyung . I know I shouldn't be jealous because Heosok was also my friend and I didn't want to ruin the friendship so I ignored it. "Ok" I said jumping on the roof to help him "taehyung where's your lazy ass brother" I yelled looking down at him "right here puppy" he said walking towards us with a smirk on his face "I see your almost done with the roof" he said making me roll my eyes. "Just come over here and help hold this up" I said grabbing parts of the roof "yeah yeah I'm coming" he said walking faster then jumping up on the roof with me and Heosok.

"How's yoongs doing" I asked jimin who was sitting on a big tree that heosok forgot to cut up "he's doing good I guess we made up yesterday..I'm actually curious about how we became mates suddenly" he said making me smile "jimin I had mine way before you cuz I guess jungkook liked me and also a mate is someone you were born to be with you understand..you see hobi and yoongs were dating but they weren't mates because they weren't meant to be together" I explained to jimin "but why didn't it show up when we first meet?" Jimin said looking confused "that ..my friend I don't know" I said glancing at kookie who's muscles were showing threw his shirt after lifting 4 pieces of wood which made me smirk "ew taehyung what are you thinking about" jimin said punching my shoulder. I laughed and punched him back, I then looked back at my muscle bunny who noticed and licked his lips on purpose making me blush "my heartu.." I mumbled falling onto jimins lap  "you and that bunny boy are so weird" jimin said chuckling.

I seriously didn't feel so good I sat up and was looking for my wheel chair and when I saw it I grabbed it and tried my best not to fall. My fever had rose again and I just wanted to drink water and go back to sleep I grabbed all of my energy and lifted myself settling on the wheel chair which made my back hurt even more. I bit my lip so I wouldn't yell in pain I rolled out of the home onto the grass I was really thirsty and I had to go all the way to the river to get water which made me tired thinking about rolling there I turned into my wolf form and walked there. Finally I drank some nice water and I started walking back when suddenly I couldn't walk anymore the fever got to me and I collapsed turning back to my regular form shivering.

I suddenly felt weird and I had a feeling yoongi had to do with it. I started heading toward the home to check on him but he wasn't there. "Yah!! Jimin!! This idiot wandered off by himself" I heard jin yell caring yoongi " he's very hot and I don't mean like sexy hot I mean boiling hot" he said placing him on the bed " I found him near the river" . " oh my gosh this idiot" I said feeling his head " take care of him jiminie" jin said walking out "how do I make the fever go down .." I mumbled to my self . I took off yoongis shirt and ran to the river to wet his shirt I ran back and placed the cold shirt on his head. I kept doing this till I noticed his fever went down and he was almost at normal temperature. " i swear your going to pay for this yoongi" I said sitting next to him.

No point of view:
Deep in the woods were the carnivores watching ...waiting for a chance to kill anyone in there way even there own kind. They were getting closer and closer to finding out we're namjoons pack went. Sooner or later they were going to have a party with namjoons pack and those blood suckers.

Well ..I guess this was a good chapter, short but good 😆👍

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