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Few weeks later

Yoongi was finally awake and I wanted to ask him so many questions but I knew he would tell me when the time comes. I just wanted one question answered "hyung..why do your eyes glow red" I said looking at him "I'm tired..." he answered laying back down. "Yah! Answer me!" I yelled a little irritated that he was ignoring me. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him up "tell me.."  I said making him frown "you look cute today jiminie" he said touching my lips with his thumb which gave me shivers. "Stop trying to avoid the question" I said sighing " I'll tell you later" he said laying back down again "ugh fine...and by the way.." I said grabbing his shoulders and placing my lips on his cheek "your the cute one" I whispered softly in his ear

I felt a tingle when he kissed my cheek and it felt weird. "Your driving me crazy.." I mumbled hoping  he didn't hear "that's a good thing right" he said smirking and walking out. "Hyuuuuuunggggg!!" I heard jungkook yell and run inside hugging me "your finally awake!!" I tried pushing him off but man he had a strong grip "your...crushing ..me" I manage to choke out "oh sorry" he let go and sat beside me "ok so while you were asleep we built baekhyuns place and right now we are doing that big race we do every year and we need a partner this time the leaders are picking the partners" jungkook said explaining. I got on my wheel chair "it feels weird today" I said looking outside "come on let's go!!" Jungkook said grabbing my wheel chair and running to a huge group of people in a line waiting to get partners. "Taehyung! I hope we get to be partners" jungkook said hugging his mate.

(Inserts sponge bob fish voice) a couple of minutes later

"Next!" I heard namjoon yell "finnaly" I said sitting straight up "yoongi you will be with taehyung" he said smiling. I glanced at jungkook who was glareing at namjoon with a annoyed face "jungkook you will be with jimin, heosok you will be with yeri, baek will be with xuimin now go find your partners" he said shooing us "so..you ready" taehyung said smiling "yup.." I answered looking at jimin who was bothering kookie making me chuckle.

"This is great I'm stuck with a girl.." I said sighing "it's not like I wanted to be your partner mutt" yeri said flipping her hair and rolling her eyes. This is going to be a long day I thought to myself.

"Stop clinging on me!!" I yelled at the smiling wolf guy "your really cold" xuimin said laughing "I'm a vampire! It's normal" I said rolling my eyes "this is going to be a long day" I sighed "not if we win the race" he answered turning to his wolf form. I looked at his fur that looked yellow but it was actually a dark blonde color. All the wolves turned and so did yoongi and jungkook.

"Jungkook wins all the time so someone beat him" I said chuckling At Jungkook who was glareing "and...START!!!!" I watched as the vampires got on the wolves as the wolves ran into the woods. "This will be fun to watch" I said looking at jin who was making soup for some reason.

I ran along side jungkook who was really focused on winning. "Yah taehyung!! I bet I'll win with jungkook" jimin Yelled from on top of jungkook "yeah right! I think yoongs got a chance!" He Yelled back. "Not that I'm doubting you kookie" taehyung said laughing earning a growl from jungkook. I glanced at heosok who was haveing a hard time with the girl on his back and then baekhyun was on a wolf who was really fast almost as fast and jungkook. But you know even tho I may seem lazy and always tired I wanted to win this race. I turned my head back to the forest and Jungkook was infront of me as well as the unknown wolf that baek was riding. Heosok was way behind which made me want to laugh "this actually feels good!!" Taehyung Yelled laughing raising his arms up getting hit by a branch which made me snort "I heard that .." he said rubbing his now injured arms. After a while of running no body was behind me or next to me or infront the forest was getting dark "yoongi..is this supposed to be the way to the finish.." taehyung said behind me. I nodded and kept going it was suddenly quiet..to quiet I saw Jungkook finally who was some feet away from me he was still not moving a muscle. I knew he had seen something to make him like that so I moved forward slowly and nugged him. He looked at me and then looked back at the dark forest that looked like it was dying "hyung...this.." jimin said looking at me and holding taehyungs arm "the carnivores.." taehyung said continuing jimins sentence. The others were behind us and they also stoped and didn't move except one idiot who kept going. Then I noticed that idiot was heosok who was being blinded by the girl on his back she had her arms covering his eyes. I whined and telling Jungkook to put jimin down he followed and I put jimin down while I let taehyung get off. Jungkook turned back to his normal form " everyone! Go back tell the leaders what you saw baekhyun take jimin and tae! Me and yoongi are going to go get hobi!" He said getting on my back "taehyung come on" baek said grabbing him "yoongi , jungkook come back alive" jimin said getting on the wolf with baek and taehyung. I nodded and ran into the dying forest with jungkook "heosok!!" Jungkook yelled.

