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( past time)
7 year old jimin:
"Jimin honey you know your special right" my mom said brushing my hair threw her fingers "special..why?" I ask curiously makeing her smile "you will find that out later in your life when you find your mate" she said ruffling my hair "mate?"I asked. "Your to young to understand but one day you will understand the meaning of having a mate" she said laughing and poking my nose.

Everyone please remember what I wrote above it will be important😆👌

( present time)

I was found out..namjoon knew that I killed Leo "how could you kill a wolf?!" He yelled "he wasn't a wolf you idiot!!" I yelled back makeing him step back "don't get in my problems just because your the leader!!" I yelled once more " that's just it I'm the leader and I can get in anyone's business..look I don't want to have to ban you from our pack so please...don't do anything stupid and also your punishment is 1 day away from the pack so get your things you need and go in the forests ..now!" He Yelled makeing me pissed. I started thinking "can I take someone? For company" I asked nicely trying not to look mad. "Depends on who it is it can't be jungkook" he said crossing his arms "I'm taking jimin" I said rolling my eyes, jimin punched my shoulder looking mad and namjoon glanced at jimin "why do you want to take h-" jimin stopped him "I hid the body" he said rubbing the back of his neck. "Ahh I see ..ok go" and with that he left.

It's so hard being a leader sometimes I thought to myself as I headed toward the arena to see a fight "hey namjoon" jin said smiling "hey" I answered without looking at him. "Who's fighting who" I asked curiously "um some xuimin guy and chanyeol" he answered leaning on me "so when are you going to tell them" he asked smirking "jin shut up.." I whispered "we have to tell everyone we are mates" he whispered in my ear. I sighed "can I eat you?" He said biting my shoulder "not here.." I answered "I mean..no! You can't eat me" i said punching his arm making him laugh.

I was packing things needed for tonight when suddenly I grinned thinking about something "jimin take that wheel chair" I said pointing to it "why?" He asked grabbing it "you'll see why later"I said making him confused. We passed by Jungkook who blew a kiss to taehyung and smiled his bunny smile, I found it cute they seem like a good couple. Once we made our way into the woods I chose a stop that looked nice and layed down.

No ones point of view)

Jimin sat beside yoongi and he could smell the aroma of yoongis blood and licked his dry lips "hyung" he said eyeing his neck. Yoongi hummed in return, jimin pinned him down " were alone.." jimin said smirking with his eyes glowing a light hazel suddenly. Yoongi nodded in agreement and jimin lowered his head  to the crook of his yoongis neck and he flinched "cutie.." he said chuckling softly. "Jimin I told you not to call me that pabo" Yoongi said frowning "but we are alone hyung~" he whined showing off a pout. "I don't like being called cut-" jimin cut him off with a bite to his neck. Yoongi groaned hating and loving the pain all at once and when jimin was done Yoongi Flipped jimin over pinning him and smirking looking dangerously hungry looking at his beautiful mates lips "I'm top sweetie" yoongi cooed smirking "ah..so that's why you told me to bring the wheel chair..ha..ha.." jimin said nervously "I'm not really a gentle person hope you understand jiminie" he said flashing a grin and his eyes giving a red glow.

(Sponge bob voice thingy😂 : meanwhile)

Jungkook was visting hoseok to see how he was doing..but regretted doing so because yeri kept yapping about how he needed rest and not to bother him. Jungkook sighed and walked out hoseoks small house only to bump into none other than dr.jiro "ah excuse me my bad.." he said politely "no prob" Jungkook said walking away nervously . Dr.jiro suddenly grabbed Jungkook "do you know where yoongi is?" He said smiling happily which was weird "n-not really" Jungkook said smacking the doctors hand away and quickly walking away.

"Taeeeeehyuungieee~" Baekhyun whined laying on his brothers lap "what do you want?" Tae said sighing "I'm booored~" he whines again making taehyung push him off his lap "Im bored to jimin left with yoongi because of the..you know" taehyung said whispered looking around "Leo?" Baekhyun said out loud causing tae to shush him "I never liked that guy anyway I don't see what's the big deal" baekhyun said shrugging "I know I didn't either b-" jungkook interrupted taehyung and layed on his lap "I'm boreeeeed hyung~" he whined like Baekhyun "yah?! I can't lay on your lap but he can?!" Baekhyun yelled pouting. Jungkook stuck his tongue out and laughed, taehyung sighed "now I'm stuck with these two" he mumbled.

(Le time skip)

"Hyung...hyung...hyung..HYUNG!!!" Jimin Yelled in pain "what?!" Yoongi Yelled back "I CANT STAND!!" Jimin yelled angrily "well it's your fault for being you!" Yoongi Yelled back "what do you mean?! You could of went more gentle!!" Jimin said flinching in pain "that's not what you said when I started.." yoongi said smirking makeing jimin sigh "come over here and help me pabo" he said with tears about to come out from the pain. Yoongi walked toward jimin and lifted him up in his arms "better?" He asked kissing his cheek "a little" jimin said hugging yoongi. "You want to do it again?" Yoongi asked innocently "ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME PARALYZED?!" Jimin said smacking him "ouch I was joking" he said laughing.

"Snap!" A branch snapped and yoongi immediately turned around with jimin still in his arms. Jimin and yoongi both looked around and a person stepped out the bushes "xuimin?!" Yoongi and jimin Yelled in unison. Xuimin was bleeding from his neck and stomach and he fell. Yoongi quickly put down jimin on the wheel chair and went to the wounded wolf "what happened who did this?!" Yoongi Yelled panicking "dr...iro ..carniv-...attac-...tell....leaders.." xuimin choked out coughing blood and with that his eyes turned white and his movement stoped "shit!" Yoongi Yelled covering xuimins eyes "jimin we have to go tell-" something was shot at yoongi and he whimpered in pain. He pulled it out and it was one of dr.jiros shots. Then another was shot hitting his arm yoongi quickly grabbed jimin and started running "jiminie once we get there you have to run like your life depends on it warn jin and namjoon and tell them about dr.jiro.." yoongi said looking serious with his eyes glowing red. "And you where are you going?!" Jimin said panicking "I'm going to kill that son of a b-" another shot was shot (🤣 sorry if it's confusing) at yoongi causing him to grunt. "Just do what I say jimin and don't look back!" Yoongi Yelled still running in toward there little houses.

Yoongi pushes jimin away once they reached their destination "jimin.." yoongi said hugging him suddenly "say that thing you always say about me" he said lovingly with a smile "your rude.." jimin said hugging yoongi back tightly "your damn right I am" yoongi said kissing jimins head "now go!"

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