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Jimin hugged yoongi and yoongi tried to push him away "remember what I told you hyung!! I promised you!!" Jimin Yelled about to cry. Yoongi stoped his movement "even if I try to kill you?" He mumbled softly "yes even if you try to kill me I won't leave you" jimin said leaning his head against yoongis.

"...are y'all done" Jungkook said holding taehyungs hand " we have to go". Jimin helped yoongi up and yoongi glanced one more time at the doctor "hold on" he said walking up to the dead body. Yoongi walked up to a big tree and hugged it "hyung what are yo-" before jungkook could finish yoongi was lifting the whole damn tree, yoongi slammed the tree down on the Lifeless body. "Just to make sure he won't wake up again" he said chuckling nervously  and walking back to taehyung,jungkook and jimin who's mouths were slightly open from what yoongi just did.

As they made their way to their home they heard namjoons Yells and Jin's windshield wiper laugh "why are you laughing pabo?!" Namjoon said punching his arm softly "you..you can't even land a punch on me!!" Jin said wheezing "that's because I don't want to hurt you!" He yelled back crossing his arms.
"Yah stop arguing mr.leader" hoseok said patting namjoons shoulder "your rig- yoongi!! What happened?!" Namjoon said running over to him "he's dead don't worry..but the carnivores will still attack tomorrow" yoongi said sighing. Everyone stayed quiet... Namjoon looked at jin and nodded. "EVERYONE GATHER!!" Jin Yelled makeing everyone rush into a circle "tommorow..we will fight for this..this place..our families our parents our mates for the person next to you for that child who doesn't need to die..we will fight for us we are a pack and nobody can take that away from us..we used to hate each other but now look at us we are here together, getting along, being friends which is surprising.." Namjoon stoped letting out a chuckle then continued putting back a serious face "but..some of us will die..but we will die knowing that we protected something we love and we will die with honor. Those carnivores don't have what we do! We have a family! Everyone turn to the guy next to you..hug them and shake their hand because you may never get to see them again the next time you see them they might be dead.." Namjoon stoped and turned to jin and gave him a big hug. Everyone did the same Jungkook turned to taehyung and hugged him tightly, jimin hugged yoongi and clung to him.
Chanyeol turned to Baekhyun and grabbed his hand raising it up and kissing it "saranghae" he said makeing the younger blush.

Hoseok turned to yeri who was beside him and gave her a big kiss instead of a hug "hobi loves you" he said with a big smile makeing her Also smile. Jungkook turned to yoongi and hugged him while jimin hugged taehyung "hyung..I'm glad I met you" he said smiling his bunny smile "I'm glad I met you to jungkook ah" yoongi said smiling. Next was hoseok who hugged yoongi "come here yoongs!!" He said pulling him into a tight hug "don't you go dieing in me" hoseok said laughing "I won't you watch your back to pabo" yoongi said patting his back.

Everyone was hugging me..personally I don't like to hug but today was special. "Mr...did you ever get the jibooty" a kid asked surprising me, it was the kid who annoyed me that time and I told him what an ass was. I smiled and bent down to him "I sure did" I said smiling showing my gums. The kid suddenly hugged me "my names woozi! Make sure you don't die ok! Your my new father" he said giggling "and he's my eomma" little woozi said pointing at jimin "your what?!"Me and jimin both said in unison. The boy smiled and ran away laughing...jimin hugged me and kissed the back of my neck with his cold lips "come on hyung let's go train together" jimin said making me smile. I suddenly felt something telling me to choke jimin but I fought it off..just how much longer can I hold it back.

Yoongi looked worried about something I sensed his change of mood and felt his heart beating fast. I hugged him more tighter to calm him down I looked up at his eyes that were glowing that beautiful red then I looked at his lips that were forming a tight line ...I decided to just take some blood since I was smelling his sent the blood in him was warm and I licked my lips wanting to tase it. "Go ahead jiminie" yoongi said ruffling my hair, he didn't have to tell me twice my fangs popped out and I bit into his arm making him flinch and groan.


I sat on my bed thinking about the attack that was going to happen tommorow when suddenly taehyung sat on my lap pouting. "Kookie you won't die right.." he said frowning looking serious "no I won't die because I have you pabo" i said rubbing circles on his back "promise?" Taehyung said looking cute "I promise tae" I said wrapping my pinky around his long one. He hugged me putting his face to my neck..that meant he wanted me to give him blood I tilted my neck and pulled him closer as he bit into my neck. I held one hand on his back while the other I had supporting me on the bed.

I was sitting on chanyeols lap smiling like an idiot because he told me he loved me. He kissed the back of my neck and I smiled even wider..I loved being..loved I thought to my self chuckling "what are you thinking about" he asked "nothing" i said hugging his arm.

Everyone was spending time with each other it was a beautiful moment..nobody was fighting or arguing everyone was being nice and talking to each other. It had a almost sad feeling to it because they knew some of them would die tomorrow. A couple of hours later the wolves went to bed as the vampires looked at the dark forest that used to be green. Yoongi couldn't sleep so him and jimin went to spend the night at Jungkook and taehyungs place "so..are you two ready" yoongi asked looking down "not really" Jungkook said chuckling nervously "yeah me neither" yoongi said also chuckling nervously. Taehyung set his head on jungkooks shoulder "I wish today could last longer" he whined sadly "yeah me to" jimin said also sadly. "You guys are my family.." yoongi said still looking down "I don't want to lose any of you I've always thought my life was a mistake and I was born to be alone..but you guys changed that..I love you guys" Yoongi looked up only to see three guys crying and he bit his lip trying not to cry himself.

Tomorrow ....would be a..day to remember..you will grow to hate the word tomorrow because tomorrow will only bring sadness..if they could stop time they would do it 10000 times but it's not possible nobody can go back in time to stop things or to stop time itself..or can they

I felt like this chapter was kind of rushed and crappy but oh well 😓

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