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My body calmed down and I had to explain myself to jungkook and taehyung what I was. They promised not to tell namjoon or jin because if they were to find out about me or dr.jiro there would be chaos. We found out that the guy earlier didn't really see a carnivore it was just a another wolf who looked like one a little. I told my friends to avoid dr.jiro and Leo I needed to find out what they were up to and watch out for my self since doctor jiro stuck that shot in me I have to closely watch him. And hoseok ...I'm going to find out where he is and I'm going to ask Leo "jimin I want you to stay with jungkook and taehyung ..jungkook make sure nobody comes in here as long as it's baekhyun and his mate there good just don't let other people in" I said kissing jimins head and patting jungkooks shoulder. Jungkook nodded and I left, I had to find Leo and it was easy because he aready found me "Yah!! Yoongs!!" He yelled smiling "I went to your place cuz I thought you were there" he said pouting "where's hoseok.." I asked glareing "what do you mean I told you I haven't seen him" he said nervously "where's hoseok.." I asked one more time patiently "I don't know.." he answered "WHERE IS HOSEOK" I said grabbing the collar of his shirt "that blood on your shirt wasn't yours was it?!" I asked looking him dead in the eyes. He smiled..he fucking smiled I grabbed him and threw him and he hit a tree "yoo-" crash! "Sto-" crash! "ah-" crash!. I hit his head over and over on a tree intill I saw blood but I didn't stop I was actually enjoying it...what is happening to me I thought to myself as I dropped the lifeless leo to the ground I looked at my hands in fear.. I ran to the lake to wash my hands of the dead persons blood and that's when I saw him hoseok was in the bottom of the lake. I swam to the bottom and grabbed him I dragged him into the damp soil beside the lake and checked if he was alive..and he was.....alive!! He shut his body down before whatever happened to him "come on hobi work with me here" I said giving him cpr when he finally woke up he was shivering madly "y-yoongi?" He said smiling I smiled back and Pointed to a wound on his stomach it looked like it was from a knife. "Come one lets get you back to normal" I said helping him up.

I came out of jungkooks house and saw a dead body and well it was Leo's body it had yoongis name all over it. I grabbed his body and hid it in the woods hopefully an animal will eat his body yes I know Im mean but what can I do he's dead. I rushed back hoeing nobody saw me and I saw Yoongi carrying hose- I mean horse guy I was actually happy yoongi found him "is he ok?!" I yelled catching up with yoongi "yeah he's fine he had some wounds but they will heal he was thrown into the lake back there I can't believe he was there since yesterday" yoongi said placing him on his bed "hobi?!" Squealed a girl from behind me it was the grudge girl yes I know she has a name ..yeri.. but grudge girl was much better. "T-thanks yo-ongi" horse guy said shivering and shaking. Yoongi nodded and smiled and walked out with me "i hid the body" I said looking at yoongi who was looking sad "oh..thanks" he said slightly smiling "were you going?" I asked makeing him look at me "jimin I need you to not follow me around anymore.." he said looking serious.

I want to protect jimin "go stay with taehyung and jungkook and don't interact with me" I said as he looked at me weirdly "No.." he said and crossed his arms "what?!" I said glareing at him "I said NO..I'm staying with you!!" He yelled "jimin please I'm just trying to do what's best for yo-" he stoped me "I said NO you don't tell me what's the best for me it's my choice!!" He yelled looking pissed "JIMIN JUST GO!!" I yelled pushing him. I didn't mean to he just got me angry I was just trying to protect him from me!! He surprised me when he punched me "NO!" We suddenly got in a full on fight and nothing could stop us. " IM JUST TRYING TO PROTECT YOU!!!" I yelled as I punched his stomach, he let out a cough and kicked me " I DONT NEED PROTECTING!!!!!!" He Yelled getting on top of me "WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO FUCKING PROTECT ME FRO-" I pinned him down and slapped him while panting "ME!!" I yelled as tears clouded my eyes. We stayed like that for a while,I could hear jimin panting and he wrapped his arms around my waist and Pulled me down into him. "If anyone is going to protect someone it's going to be me..pabo"he whispered in my ear as I cried into his shoulder. "I don't want to kill anymore.." I choked out as he rubbed circles on my back the next thing he said made me smile "min yoongi I don't care what you are, what you do or who you killed I'm going to stay with you till the day we die and that is a promise that I won't ever break" I felt him smile and I laughed while crying "was that a proposal" I said chuckling and looking at his face. Jimin smiled at me and I felt my heart bounce out my chest he was so close I could see every detail of his face. "Pabo just kiss me aready" he said as he pushed my head toward him and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss "I still think your rude.." he said stoping the kiss and laughing. I got off of him and sighed "let's go home" I said yawning as he stood up "yeah let's go hyung".

Laughing madly at nothing and poking needles in a dead animal. "Blood came out...ha..ahahahahahahahhah...I want to kill you min yoongi for believing that you can escape me..why couldn't you stay innocent..your so stubborn now!!" I yelled kicking the dead bear over and over. I sighed and started walking out the forests when suddenly something caught my eye a dead body.. I walked over to it and .. "LEO.." he was dead his head was..it was a masterpiece I loved it but I hated it he was the one I was using to get yoongi i guess I'll have to do it my self from now on. I stepped over my dead son and walked home "you were weak anyway" I said as i glanced at him body one last time. The carnivores will be here by let's see..3 days..no they need more time to get ready for the big day I'll give them one more week some of them are so anxious to rip someone that they pop out of nowhere. I meddled with a shot and smiled "I'll kill him like your mother was killed" I said chuckling to myself.

I was busy bothering namjoon and then Jin came in "Hey!! Stob it" he said pulling namjoon away "don't bother him he did nothing to you" jin said innocently "jin you bother me everyday" namjoon pointed out "but it's only because I love you" jin said putting on a smug look "..." namjoon stayed quiet and just walked away "wait for me!!" Said jin with his ears turning red and running toward namjoon.

There days together were soon going to come to an end. Will the doctor take control of yoongi? Will the doctor kill jimin?

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