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I was so shocked At what namjoon told us in the morning. Vampires are coming and there are staying for a while till they found land. I hated the idea of seeing them near us. I transformed and ran to the top of my hill only to see a big group of blood suckers comeing. " hai cutie"I heard jimin say close to my ear I only growled and walked away. He started following , I stoped at my wheel chair and transformed back falling into the chair lazily " don't talk to me touch me or even try to interact with me I said glareing. He just smiled and nodded still following me

I ran to my house to hide" don't find me don't find me don't fi-" . " found you" I heard taehyung say " go away!" I yelled pushing him out he grabbed my hand and looked at me " stop looking at me with those freaking attractive eyes " I yelled blushing " you think I'm attractive" he said chuckling and letting go of my hand. I covered my mouth and turned to my wolf form then ran away.

" yooonggii~ how old are you" I said bothering the older man " if I answer your question will you leave me alone" he said sighing " hmm.. ok" I said obviously lying " 22 " . "I'm 20 ...why can't you walk" I asked slowly. He turned towards me and looked " I was born like this it's something I can't fix ... are you done asking questions" he said looking away " yea I'm done"

I turned back into my regular form and fell on the ground from running. Suddenly I felt some cold hands lift me up " u ok kookie" I heard his husky voice say . This man is driving me crazy I thought to myself " you liked the bite yesterday ? How come" tae questioned me eyeing my neck " I don't know and I didn't like it" I said crossing my arms. Suddenly I was being pulled into the woods and taehyung wouldn't let go. " let's try it again then" he said before I could say anything , he then tilted my neck holding my head then bit down into my skin. I bit my lip hard I didn't want him to hear it..the sound that would come out my mouth if I stoped biting my lip. I was biting my lip to hard causing it to bleed ,taehyung looked at my lips and smirked he licked my bottom lip that was bleeding he then started kissing me and I hadn't noticed that my ears had came out along with my tail. I didn't kiss taehyung back wich irritated him makeing him pull my tail causing me to gasp giving him entrance to my mouth he explored every spot. He then stoped and I caught my breathe " taehyung st-" before I could finish he bit the other side of my neck "ahhh~" I moaned in pleasure. " hmm I thought you didn't like it he said chuckling and walking away. " what just happened!!" I yelled blushing.

"Jimin you can stop following me now" I said irritatedly " but I want to stay with you ... hyung" he said smirking devilishly " you don't have to call me hyung" I snapped at him " Would u rather me call you cutie" he said grinning " ugh never mind" I said rolling my self to my house. I looked behind me and jimin wasn't there "finally" I said as I entered my house. I was about to get off the wheel chair when suddenly I felt I gust of wind and jimin sitting on my lap faceing me "hyung~" he cooed " get off" I said glareing " you really want me to get off?" He said jumping a little in my lap and pouting causing me to feel weird " y-yah ! Just get off" I said blushing. He got close to my ear " I don't want to" he whispered into my ear making me flinch " you know I'm feeling really thirsty right now" he said looking at me. I didn't know what to do so I just didn't move the more I moved the more our body's touched. Jimin pulled down my shirt looking at my collar bone " were should I bite you ..hmm" he said scanning my neck " ah let me prep you first duh I almost forgot" he leaned in closer then he aready was and started licking my neck. I didn't want him to stop for some reason " you don't mind if I bite you here right hyung~ " he said pointing to a spot on my neck that was sensitive. I gave him a hateful look and he didn't look affected " here I go" he said as he bit down into my skin. I didn't mean to let anything out but it came out on its own "mm" I groaned likening the feeling and accidentally grabbing his butt to pull him more to my neck Jimin looked at me after I grabbed him and letting out that sound,he seemed amused " your very naughty hyung" he said licking his lips that had my blood " have a goodnight" he said smiling and then disappeared. " what's going on with me" I told my self as I put myself into my bed.

I finally was in my bed lying down and eating some meat " taehyung is so hot" I said as I remembered what happened " tch go to sleep jungkook"

I was looking for tae when suddenly he decided to pop out from behind me. "Hyyuungg!! I heard him yell and then hug me " I kissed kookie today" I smiled knowing my story would be better " yoongi grabbed my butt" I said smirking causing tae to be shocked " what!! I thought he didn't like you !" Tae yelled "I think he likes me a little" I said chuckling " I think kookie likes me a lot !" Tae yelled smiling I laughed at tae " I do to" I told him swinging down the branch like a bat . " I'm going to do something interesting tomorrow how about you" I asked tae " yup" he said grinning.

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