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"You can help me walk?!" I yelled at the doctor with a shocked expression "well yeah..but there are some complications..."he explained "what type of complications.." I questioned the doctor "I don't exactly have anything for the pain if i try and fix your spine ..I have to cut your back you see and from there I can fix what I can to help you feel your legs..since your a werewolf it'll heal but when I start the operation there's no turning back..I have no pain killers or shots you will feel everything.." he said patting my shoulder with a sorry look on his face "I don't care ..just do it! If there's a chance I can walk again I'll take!" I said trying not to regret my decision. "Hyung do you mind if I be with you when you get operated..." jimin said standing beside me "are you sure.." I asked lifting my head up to look at the younger "yeah who knows you might even find me helpful" he said grinning. I rolled my eyes at his comment "when" I asked the doctor "how about today at noon" he asked with a smile "today...that's bit..never mind ok at noon" I said looking at my legs.

"Mmmm" I groaned getting up trying to get off Jungkooks bed, but he had a tight grip on my waist. "Yah kookie..let go" I said pinching his nipple "ouch!..pervert.." I laughed at his comment "says the one who likes to touch my a-" he interrupted me with a kiss and then went back to sleep. I smiled to myself thinking about the first time we meet, im so glad he shook my hand that day I thought to myself looking at a heart tattoo on my hand "mate" I said kissing his cheek making him smile

"Jin the carnivores are getting closer to us everyday we have to start training them.. mostly your blood suckers.." I said mumbling the last part "hey! Stob it! My vampires are well trained for these types of things" he said crossing his arms. "Yea yea ...oh I see baekhyun and heosok we're building the arena..they were at it all night now Heosok is  sleeping on top of baekhyun " I said looking out the small window and then back at jin who looked unamused.

I was feeling a burning sensation on my wrist I looked down seeing a flower design form on my wrist.I didn't remember getting a tattoo..I glanced at jimin who was looking at his own wrist in confusion. I would ask namjoon about this later right now I needed a nice soak. I left rolling away from jimin who was still confused and I headed toward a small lake that was just down hill, I didn't want to roll down and kill my self so I shaped into my wolf and I ran down the hill into the cold water "hey yoongs" I heard baekhyun call sitting down on the dark green grass I growled in response and turned back to my 'weak' form as namjoon would say since I can't walk. "What do you want" I said shaking my wet hair along with my wolf ears that decided they wanted to stay out for some reason "you and jimin? Together?" He ask suspiciously "no" I answered lifting myself to the wooden wheel chair that I hated "what??you two are always together" he said smirking " look I'm not together with jimin he just follows me around" I answered rolling my eyes "it doesn't look like that to me" he said crossing his arms "LOOK I will never end up with a vampire jimin is just someone who follows me around he's not even my friend! I don't even like him! I'd rather die then date him!" I yelled looking at baekhyun who was looking behind me "your an idiot yoongi..." I heard jimin say behind me "jimin I-" before I could finish he punched me "don't count on me to be at your fucking operation I hope it hurts like hell!" He said with tears about to fall and then he disappeared. I rubbed my cheek "wow ....your really an asshole.." baekhyun said makeing me growl at him and my eyes turned red. He ran away and left me at the bottom of the hill " damn it.." I mumbled turning to my wolf form carrying my wheel chair in my mouth going up the hill.

"Taehyung!!!" I yelled ignoring jungkook who I pushed out the way "jimin ..mph" he said as I hugged him "what happened.." he asked motioning jungkook to leave and he left. I sat on his bed and stroked my hair back and covered my face "was it yoongi" he asked sitting next to me. I nodded "want me to punch him for you" he said making me chuckle "I already did...and it hurt for some reason" I said running my fingers threw my hair again. " jimin you have a ..mark on your hand did you find a mate?" Taehyung asked grabbing my wrist "no..wait ..mate?" I asked pulling my arms back and looking at the flower design "yeah me and kookie are mates I felt it after we shook hands that day" he said showing me his heart design on his own wrist "but..your a vampire and he's a wolf that's impossible..right?" I said rubbing circles on my wrist "not really ..Jungkook was surprised by this to but he didn't tell his leader ..you have to figure out if it's yoongs" he said makeing me irritated "he fucking said he didn't like me how could he be my mate dumbass" I said flicking his head "look jus-" I cut him off "no tae! I won't even talk to him!" I said getting out of his home bumping into jungkook pushing him down again " the hells your problem.." I heard him mumble, I turned around and punched him "your friend is my problem!" I said walking away.

