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I was startled by jimins sudden yell and once the carnivore jumped at us I pushed jimin away and it was trying to bite me on the ground.

Without hesitation I jumped on the carnivore and grabbed its large neck. Yoongi was still on the ground trying to stop it from bitting his face off, I tightly griped it's neck tighter and tighter intill it stopped fighting yoongi,and it rolled on the ground trying to get me off. Yoongi kicked it and I snapped it's neck it landed on top off me and was really heavy it's blood was getting on my face "get it off!!!" I yelled trying to not panic. Yoongi pushed it off of me and I was panting and so was yoongi "we make a good team" he said smiling. I punched his arm "sure Cutie" I said chuckling "I thought you said you wouldn't call me that!" Yoongi said crossing his arms "well I changed my mind" I said smirking.

One month later

Where was yoongi everyone aready got in their lines ready to train. I was next to taehyung and this time the girls were joining us. I finally saw yoongi walking with jimin "yah hyungs!! Hurry up" I yelled impatiently, jimin got behind me and yoongi looked at everyone in the big group.

"Since we have gir-" namjoon cut me off "yoongi we have someone who will be joining you" he said makeing me groan in annoyance. "Meet dr.jiro" he said smiling as the man with glasses and in all white came  up from behind him. "Hello....min yoongi.." he said with a sweet smile full of venom, infront of me stood the man that I killed long ago he looked the same from when I was little except he had this look in his eye an even more evil look.

I had a hard time trying to figure out what the fuck was happening. I glanced at yoongi who looked nervous and was bitting his lip he even looked....scared in a way. I glanced back at the doctor who was just starring at yoongi then he noticed me looking at him and gave me a wink makeing me have a shiver run up my spine.

I think mr.yoongi remembers me clearly with that look on his face.

"Yoongi he's going to be in your group if any one gets hurt the other doctor is in xuimins group" namjoon explained. "Yoongi?..yoongi?" Namjoon shook my shoulder "huh.." I said as I took my eyes off the doctor "did you hear what I said" I nodded at namjoon who seemed a little concerned. "Alright everyone back to training!" Namjoon Yelled as the doctor stood next to me " miss me?" The doctor said without looking at me. I didn't answer and he suddenly tugged the back of my shirt and looked at my back "it's still there" he said as his breath hit my neck. I just stood there no movement and no words came out my mouth intill he squeezed my butt "don't touch me!!" I said and I glared at him In disgust "oh..but you liked it when you were little" he said with a smirk. "Hyung" jimin said grabbing my hand and shooting a death glare at dr.jiro.I swear if looks could kill he would be dead...again. "Can we talk" he said tightening his grip on my hand "he's bus-" jimin interrupted the doctor "I wasn't fucking talking to you WAS I?" Jimin said his voice kind of deeper then his normal sweet light voice. The doctor smiled and nodded, jimin dragged me to where nobody was and looked into my eyes "is it him?" He asked in a gentle tone makeing me nod and look away "I thought you said you killed him" he once again asked "I did" I said crossing my arms "then what the hell is he doing here" jimin questioned makeing me sigh "I don't know jiminie I don't know..."

The was a really short chap I know 😅
Don't worry I'll make the next one longer

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