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No pov
Jimin ran into yoongis house grabbing a silver knife and when he turned around yoongi had grabbed his leg and started dragging him to the woods. "Hyung this isn't you!!!!!" Jimin Yelled hiding the knife. Yoongi stoped and held his head in pain "ahhhhh!" He shouted in pain bending down and shaking "please yoo-" jimin was interrupted by namjoon and jin who managed to stay alive "jimin! Yoongi! Thank god we thought we were the only ones left!!" He shouted smiling. I shook my hand telling him not to come any closer "stay!!" I yelled "j-jimin..kill me!!" Yoongi pleaded his mate in pain with tears running down his eyes "it's all my..f-fault everyone is dead.." he choked out sobbing "yoongi is that really you" jimin said dropping the knife and cupping his mates cheeks. "Jimi.." Yoongi stoped and looked at the knife and back at jimin. Jimin noticed this and tried to explain but suddenly he turned back to Evil yoongi and he ran in the woods. "Namjoon!! Jin" don't follow me the rest of the pack need leaders!" Jimin said grabbing the knife and a piece of wood at the same time and running the same direction yoongi ran in.

"Jin let's gather the bodies.." he said sadly looking at taehyung and Jungkook body. "They died holding hands.." jin said with tears about to burst out his eyes. "And...hoseok" jin spoke again with his voice cracking . Namjoon hugged his mate tightly letting him cry on his shoulder. "Come on jin" he said rubbing circles on his back calming him down.

I ran threw the woods following yoongi and he noticed me following him so he stoped. I jumped down from a tree and faced him "I'm just completing my promise" I said holding out the knife "I'm going to stay with you forever". We fought and I was at the point of giving up..yoongi hit me against a tree pinning me. But what he didn't know was that I had the knife in my hand and it stabbed him in the chest. I quickly let go of the knife and moved away from him. He swayed to the left then to the right..then he fell on the ground. I walked toward him with a the sharp piece of wood in my hand "this sort of reminds me of Romeo and Juliet." I mumbled to my self. Yoongi coughed some blood and I sat beside him "j-jimin what a..are y-ou d-do..." jimin touched yoongis lips with his fingers and smiled "I'm completing my promise hyung" I said quickly stabbing myself with the long piece of wood. I grabbed yoongis hand and intertwined in with mine.

Everything is done for a reason a reason that no one will understand. You see yoongi was going to die sooner or later jimin chose to die with him because he loved him to much to let him go by himself. His friends were dead and there was no reason in being alone forever so the best choice was to die wasn't it?

2 months later)

Nothing was the same everyone was gloomy and even namjoon and Jin weren't happy when they found jimin and yoongis body. Everyone tried to forget about that day but the events were stuck in their head there were less that 90 people now in the pack. The carnivores still Rome around but don't attack as if they are mocking them. This was the end of their happy times together or was it?.

I panted for air as I got up "ahhh!!! Jiminie!! I'm so glad your ok!!" Yelled taehyung. I was so confused and shocked "taehyung I thought you were dead I thought..I killed myself" I said hugging him back "jimin what are you talking about?!" He said laughing. I looked around..it was our old home? "Where's yoongi?!??" I yelled looking around and running out side "jimin hold on!" Taehyung said grabbing my wrist "what's wrong with you?! You suddenly fainted from not getting blood and now your acting weird?!" He said feeling my head "b-but he..I.." i stoped talking and started thinking ..was that all a dream.. "how long was I out?" I questioned taehyung "for about 1 hour" he said explaining why I fainted. Apparently I fainted because I didn't eat my blood pellets.
It's so weird I was back in the first home we had ..and..I was SO confused. "Jimin..taehyung.." jin said from behind us "ah jin what do you need us to do?" Taehyung asked sweetly "i need you to go get our new shipment of blood pellets that the leader of werewolves is giving us" he said crossing his arms. This was all to familiar I did this before.. "ok.." I answered looking down. "He sent two werewolves so watch your backs who knows what those mutts will do" he said looking disgusted "they will be at the e-" I stopped him "at the entrance to the forest got it" I said rushing and grabbing taehyungs hand. "What's the rush jimin let's hide!!" He said excitedly as I frowned "yeah ok" I said hiding with him. I had to know..if yoongi was alright. I saw two people approach the forest and I smiled..one was in a wheel chair and the other was pushing him. They suddenly stopped and i smiled even more knowing it was all to familiar. "We have your food" yoongi said blankly waiting for me and taehyung to step out. "So your werewolves" I said stupidly knowing that they were.
He nodded and handed me the boxes "I'm jimin and that's taehyung" I said putting my hand out knowing he wasn't going to take it. I glanced at taehyung ogling Jungkook and I smiled warmly and looked back at yoongi who was glaring at Jungkook for taking taehyungs hand. Yoongi looked back at me and decided not to shake my hand so I grabbed his hand and shook it myself. "Your rude ..I like it" I said makeing him snatch his hand away and growl at me. I couldn't help but find it cute "cute.." I said smiling even wider if that was possible. "Let's go Jungkook" he said tugging on his shirt.
After they left I laughed happily and taehyung looked at me weirdly "I want to see them again" he said pouting "they are going the wrong way again don't worry" I said winking "again?" He questioned. "Jimin your starting to creep me out" he said looking concerned. I smiled finally figuring out that I had a second chance..a chance to make everything right and it was up to me to fix the things that were going to slowly unfold. This is what my mother warned me about when I was little I can go back in time and fix things..this is why I'm special so this time nobody will die I won't have to be alone. I hugged taehyung and he smiled at me hugging me back "your weird you know that right" he said laughing. I laughed back "not as weird as you" I said patting his shoulder "now let's follow them" I whispered making him smirk.

We followed them intill they stoped and yoongi was calling Jungkook a moron which made me and taehyung laugh. I caught the scent of yoongis blood and I smirked I was going to love doing this again. I ran away from taehyung who tried to stop me and I bit yoongis neck quickly then ran away. I looked back at Jungkook frightened expression and yoongis surprised one. They started talking and then Jungkook ran away pulling yoongi this time the right way. Taehyung hit my shoulder and he looked mad and before he could say anything and put my hand over his mouth "I'm sorry I just had to" I said trying to explain. Taehyung sighed "what's up with you..do you have a crush on that guy in the wheel chair?!" He said gasping.
I smiled and looked at the full moon "taehyung..what can I say I love my enemy"

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