"You have a mate.." I said looking at yoongis wrist "mate ...but I haven't been around anyone who .." he stoped talking and had this shocked look on his face. He then rolled away quickly, "what if me and you were mates" jin said back hugging me" I elbowed him" that..will never happen" I said glareing at him.

I had to apologize to jimin I mean hes..I can't even believe he was my .. "yoongi I heard your going to get an operation today!" I heard Jungkook shout behind me trying to catch up "Jungkook ah..yeah I'm getting it today at noon..have you seen jimin" I said looking around "um yeah he pushed me down two times and then punched me he seemed pissed at you" he said grabbing my wheel chair "you know it's almost noon right" I looked at the sun he was right "can you take me to the doctors house please" I said sighing. "Yoongi finnaly your here" the doctor said shooing jungkook as jungkook waved bye to me. "Are you ready" he said pushing the wheel chair into the room. "Not at all" I said telling the truth "do you want to back out" the doctor said stopping in his tracks "no I want you to do this" I said quickly. " ok just settle your self down on that bed and let's get started.."

"He's so ...." I stoped in frustration " mean" heosok said continuing my sentence "yeah!" I yelled hitting the ground "you know yoongi may seem cold hearted but deep inside is a little fluff ball who's sensitive" heosok said patting my shoulder "well he should have never said those things.." I said sighing "I told him I hoped he would feel a lot of pain in his operation.."I said looking down regretting what I said to yoongi "operation?" Heosok said confused "yeah the doctor that came yesterday namjoon asked him to help yoongi with you know his legs and the doctor is going to operate on yoongis back..just that he will feel everything" I said explaining what I had heard earlier "damn..jimin you should go to yoongi" he said standing up "thanks horse guy" I said smiling "horse guy what the f-" he stoped his sentence after two kids passed by and waved at us. I walked away laughing at his annoyed face, I walked toward the doctors house suddenly hearing a loud growl that made everyone next to me stop and stare at the small house. I slowly breathed in and then out and walked inside seeing yoongi holding the sides of the bed tightly hiding his face in a pillow while the doctor cuts. "Hold still yoongi" the doctor said carefully doing his thing, I walked up to the doctor letting him know I was there "hyung are you ok I said bending down. "Mmmphh" was all I heard from his muffled mouth, the doctor had to put something to open the cut a little more so he could see the spine makeing yoongi Grab my hand tightly. I looked down at my wrist and the flower design was now glowing a little and I noticed yoongi had it two which made me smile "why ..are you smiling when I'm getting cut open!!" Yoongi Yelled looking at me with teary eyes "shhh!" Said the doctor glaring at me and the grey headed beast. "Hyung you know your rude right" I said smiling holding his hand tightly in mine, he let out a painful chuckles and hid his face in the pillow once again "I'm sorry I said those things" I heard him say makeing me smirk "what? I couldn't hear you.." I said teasing him "not the time!" He said looking at me with an angry and painful expression. "Ah..I see the problem ..your spine is cracked..normally werewolf's are strong and there spines are strong practically there body's are strong they can withstand anything but you..well your different is all I can say you are strong but I guess you have fear in you and that's what stoped you from protecting yourself I'm guessing this happened in a fight am I right..I can fix this but your going to need to rest the next few weeks" the doctor explained. "And one more thing ...were you experimented on mr. Yoongi" he said stoping his movement. I looked at yoongi who looked a little irritated "I'm in FUCKING PAIN RIGHT NOW stop asking questions and finish!!!" He yelled his eyes slightly turning red. I knew i recognized that red glow somewhere..the carnivores also have that red glow in there eyes..was yoongi one of them..no he can't be I thought to myself wiping yoongis sweat off his forehead "so you forgive me.." yoongi said looking at me with those warm brown eyes of his "well I think I have to forgive you since your my mate" I said smirking "pabo.." he said turning away from me but still holding my hand tightly his fingers interlocked with mine.

Y'all I need someone for j-hope I don't want him to be alone in the story I just can't figure out who he should be with tell me in comments who you think hobi should get with so I can add the character in. Hope you are enjoying the story 🤞🏼😆

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