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I woke up and scratched my head while rubbing my eyes "jimin can you pass me my wheel chair" I said in a deep voice since I just woke up. " ah hyung your awake" jimin said grabbing the wheel chair and passing it to me. "Yah jimin I'm going to see what taes doing see ya later" I heard baekhyun say and then he left. I reached out for my wheel chair but missed where it was and jimin caught me "need help" jimin said grabbing me before I fell "no" I said getting on the wheel chair.  Suddenly Jungkook ran in "meeting now come one everyone is going!!!" He yelled pulling taehyung along who was pulling his brother along who was pulling jimin who was grabbing my wheel chair makeing me almost fucking fall.

" everyone we have found new land to move to it is much bigger and healthier than this land we will leave tonight so gather your materials" I said to the werewolves on one side

"Yah!! Everyone be quiet!! We found land and we are leaving tonight!" I said hearing my group cheer while the werewolves were just looking at us like we were being to loud " finally we can leave these mutts" one of my men said. " shut up blood sucker we only let you stay so you wouldn't die like the piece of sh-"
"If you continue with your words you will not speak another" namjoon warned " now go and get ready!" He Yelled. I shooed my group and joined namjoon.

I was about to leave when suddenly heosok grabbed my wheel chair and started pushing it " Yah where are you taking me!!!" I yelled elbowing him. He took me deep into the woods and then stoped and came infront of me and slapped me " listen to me because I'm going to say it once yoongi. You are still mine I don't care if that vampire wants you I'll kill him if he tries to take you away Im the one who burnt your house down because I didn't want to see you anymore!! You hurt me so much min yoongi!! This is why I hate you, I hate you because I love you! So just forgive me already! You pabo!! When we move to the new land I hope you think about what I said today.." he said finishing and turning to his wolf form. He looked at me and then ran away " this is just great he left me in the middle of the fucking woods" I said sarcastically and sighed I started rolling myself hearing all the sounds and thinking..maybe he was right maybe he didn't mean to leave me but that didn't mean I loved him ..I lost my love for him a long time ago. As I was lost in thought I didn't notice that there was something following me. I heard a snap and then birds flew away making the scene kind of scary. I looked away for one second and then I heard another snap but closer. At this point I didn't care who the  fuck or what the fuck it was, I turned to my wolf form and ran the hell out with my wheel chair in my mouth. It was now running and following me I ran out of the forest it was a group of them i made the mistake of turning around I saw other wolves the carnivore wolves was what they were called.

"Tae look yoongi is runn-HOLY SHIT!! RUN!!!" I grabbed tae and turned to my wolf form and ran everyone followed even the vampires even tho they didn't know what they were running from.

"Why is everybody running?!" I yelled " I don't know but everyone else is doing it and they seem scared so I'm running to!!" Yelled a man who passed by me. Then I saw namjoon and jin also run .. some leaders they were. I saw yoongi running and a whole pack behind him that were grabbing people and killing them like nothing. Anyone would run from that I waited for yoongi to come by me and I got on him "Keep running!!" I yelled " and let go of the wheel chair!!" I said pushing it out his mouth making him drop it. I knew he was getting tired of running I could tell. I saw Jungkook and tae surrounded and baekhyun was on top of jungkook with tae. Yoongi ran to Jungkook and he was telling Jungkook something while running toward him I couldn't understand since he was just howling and whining. Jungkook jumped and grabbed me leaving Yoongi behind to fight off the carnivorous wolves " yah!!! We can't leave yoongi!!" I yelled but he kept running.

I told Jungkook to follow everyone else I knew they were headed to the new land. Heosok was running and saw me fighting them off he stoped and I growled telling him to leave he didn't listen and helped me. I saw one try to grab heosok so I blocked him and it hit me hard with it's teeth. We managed to escape and I ran faster then heosok and he wasn't even injured. We lost the wolves and went with everyone else. I saw jimin running towards me and I turned back into my regular form falling on him, heosok also turned back and he grabbed my wrist pulling me up in a sitting position I couldn't even speak I was just panting "Yah! Let him go" jimin said irritatedly "who are you to tell me what to do?!" Heosok said ready to punch him but before he did anything I punched him and we got into a fight rolling on the ground "you fucking left me in the middle of the forest!!!" I yelled placing his wrists above his head. " this is the third time I almost die because of you!!" I said angrily letting my wolf fangs pop out. I stoped because everyone was staring " I've thought about what you said heosok and no I won't get back with you but....i forgive you" I said letting go of him and getting off I motioned jimin to come help me onto the wheel chair that Jungkook surprisingly had in his mouth. I got onto the wheel chair and stared at heosok " but you won't be mine?" He asked " nope" I answered plainly " can we be f-friends then" he said with a voice crack and tears coming out his eyes " I'm sorry for trying to kill you yoongi and for leaving you" he choked out crying on the ground and wiping his tears. " I know...I know and I'm sorry to and we can be friends hobi" I said smiling " come on get up we are going to be in the new land soon" I said while getting pushed by jimin. I saw people injured and crying for losing there families to the carnivores. We were all equal in pain werewolves lost families to and for a moment there I saw hope that we wouldn't have a war.

They will be back...is what I was thinking I New namjoon was thinking the same thing. " we have to team up". Namjoon spoke up finally "WHAT?!" I yelled about to smack him " look they want to kill us for some reason and they won't stop you know this...by teaming up we will have a better chance they are bigger, stronger, and faster then us regular werewolves so if we team up we won't die..at least not some of us" he said looking down " do we have a deal" he said putting his hand out. I knew he was right and I had no choice I wasn't planing on dieing anytime soon. I shook his hand. " everyone!! We are going to team up with the wolves if you want to die then go kill your self if you want to live then stay with us!!" I announced to the vampires and namjoon announced to the wolves the same thing except the kill yourself part.

No point of view:
So now they started moving and heading  down to there new land as the sun set. It was quiet nobody made a noise or complained they were mourning for the ones who died in the home that they left behind.

I looked up to jimin and noticed he looked ...gorgeous how could I have not noticed how he looked. He looked down at me and smiled a little " like what you see" he said smirking now. I rolled my eyes and stopped looking at him " jungkook ah!" I yelled "yeah?!" He said turning around while walking " never mind I'm glad your ok" I said smiling And he smiled back and turned around hugging taehyung not caring who saw. " I'm glad your ok to jimin" I rwhispered " hyung you actually care~" jimin said happily " shut up" I said lightly blushing falling into a trap ..a trap that I would love

Well Now they are headed to new land but now as a whole group they will fight together to protect each other because the carnivores won't stop until they are all dead 💀😆😆keeeep readin people's

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