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(How xuimin got attacked)

After fighting chanyeol for fun Xuimin made my way to the woods to do his man business. There was a sudden snap and he turned around zipping up his fly. He inched forward hearing voices..it was dr.jiros voice. Xuimin followed the voice and hid behind a tree "you will attack them tomorrow and bring everyone we need a lot of them they have been training..my plan will work out perfectly they will all die soon" the mad doctor said chuckling. Xuimin stepped back and made a sound with sticks that he broke with his foot..he mentally cursed at himself "looks like we have a visitor..get him" the doctor said menacingly. Two carnivores chased Xuimin till he was trapped he decided to fight for his life. One of them was on his left and the other was infront of him letting out ugly growls. Xuimin pulled up his fists "let's fight bitches" he said running to one and grabbing its neck trying to snap it while it struggled to get away from xuimins strength. The other carnivore took this chance to attack Xuimin it hoped on xuimins neck biting it "ahhh!!" Xuimin let out a yell of pain and pushed the carnivore away with all his strength. His neck was gushing blood but he was still able to fight he grabbed the carnivore that had bit him and completely decapitated it with his arms by twisting its head totally off. Their was now one left and it pounced on him opening its mouth to bite his face off. Xuimin was now on the ground holding open the monsters mouth to keep it from biteing his face off. he keeped pulling its mouth open till he heard a snap and it stoped its movement. Xuimin was now wiggling his way out of under the giant beast...he let out a sigh of relief but it was ruined when he noticed the doctor was behind him "bad choice puppy" was all he heard after being stabbed by a silver knife to his stomach. Xuimin pulled the knife out and started running he heard familiar voices and ran to them..it was his only chance he was going to die. Xuimin coughed blood,if only the knife wasn't silver it would have healed.. he made his way to the voices he had to tell them what was happening about dr.jiro and the attack he was planning.

(Present time)

Jimin ran leaving yoongi behind passing taehyung and jungkook and everyone else really fast in his super inhuman speed. "Jin!! Namjoon the doctor!! Dr.jiro he's planning an attack with the carnivores he's their leader they are attacking tommorow yoongi went to go find the doctor. And yes I'm telling you the truth I'll tell you how I know this later just help me and yoongi!!!" He Yelled shocking jin and namjoon. They immediately got up and ran out the door of the little house, namjoon knocking some things off while rushing "everyone get ready we are going to get in postitions and start practicing we are going to get attaked tomorrow!!!!!" Namjoon Yelled as everyone rushed to there positions to start there training "jungkook ah!! Taehyung ah!! Go with jimin and help yoongi!" He Yelled once more. Jimin ran back to the spot he left yoongi at and he wasn't their "jungkook where is he?!" Jimin Yelled "How should I know?!" Jungkook Yelled back " jungkook your practically a dog! Smell!" Jimin Yelled punching his shoulder "calm down jiminie! Let's go jungkook lead the way!" Taehyung Yelled grabbing jimins hand.

"Come out you bastard!" Yoongi Yelled cracking his knuckles and his neck "oh so you want me now" the doctor said jumping out of a tall tree. Yoongi glared at him sharply "aww is the puppy mad I killed his friend" the doctor said pouting and laughing "haha..I can't wait to kill that baby faced Moron you call a mate" the doctor said smirking "YOU FUCKING TOUCH HIM AN-" he cut yoongi off " or what you'll kill me? Well I think you have already tried that mr smartie pants but look I'm still here" the doctor said doing a little dance. Yoongi grabbed the collar of the doctors shirt and pulled him up "yoongi?!" Jungkook yelled "jungkook stay away!!" Yoongi Yelled back "ah~ your friends will die to~ and before I kill that mate of yours I'm going to..." the doctor leaned in yoongis ear whispering something. Yoongi looked so angry so Jungkook stoped his tracks and held jimin back. The doctor and yoongi got into a fight and they were rolling on the ground, the doctor was trying to stab yoongi but failed because yoongi grabbed the knife away and threw it away he was now ontop if the doctor punching him. Now it was the doctor who was ontop of yoongi punching him.. he punched yoongis stomach and threw him to a tree hitting his head on it. Yoongis vision turned to a blurred mess and the doctor took advantage of this and kicked him down and then once yoongi fell he kept kicking him over and over again while screaming "die!!! Die!!! Die!!". Jimin found a gun full of shots that the doctor used to shoot yoongi with..he immediately grabbed it and moved Jungkook out the way "Yah!!!!" Jimin Yelled holding the gun behind his back. The doctor stoped and looked at jimin "..SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!!!" Jimin Yelled takeing the gun out of his back and shooting the doctor multiple times. Yoongi took this chance now and grabbed the knife he threw and sat on the doctor who was shaking from all the poison the was going on him. He stabed him over and over " I think he's dead now.." taehyung said softly hiding behind jungkook. Yoongi just kept stabbing him nonstop "YOONGI STOP!!" Jimin yelled grabbing his arm making him stop, yoongi growled loudly and his eyes were glowing more bright his vines were popping out of his arms and neck he looked scary "hyung?" Jimin said stepping back. Yoongi got off of the now dead doctor and grabbed jimins neck "hyung what are you doing?!???" Yelled Jungkook trying to pull his arm of jimins neck. Jimin coughed and yoongis grip tightened "h-hyung" jimin chocked out makeing yoongi stop. Yoongi looked at jimin and stepped back "I'm...I'm sorry I.." he said backing away more hitting a tree. "Hyung.." jimin said reaching out to him " DONT TOUCH ME!!!" Yoongi Yelled clutching him self and hiding his face " I don't want to hurt you.." he mubbled silently. "He put shots in me now the poison is in me and it's turning me.." yoongi said hitting his head on his knee "turning you to what?" Jimin said bending down to him " .....a monster"

Sorry if the chapters are to short peoples I'm going to try and make the next one longer

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