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7 year old yoongi:
"Hey kid you want some food?" The one eyed teenager asked me, I shook my head and looked down at my feet waiting to be called to get my shot. I wanted to get it over with and I eyed the grey rusted door at the other side of the room "does he touch you.." the teen asked me with a sad look on his face making me stop and look at him "d-doesn't he touch everyone in here?" I stutter out "..no only you" he answered getting back in his bed as the guards passed by. "Kid you have to escape from here or your going to turn out like those adult experiments" he said getting out his bed and sitting on mine "adult experiments?" I asked tilting my head "yeah their in the other building I once saw them..they eat each other alive and they are animals they feel nothing and have no emotions I don't want to end up like that" he said hugging a pillow "what's your name" asked the brown haired teen "yoongi..min yoongi" I answered slightly smiling "I'm Leo" he said with a big smile and shook my hand. "Min yoongi to the doctor" said a guard next to the door, "good luck kid" Leo said ruffling my hair as I got up to walk to the monster behind the rusted door. I walked in and sat on the dirty patient bed "how are you today my little puppy" asked the monster. I didn't answer and looked at the bloody wall as he stuck the shot in my arm "your really special my pet..usually other kids die when I give them such a strong shot" he looked at me and suddenly I felt my eyes change color to a bright glowing red "special indeed" he said with a smirk.

Year later )

8 year old yoongi:
I watched as he touched me..there was no point in stopping him I gave up a long time ago. I walked out the room once he was done with whatever he was doing to me and I sat with Leo and he gave me a tight hug. "Thanks Leo" I said smiling "your like a brother to me yoongs your welcome" he said ruffling my hair. I really liked Leo he was like family to me but when the doctor gives him his shot he comes back unconscious I don't want Leo to die he's the only one I have in this horrible place. "Time to eat pigs" one of the guards said throwing pieces of bread on the floor. I looked at Leo who was grabbing a piece and suddenly he bumped into a guard "get off me You worthless crap!!!" He said kicking Leo "Leo!!" I yelled running to him, the guard was kicking Leo and I got really mad "I said leave him the fuck alone!!" I said yelling At the guard who caught my eyes glowing a bright red "aww you think by cursing at me your friend will live" he said laughing and was about to kick Leo again but I jumped on him and bit his neck "ahhhhghhh!!! Get him off!!!" He Yelled and I ripped some of his flesh off. He managed to get me off and he grabbed his now bloody neck and was trying to stop the blood "fuck!!!" He yelled taking his gun out and was about to shoot me "you little bitch!!" He Yelled shooting my leg "ahh!" I yelled in pain "what the fuck are you doing that's the doctors special patient!!" Yelled another guard dragging him out. "Yoongi!! Are you ok?!" Yelled Leo hugging me "I'm ok it doesn't hurt anymore" I said looking at my now healing leg "don't do that again yoongi promise me.." he said a sad voice "I promise.." I said hugging him tightly.

Year later)

9 year old yoongi:
I was alone ..Leo never came back after he got the shot. A tear rolled  down my dirty cheek and I quickly wiped it. Everyone always promises to not leave me but they always break that promise I'm always alone. I sit on my bed and ball myself up I glanced at a broken mirror beside my bed and I noticed something different about my hair one part of it was grey.. "min yoongi!!" A guard called. I walked up to the gray door and opened it seeing the ugly man, I sat on the patient bed and waited "I don't know what's happening to your beautiful black hair that I always loved" said the doctor poking the needle in my thigh on purpose. "Don't you just love pain?" He said smiling pushing the needle in more making me wince. "I haven't heard your voice in 4 years since that time you tried to run away" he said laughing "why don't you say something" he asked stroking my hair. He wanted me to say something so I decided to say something "I'm going to kill you with my own hands one day" I said while my eyes flashed red "oh is that so" he said grinning. "I'll look forward to that day then my little monster" he said letting me leave, I sat on my bed and frowned. Innocent yoongi is gone...I will kill that monster even if it means I have to kill everyone here I'll do it,I said thinking to myself and looking at all the experiments.

Year later)

10 year old yoongi:
I was watching the experiments mostly a girl who had lost both eyes and only had one arm and one foot. I glanced at another a boy who had horns coming from his head and he cried blood. I was starting to get goosebumps looking at the twins who had rotting skin and.. I can't even describe the rest I felt like throwing up. Today was the day I was going to escape and I had a good plan first when I get called I will enter the room and then I will act cute to the doctor making him want to touch me I will then take that chance and rip his fucking ugly as head off and when I'm done with him I'll kill everyone else. I smirked when I heard my name called I entered the room and looked at the doctor with a smile on my face "g'morning" I said as my smile got wider showing him my gummy smile. "Aiigoo~ why is my puppy so happy today" the doctor chanted making me want to gag, he lifted me up and sat me on his lap. "This is going to be fun" I said with eyes changing to its bright red color.

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