"It's all your fualt!!" I yelled at yeri who was scared "I'm sorry I've never rode a wolf before" she said getting next to me. I sighed "the carnivores are here somewhere so be quiet please" I said grabbing her hand making her blush. "Heosok!!" I heard jungkook call out "jungkook!! Over here!" I yelled back seeing him with yoongi headed my way when suddenly a carnivore blocked there way "oh sh-" I didn't finish my sentence and grabbed yeri covering her mouth before she yelled.

This is just great I said thinking to myself there's a carnivore infront of me blocking my way to get heosok "hyung" Jungkook said looking at me. I nodded knowing he was planning something, I ran toward heosok while he jumped on the carnivore trying to choke it. Heosok turned and the girl hoped on his back this time the right way and I motioned him to run. I went to go help jungkook who was rolling on the ground with the carnivore. I waited for my chance and I grabbed the carnivore and riped it's head of makeing the blood splatter on Jungkook ans on me "well that worked" jungkook said getting on me as I ran back to our home.

I was trying to stay patient alone with taehyung but it was hard. Horse guy came running out with that girl yeri on his back she was looking at her wrist and something told me Heosok was not going to want to live. Then I saw Jungkook ontop of yoongi he was covered in blood and so was yoongi who was running. He stopped in front of me and jungkook got off of him he turned back to his regular form and I caught him "you have blood on your mouth.." I said as he hugged me putting his head on my shoulder and he was panting from running.

Kookie Hugged me making sure I was alright and I glanced at the leaders who were talking.

"We have to tell them now jin" I said in a serious tone "yeah I know..you know your chin is really cute when your serious" jin said chuckling. I sighed at his comment "everyone gather we have to say something" I yelled. Everyone gathered and was at attention "I didn't know that the carnivores were getting so close so now is the time to train" I yell makeing everyone freak out "look we are going to start now lady's who want to fight go the left and the guys to the right" everyone started moving and got to their spots. "Yoongi ! And xuimin! Train them well!" I then look to the lady's "yeri! Go ahead and start we have a long day" I look at the guys and nod showing them they can start. "How is the wheel chair guy supposed to help us?!" Yelled a man "shut up idiot" I heard jungkook say "don't worry about that and start"

I seriously wanted to kill namjoon "where's my wheel chair" I ask jimin who was still helping me up "here you go" jungkook said bringing it to me. I sat down and looked at xuimin who nodded at me. "Ok everyone form lines !" Xuimin Yelled "jimin stay infront of me" I say holding his hand as the lines formed. Jungkook was behind taehyung who was behind jimin, heosok was behind jungkook and behind Heosok was baekhyun. We started of with basics seeing what everyone can do when suddenly that guy that yelled about me earlier yelled again "how are you supposed to teach us?" He said walking up to me "by showing you how else?" I said rolling my eyes "you can't walk!" He Yelled in my face pokeing my chest. I growled at him and jimin was watching to see what I would do and so did everyone else. I sighed and stood up from the wheel chair and kicked the blood sucker "any one else want a piece of min yoongi?" I said cracking my knuckles.

Boom shakalaka! Arthur here please continue to read and remember to tell others about this story 😆 also I just noticed I've been spelling j-hopes name wrong 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'll start spelling it correctly in the next chapter I feel so dumb right now 😂

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