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I felt someone poke my cheek and I swatted there hand away I was to sleepy to get up. I felt them touch my hair "jimin! Stop" I said wakeing to grab him but once I saw who it was kicked him without thinking twice "you didn't have to kick that hard puppy" dr.jiro said "how the fuck did you get in here?!" I yelled "I have my ways.." he said glancing out side "where's jimin?" I said standing up "who's jimin?" He said innocently. Suddenly I remembered that jimin said yesterday jin sent him to get blood pellets from another pack of vampires in the east, I sighed in relief "get out!" I yelled at the ugly man. He sat on jimins bed and stared at me "why don't you like me anymore puppy" he said in a angry tone "I never liked you and I never will like you" I said glareing at the monster infront of me. He stood up and made his way toward me "Your black hair is gone such a shame What happened to the puppy who was always quiet and used to follow directions?" He asked touching my hair "hyun-" jungkook stoped his words when he saw the doctor "I'm sorry am I interrupting" jungkook said looking to me and the doctor. "No of course not I was about to leave" the doctor said with a smirk and then left bumping jungkook on the shoulder. "Hyung do you know him?" Jungkook asked sitting next to me "um..no..he just came to talk about something" I said slightly smiling. "Oh ok I'm bored tae left with jimin" he said with a jealous tone "and you want to bother me?" I asked pointing at my self "yeah pretty much.." he said laying down.

I was drinking some water to not think about blood when suddenly tae interrupted "so..have you had sex with yoongs" he asked innocently making me spit the water out on his face "ew!" He said wiping it off "no we haven't don't ask that again" I said blushing. We started walking again and finnaly got the blood pellets "I don't need these anymore they make me nauseous" taehyung said carrying 2 boxes. "Same" I said smiling "so you and yoongs get along now" he asked" as I nodded. It was quiet threw out the rest of the walk until we heard something or someone following us. "Taehyung let's go on the trees" I whispered jumping up on one, we started running threw the trees and I liked the feeling "I've  missed this!!" Taehyung Yelled laughing "me too" I said smiling.

I looked behind and all around makeing sure nobody followed me. I went deep into the forest and smiled "Leo ...here you are" I said looking at my creation "yoongis going to be so happy seeing you alive" I said ruffling his hair "yoongi?.." the guy repeated "yup yoongi" I said smirking "make sure you do as planed you will meet him later" he nodded at this and sat back down smiling I could almost see myself in him..well he is my son.

"-and then me and tae were talking about jiminie" jungkook said laughing. He's been talking to me for about an hour now about Taehyung ..this guy is whipped, he kept talking and talking and I snapped "JEON JUNGKOOK shut up before I bitch slap you" I said rubbing the bridge of my nose. "Sorry.." he said sitting up from my bed "when are they coming back anyw-" I was interrupted by jimin who ran inside with a ripped shirt and blood on his cheek and hands,with tears about to burst threw his eyes "h-hyung taehyung got hurt.." he said hugging me tightly. Jungkook left like a bullet or even faster then a bullet "what happened" I asked hugging him back.
"I couldn't help him fight the carnivore.."he said hiding his face in my chest, taehyung came in with a bite mark on his shoulder "jiminie it isn't your fualt you tried the carnivore was to fast and strong" Taehyung explained while jungkook grabbed him bridal style. Jimin didn't answer him and taehyung sighed and jungkook took him away with a worried look on his face. I sat down on my bed with jimin on my lap still hugging my waist "taehyungs not dead so why are you crying" I said rubbing circles on his back "I felt weak..I don't want my friends to die because of me" he as I wiped his tears "I don't want to be alone.." he said surprising me. "Jiminie i promise your not alone you won't ever be alone" I said kissing his head makeing him smile that beautiful smile of his. I licked my lips and he furrowed his eyebrows then smiled "hyung.." he said bitting his bottom lip "yeah?" I said Looking at him "your rude.." he said hugging me. I smirked and answered him "you love it" I said smacking his ass.

"Jin" I said looking out side holding a cup of tea "yeah" he answered as I sighed in annoyance "get off my back" I said trying to shake him off but ended up dropping my tea cup "aishhh!!" I yelled in frustration "they don't call you god of destruction for nothing" jin said shrugging. "Jin shu-" I was cut off after I broke the table that was next to me when I turned around. Jin laughed at me "are you enjoying this?!" I asked frustrated "yup" he said grinning.

Hobi is a ball of sunshine he always manages to make everyone happy it makes me smile. I walked in his house to get my daily dose of sunshine when suddenly he grabbed me and gave me a back hug "hey noona" he said next to my ear makeing me blush multiple shades of red. I'm only one year older then him and he calls me noona.

"Chanyeol~" I cooed trying to wake him up but he didn't budge "CHANYEOL!!!" I said slapping him makeing him wake up "ouch!" He said sitting straight up. " oh g'morning" he said stretching "its evening you pabo" I said crossing my arms. He stood up and I noticed he didn't have any shirt on and he hugged me "mmmmmmhhh" I banged on his back for air "oh sorry" he said looking at my blushing face and then he kissed my head.

Me and jimin were talking and laughing when suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and someone kissed me I pushed him off and jimin was about to fight the stranger but I held him back. "Yoongi it's me Leo".......

Arthur here if your wondering what Leo looks like and the doctor then here's how i kind of imaged them

Arthur here if your wondering what Leo looks like and the doctor then here's how i kind of imaged them

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Pic above is Leo except with eye patch on his left eye

I can't really find a picture of the doctor so just imagine him the way you want to just image someone handsome but scary and has glasses and looks sort of sick

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