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I stared in shock at the guy I thought was dead for a long time "...." I suddenly hugged him without hesitation "haha I knew you would remember" he said hugging me back. Jimin walked off leaving me to talk to my friend we talked and he had lots of questions "what happened to your hair?" He asked looking confused "um..dyed it" I answered lying "what happened to you..I thought you had died" I asked looking down "that day they took me somewhere..and I escaped jawing all my strength..I wanted to come back for you but..I was scared" he said with a sad look "where did they take you" I asked curiously "I don't remember it was a long time ago" he answered makeing me think.. "oh" I said rubbing the back of my neck. "Who was that midget earlier?" He asked chuckling "who?" I asked looking at him weirdly "you know that guy with blonde hair and he's almost your height" he said trying to explain to me "oh you mean jimin" I said slightly smiling "oh that's his name" he said laughing a little "yeah he's my...friend" I answered covering my wrist with my sleeve. I don't know why but I don't fully trust Leo yet even tho we are friends in the experiment building "ah!! Leo dr.jiro he's here" I said remembering "I thought I.." i stopped my sentence I don't want to tell him what I did in the past about me killing that doctor. "He's.. I..when.." Leo was panicking "aish Leo don't worry he can't do anything to us because there's to many people who could expose him you know how he is.." I said calming him down "are you sure" he asked with a worried expression. "I'm positive and if he does try well I'm not the weak little boy You used to be Leo just letting you know"

I was checking up on taehyung who jumped on my when I came threw the door " you still sad?!" He asked squeezing me "tae....hyung..." he let go letting me breath "I'm not sad anymore" I said smiling makeing him smile "hyung it's not healed yet!" Jungkook said grabbing him and throwing him on the bed. I laughed at the shocked taehyung and walked out bumping into hoseo- I mean horse guy "yah jiminie do you know who that guy is with yoongs" he asked pointing "um I think he called himself Leo and he's a friend of yoongis I left them to talk and catch up it's funny I thought he wanted to steal yoongi from me when he ki-" I stopped remembering that he kissed yoongi "oooh he's tryin to steal yo man" horse guy said with a snap. "Uggh shut up" I said walking away from him, I went to the lake and stoped when I saw naked peoples.... "just walk away jiminie just walk away pretend you didn't see flat asses and tiny chili peppers" I said covering my eyes.

I glanced at that jimin guy the one who was with yoongi. I tapped his shoulder and he jumped up, I noticed his lovely face and plump lips and I couldn't help but stare "what the fuck are you looking at perv" he said irritating me "your quite a tough guy aren't you" I said smirking. He rolled his eyes and walked past me bumping my shoulder "your going to regret being a bad boy..." I mumbled looking down and smirking. My experiments should be closer and closer by now and not even yoongi can stop them I said thinking to myself and laughed out loud.

How do I do this I can't just stick the needle in his arm now..I need to get closer to him and I mean really close. "Yoongi I really missed you" I said hugging him for the third time "mhmm" he said not hugging back. "Why aren't you hugging me back are you not happy that you can see me again" I said pouting "no no it's not that" he said pushing out the hug "then wha-" I was interrupted by the midget "hyung the training is starting" he said slightly giving me a glare "ok" he said walking with the midget "Leo! Come on" he yelled at me and I smiled catching up to him.

Weeks later yoongi and Leo have been getting closer and jimin is getting jealous and doesn't trust Leo. Yoongi still hasn't told Leo about jimin being his mate and jungkook and tae don't like Leo either hoseok has no problem with him since he was yoongis friend.

Everyone was training and I was looking at jimin who was struggling a little and it was cute his frustrated yells are the cut- why am I getting all soft for when the fuck did I change into a mushy guy. I sighed and Leo noticed and he came and ruffled my hair I didn't hate it I just didn't like it. " Yoongi can we talk In private?" He asked tilting his head "sure.." I stood up from the grass and followed him. We stopped beside a fallen tree beside the fighting arena type thing and he started talking "yoongi I know we only met last week again after some years but I really...like you ever since you were small I've liked you" he said blushing slightly "I'm sor-" before I could finish my fucking apology he smashed his lips into mine hitting my front teeth. "Get off!!" I yelled pushing him ..I didn't want to hurt him since he was an important friend. He came closer and kissed me again "what the fu-" I immediately pushed him away hearing jimins voice "what do you want midget?!" Leo said not noticing the anger in jimins face. Jimin suddenly cracked his knuckles and his neck "I was about to have a nice makeout session with yoongi" Leo said pouting and makeing me gag "haha...I think not you trick as bitch" and with that Leo ended up with a bloody nose. "Whythefuckohgodthathurtlikeab-" Leo spat out quickly, I didn't understand what he said "jimi-" I didn't even finish because he slapped me " your punishment will come later" he said makeing a shiver go down my spine. Leo got up and punched jimin while I sat enjoying the fight. Jimin was really pissed off I could tell he's been waiting to do this since the first day he met Leo on the other hand Leo was just mad jimin interrupted something that would have ended with me punching him myself. Jimin was now on top of Leo punching him multiple times "ok jimin stop!" I yelled makeing him stop. Before he stoped he kicked Leo "next time make sure you don't touch things that aren't yours" jimin said wiping the blood away from the side of his lip. "Yoongi ..." Leo choked out "w-why ...did y-you let him hit me" Leo said coughing a little. I shrugged "he's my mate what can I do" I said smiling " your mean.." he choked out " no ...he's rude.." jimin said kissing my cheek with a grin " but he's my rude guy so hands off and yoongi that punishment your still getting it" jimin said with a smirk. And with that he walked off looking happy "you ok" I said pulling Leo up "he's you mate huh.." Leo asked "yup cute isn't he"'I said smiling "I hate him" Leo said frowning.

That kid is going to ruin my plans..I'm going to have to change this up a little "I'm sorry I confessed and kissed you" I said acting sad "no it's ok..." he looked at me and patted my shoulder. "Still friends?" I asked slightly smiling "sure.." he said walking away wiping his lips with a disgusted face. "It's all that midgets fualt...I want to kill him" I said mumbling.

I wiped my lips because I felt like uncomfortable, I then made my way home not wanting to see jiminie. I didn't want to get any punishment so I avoided him. My plan...didn't work out because once I got home I was pinned down to my bed and slapped a second time "stop with the slapping!!" I yelled at jimin making him more pissed "you let him kiss you! Tell me a reason I shouldn't slap you again!" He yelled angrily "um....because I lo-" I was going to say because I loved him but I got slapped a third time "wrong reason!" He said smirking " jimin I swear if you slap me ag-" a fourth slap "I'm sorry!!! Gosh just stop slapping me with your little hands" I yelled rubbing my cheek. Jimin raised my wrist up and pulled my sleeve down revealing the tattoo "we have this for a reason so don't let other people kiss you pabo!!" He said slapping me a 5th time "ok I'm sorry.." I said rubbing my cheek again in pain. "Your forgiven" he said getting off of me finally but I pulled him back "who made you the boss of me" I said smirking "I did" he said smacking my hand away and walked out "Cute...." i mummed chuckling.

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