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"Have you gave him the shot" I asked Leo who came to visit me. "No..there is this guy getting in my way" said Leo in an irritated tone "who?" I asked also irritated "his name is chimin..no jimin was his name he's yoongis mate" he said making me angry "MATE?!..he's mine! Give me that shot I will do it myself and I will kill that so called jimin with my own hands!!" I yelled.

"Yoongi hyung do you trust that guy?" I asked curiously "well..I..let's just say I trust him but at the same time I don't" he said sitting on the fallen tree next to the arena. "Well I don't trust him..something about that guy is off..me and taehyung think he's weird..he's always watching you like he's waiting for something" I said with a serious tone "and he also hangs around with that dr.jiro when your not with him" yoongis face turned into a shocked expression. "Thanks for telling me this Jungkook" he said smiling and then leaving.

I was walking past that dr.jiros place when suddenly I over heard him talking about yoongi "he's my experiment he has to do what I say!!" He yelled "even if I have to give him 10 shots of this fucking shit" he yelled again. I was shocked yoongi was experiment..I knew that thing on his back meant something I said thinking to myself. I was about to leAve when suddenly the door burst open and I blacked out.

"Horse guy?!" I yelled entering his home, he told me to meet him here yesterday. I glanced at a sleeping girl and she woke up her hair was on her face and she fell off the bed crawling to me "ahhh!!!??" I yelled and threw a shoe at her face "wtf?!??" She yelled in pain. Her yell sounded more like a scaring moan I ran out the house bumping into xuimin "whoa there you ok?" He asked "no I just saw the fucking grudge!!" I yelled running away.

I wasn't going to trust leo anymore because of what jungkook told me. I was walking to the others because it was time to train until "yoongi!!!" Leo yelled catching up with me "oh ..hey" I said looking down "you want to join me for lunch" he asked cheerfully "um not now it's time to go train with the others" I answered looking at his shirt "you have blood on your shirt what happened?" I asked a little bit concerned. "Oh haha this ..I just cut my self earlier you know how clumsy I am" he answered nervously as I nodded in response. "Hyung.." jimin said walking over to me giving Leo a death glare. "Yea?" I asked as I kissed his cheek making him blush "h-have you seen horse guy" he asked stuttering a little "horse guy?" I repeated with a confused look " hoseok have you seen him" I shook my head "not really" i answered shrugging "have you" jimin said turning his head to Leo who jumped a little "nope" he answered shaking his head and I could have swore I saw a smirk on his face but maybe ..it was just me. Once we got to the training spot two people were fighting while everyone else was in a circle looking at them "isn't that your friend" asked Leo pointing. I looked at the guy who was fighting "JUNGKOOK?!" He was beating down a guy who looked strong. I noticed taehyung was a little worried "taehyung who started it" I asked sighing "ok well that guy called me sexy and jungkook told him to fuck off but then he grabbed ..jungkooks butt and said he was sexy to and Jungkook was pissed off because the guy touched him but he wasn't going to fight him because it wasn't worth it but then the guy made a mistake In calling him ..oppa..and well he snapped" taehyung explained makeing me we facepalm. "Don't call me oppa next time!!!!" He said kicking the poor guy "ahhgh" the stranger said growling in pain as Jungkook walked toward me and taehyung "jungkook you can't fight people for stupid reasons I'm not training you for this" I said patting his shoulder. "Sorry..i just don't like being called oppa" he said nervously chuckling as I glared at him "oh by the way have you seen the ball of sunshine anywhere jiminie is looking for him" I said looking around "actually no..that's kind of weird he would be bothering us by now" jungkook said also looking around for him. "Don't worry he's bound to show up he always has things to do anyway" taehyung said smiling "yeah your right" me and jungkook said in unison.

I was watching as they talking and I knew they were talking about that hoseok guy that I killed earlier. I mean he deserved it he was going to tell everyone about me and my father. I glad nobody suspects me..I noticed that chimin guy starring at me and I stuck my middle finger up at him and yoongi noticed and put my hand down makeing jimin grin. It would be a little longer till the carnivores got here and he would be dead anyway.

I heard someone yell and the everyone was yellling the commotion was loud and everyone was running. "I saw it a carnivore!!!!!" Yelled a guy running then I saw dr.jiro makeing his way threw the big crowd he had something in his hand but I couldn't make out what it was.

I was being...crushed!!!..everyone was running and they were all scared I suddenly felt someone back hug me holding my arms down and then that's when I felt it. The prick of the needle that I felt when I was little my eyes started turning red and my heart was beating very fast. I haven't felt this feeling in a very long time I was breathing hard and felt weak "ahhh..now yoongi will you follow my directions" the doctor whispered in my ear. A shiver went down my spine and I pushed him away covering my arm I coughed and blood came out my mouth "oh that's just the side effects don't worry it'll wear of soon" the doctor said smirking. Everything went blurry and then I saw someone standing infront of me I could tell it was jimin by his blonde hair he grabbed me fast and dragged me to taehyung and jungkooks house. "-yung!! Hyung!!" He called out shaking me out my trance "he..gave m-" I stoped and flinched in pain it felt as if I was burning in a fire my whole body hurt and my eyes kept going form red to brown "what's wrong with him?!" Yelled jungkook "I don't know!!!!" Jimin yelled back panicking. The first time I felt like this was when he first gave me the very first shot when I was little. I hugged myself trying to control the pain "yoongi.." jimin said hugging me as my eyes kept changeing out of control. "Yoongi you can't hide from me forever.." I heard the doctor say infront of jungkooks door "what the f-" I held jungkooks hand and shook my head telling him to not open the door. He sat back down and looking worried, I couldn't talk it was an effect of the shot so I tried my best to speak "h-h-hoseok?" I said looking at them trying to control my red eyes. "We don't know..." Jungkook said looking down, suddenly everything was clear Leo was working with the doctor why didn't I notice..Leo must have done something to hoseok.
Don't worry it's not as bad as it sounds 🙇🏻‍♀️just keep reading!!

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