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They were all killing each other I could see the wolves rip apart the vampires. Jimin ..he was trying to run I wanted to save him but I couldn't move I couldn't do anything but watch as he got killed by someone I knew someone I loved. I saw Jungkook getting pulled away from taehyung and taehyung crying trying not to let go of his hand. Everything was on fire..was this my fault? I thought to myself "I told him I was going to protect him!" I yelled at myself tears forming.

Someone was shaking me to wake up " hyung!!!" I heard jimins voice yell makeing me wake up " jimin..." I said sitting up slowly. "You finally said my name!!!!" He said hugging me " yah!!! Get off" I said trying to get him off me " didn't you hear him" I heard a familiar voice say. He grabbed jimin and pushed him against the wall putting his hand on his neck " heosok" I said in a stern voice. He let go of jimin who was now coughing "you ok jimin" I said patting him "I don't know why you concern yourself over a blood sucker" heosok said obviously angry "you don't have to care who I concern myself with,now get out" i said getting on my wheel chair "tch" he walked out angrily and stuck his middle finger at jimin "shove it up your ass!" Jimin yelled not careing. " what the hell is wrong with that guy" jimin said looking at me " me and him go way back" I answered fixing my hair. "Will you tell me.." he said with puppy eyes "........ok" I answered sighing "it was about 6 years ago"

6 years ago (flash back /backstory):
"Yoongi!" Heosok yelled hugging me "hobi" I said smiling " look the sunset is going down" I said in awe as I saw the sun go down. I suddenly felt a peck on my cheek " what was that for" I asked looking at heosok " being cute" he answered smiling " your weird" I say as I get up and lift him so he can stand. "Come on let's go spy on namjoon" he said running with me following behind " your so slow yoongi" he grabbed my hand " it's not my fualt your so energetic" I said rolling my eyes. We got to namjoons place and suddenly heard yelling "those freaking blood suckers think they can have anything they want!!!" Namjoons father yelled " well I'll show them what happens when they mess with werewolves" he burst threw the door not even noticing that we were there, he turned to his wolf form and ran towards the woods " let's follow him" hoesok said looking at me " no..come on let's go home" I said trying to pull his hand " come on yoongi your not scared are you.." he said makeing me look away " aww your so cute.. I'll protect you cuz I'm your strong boyfriend" he then leaned in kissing my head " if your the boyfriend what does that make me" I said crossing my arms together and glareing " my girlfriend" he answered laughing and turning to his wolf form to run after namjoon " what th-.." I growled and turned to my wolf form running after him. We stopped we're namjoons father stoped and we hid behind a tree "We can't just keep giving you blood suckers land!!!" He yelled " well you know what will happen if you don't" the leader of vampires said looking behind shooing his son to get back inside. They kept talking and they made deals " heosok im sleepy can we go now" I whispered tapping him " shhh" he said looking back at the drama. Namjoons father finally left and we went to go leave to " hey!! There's two more!!" Yelled a vampire grabbing me and hoesok " they were trying to steal!!" He yelled " no we weren't we were just leaving!!" Heosok Yelled "boss what do I do!!" Yelled the man " let them go" he answered leaving and going back to his house. " tch ....let them go he says..well I'm going to have some fun first"he dragged us to the exit of the vampire forest " let us go!!" Heosok Yelled. The vampire let go of hoesok and then he bit me " yoongi!!" I heard him yell. " I'm sorry!" I saw him run away from me away from the forest did he even care about me he promised he would protect me. The vampire threw me against a tree and I blacked out all I remember was that I saw Jungkook carrying me back home. I woke up in a week " yoongi..I'm sorry but you will no longer walk ..it seems like the impact of being thrown hit your spine" a woman said. I looked at my legs and frowned " yoongi.." I heard Heosoks voice say "GET OUT!!!" I yelled throwing something at him "WERE THREW YOUR NOTHING TO ME!!" I yelled causing him to get angry "ITS NOT MY FUALT YOUR USELESS NOW!!" He yelled " IF YOU WEREN'T WEAK MAYBE YOU WOULD BE ABLE TO WALK!!" He yelled again and then left closing the door hardly makeing me flinch. I started Hateing vampires after that...and I never talked to heosok much

"........wow" I said looking at yoongi who had a straight face " need a hug" I said reaching hopeing he would say yes. He surprised me by accepting the hug I felt like yoongi trusted me " why did you lie to me when I asked you how u lost your legs" I said looking at him " because I just wanted you to stop asking questions" he said shrugging. Someone knocked on the door and it was jungkook but tae wasn't there " where's tae" I asked " with his brother" jungkook said irritatedly "one second he's beside me the next thing you know he's all on his brother ...hmph I need attention to" he said pouting and crossing his arms "tae's brother? .." I repeated "hyung I'll see you later" I said standing up and blowing a kiss " stay cute while I'm gone" I said leavening and hearing him mumble some words which made me chuckle.

I saw that vampire leave yoongi.. " it seems my plan of burning him didn't work.." I sighed in frustration "freaking blood suckers they don't know what territory means and that certain vampire wanted to steal yoongi for himself but yoongi was mine and if I couldn't have him no one would.

So now you know how yoongi lost his legs and who burnt down his house his ex lover 😆sorry yoonseok shippers. Keep reading!

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