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I was thinking about the dream I had about jimin dieing and taehyung and jungkook getting separated. The person in the dream was Heosok he was the one killing jimin but I think I just had that dream because I hated heosok back then and was sort of afraid of him. Speaking of the devil Heosok interrupted my thoughts "yoongi um your friend is attacking namjoon" he said chuckling " he's what?!" I rolled over to see jungkook had namjoon on the ground "why didn't you tell us!!! You knew they were coming that's why the vampires land was dieing if you would have told us we could have left earlier now they want to kill us and they won't stop!!" Jungkook yelled " kookie!! Get off your leader before you die!" Taehyung Yelled "jungkook" I said sternly makeing him let go of namjoon " he's right!" Yelled another werewolf " yeah and jin didn't tell us either!" Yelled a vampire "what are they?!" Yelled another person. There was a whole lot of commotion and everyone was either confused or scared " ok everyone I'm going to explain!!" Yelled namjoon makeing everyone be quiet "the carnivore wolves are what they are called..they are wolves like us but humans tested on them..experimented to make a monster out of them..they became uncontrollable they have powers we don't they make their land die wherever they go they are the most strongest wolves ever seen..and they eat other wolves even there own..that's why they are carnivores" namjoon explained. So they were trying to eat me I thought to myself getting the chills they looked really ugly and like they had freakin....rabies and they looked like some fuckin enormous rats more then wolves.Jimin came beside me and I jumped "hyung are you ok you seem jumpy today" he said placing his hand on my shoulder " I'm fine" I said looking at him. " ok everyone keep moving!!" Jin yelled walking and everyone followed.

"Kookie your brave I'm glad I have a strong boyfriend but that doesn't mean your top" I said grinning "I never said I was" he said smirking "kookie how old are you..I never asked" I said looking at his adorable face " I'm 18" he answered making me shook " your 18?! I'm 20!" I yelled kicking his butt with my knee " yah?! That doesn't matter" he said kicking me back " yes it does" I said punching his arm which made him want to punch me back. He lifted his arm " ok ok I won't do it again I promise" I said laughing, he put his hand down and I grabbed his hand twisting it "Yah! That hurts ahh!" I started laughing at him and then I let go he then grabed my hand and tried to twist it "ok ok I really promise this time!!" I yelled laughing.

I smiled seeing taehyung happy he used to always be gloomy and sometimes mean. Now he seems like when we were kids I guess jungkook changed him I looked down at yoongis head then at his neck I could smell the blood and it was flowing threw his veins he didn't know how bad I wished I could just....what is wrong with me I had to stop thinking about his blood, I New my hunger was getting the best of me I gripped the wheel chair harder. " jimin" I heard his soothing voice say "what" I said not gripping the chair anymore "your hungry.." he said makeing me surprised " how di-" he interrupted " its kind of a werewolf thing we can sense stuff" he said. I started to look around and all the vampires had pellets and tae was on Jungkooks back and I could tell he was bitting his neck while Jungkook carried him. Suddenly yoongi pulled up his sleeve revealing his long slender fingers "I don't care if you bite my finger" he said holding his arm up to me. "But we are walking right" I said pushing his hand back " and? Taehyung is on jungkooks back biting his neck I think you can handle my finger" he said acting smart I grabbed his arm but instead of bitting his finger I bit his palm " ouch..your welcome" he said. After I got enough I stoped " thank you" I said smiling.

2 days later after walking

"Yah everyone get to work!! Start building come on!" I yelled at my vampires "but we just got here let us rest.." said a woman "yes I assume we do need to rest  ok take some time to rest everyone" I said sitting down on the soft grass. I glanced at namjoon who was talking to the guy in the wheel chair I forgot his name and jimin was with taehyung and a werewolf guy I also don't know his name.

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