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1 month later

It was a normal morning I woke up with jimin suddenly waking Me up, we went to talk to the others and we were getting to be good friends by now we played around together and we ate together i liked being with all of them jimin, taehyung, jungkook,heosok, baekhyun,And now even we got to know the bosses better namjoon and jin they would come and talk to us and when they left me and the guys joked around saying they were dating but I mean who knows they might end up dating each-other.

"Yah guys there's a guy running over here he's a wolf and he's ingured namjoon is helping him come on!!"
I told the guys who were sitting and talking. I was looking at the woods when I saw the wolf come out.

I followed everyone else and saw the stranger on the ground panting "I'm a doctor..." was all that came out his mouth before he fainted. Namjoon carried him to his house that was bigger than everyone else's and jin followed like always. I feel like they would be a good couple since they already act like it, I wondered who that man was he said he was a doctor maybe he could help me.

I saw yoongi starring at namjoon and jin and I interrupted by kissing his cheek "hyung" I said. He looked at me and wiped his cheek " don't do that" he said in a irritated voice " you know you liked it hyung" I said chuckling and pushing him toward our friends. "Jimin we saw what you did there" heosok said crossing his arms he walked toward me and whispered " it only works if your alone with him and then you strike" he said smirking " I heard that" yoongi said rolling his eyes. I feel like I'll never get anywhere with yoongi..does he even like me. I thought to myself looking at him, why is he so stubborn it's annoying I should just stop and make him do something. Actually that was a great idea I would let him make a move on me.

I wanted to be alone with taehyung but I didn't want to seem clingy so I laid on his lap and that's when he asked me " do you want to go somewhere alone kookie" after that question I smiled and he knew it meant yes "see you guys later!"I yelled grabbing taehyungs hand and leaving. " yah wai-" I interrupted him with a warm kiss on his lips " your really....inpatient.." he said in between kissing. I stoped " well I really love you" I said smiling my bunny smile "last time you you said that I was hurting for more then a week" he said crossing his arms "it's not my fault I have this much strength" I said showing my muscles. "Pabo I'm supposed to be top" he said playfully pushing me "well let's see you be top then" I said crossing my arms.

Were did those to go? "Yoongi have you seen tae" I asked "they went to talk or something they said they were going somewhere alone" he said rolling away from me. " where are you going!" I yelled "somewhere your not!" He yelled back. I ran toward him "your rude hyung" I said grabbing his wheel chair.

I went to go see what my brother was doing but I soon regretted it once I saw what he was doing. I walked away as fast as I could I think jungkook noticed me...that bastard. I bumped into heosok while thinking about how to kill Jungkook one day "ah baekhyun just the guy I needed come on I need help building an arena for the wolves" he said patting my back "and they need an arena why?" I said crossing my arms "for fights!!" He suddenly said in an excited tone and started dancing out of no where "ok ok 1rst of all stop dancing its embarrassing me and 2nd of all ok I'll help on one condition" I said smirking "ok fine" he said stoping his movements "you have to help me build my own house...I don't want to live with those two anymore they do things in that house that I don't want to see" I said sighing "sure" he said smiling "let's getttt started!!!" He said grabbing my hand.

Later that day

Jimin was acting weird usually he would be clinging on me..not that I care if he doesn't touch me it's just weird "Yah jimin" i said poking his soft cheek " yes?" He said looking at me quickly "...nev-" I was interrupted by him mumbling something then kissing me

Yoongi called me and we just looked at each other for some seconds "fuck it" I mumbled then kissed him.

For I moment I didn't kiss back but then I did and after we were done he was smiling like an idiot "can I do it aga-" I interrupted "you do it again and you won't see tomorrow.." I said glareing "hyung why are you so mean" he said grabbing my cheeks "I just am" I said smiling my gummy smile.

"Ahhhhugggh!!" I groaned picking up a tree "put some muscle into it!!!!" Yelled heosok picking up 3 trees " easy for you to say your a werewolf!" I said throwing it on the ground "here's the fun part!" He said throwing the trees Down then jumping on one makeing it split in half. One piece of the wood flew off almost killing me "Yah! Your going to kill me by doing that!" I yelled hiding "oh sorry haha! Help me cut it up we need to make a fence like thingy" he said excitedly "your a ball of sunshine aren't you" I said laughing "I can't help it" he said laughing with me.

"How are you feeling sir" I asked the doctor "I'm quiet well thanks to you and surprisingly this vampire..." he said looking at jin "your welcome" jin said smiling "I..was running away from the carnivores with my pack but..I'm the only one who managed to escape is it ok if I join yours?"the doctor asked "sure if your ok with vampires in it to" I said looking at him with a serious expression "yes I'm fine with that..I'm a doctor I don't care for stuff like this I can help if someone's injured badly" he said making me curious "could you help a werewolf that can't walk?" I asked curiously "a werewolf that can't walk....well I could try but it will be kind of painful for the patient"he said lifting his head up. Jin looked at me in a confused way and I smiled "you will meet the patient tomorrow then" I said and the doctor nodded.

"Hyung you bit me to much" I whined rubbing my neck "well I bit you in parts no one would see so win win" he said grinning. We passed yoongis house and suddenly heard something "ahh!!! Jimin it hurts!"I heard yoongi yell "I'm taking it out hold on hyung" jimin said. Me and taehyung looked at each other and tae gave me that look that he does 😏. "Mm!" I heard yoongi yell, I made a mistake on stepping on a branch and jimin opened the door making tae fall. "What are you two doing?" He said crossing his arms
"We thought you two were ...never mind" I said "yoongi fell off his wheel chair earlier and a piece of medal went in his arm.." he said showing me the medal covered in blood. "It's all this idiots fault!" Yoongi yelled from behind "it was not!! Your the one who decided to roll down a fucking death hill!" Jimin Yelled "yeah and you didn't fucking stop me!!" Yoongi Yelled. I grabbed taes Hand "yea ok we will just leave you to...to fix this problem" I then ran away with tae.

The cut was already healing but it still hurt ..ALOT..
"That was dumb of you hyung" jimin said sitting on his bed "I know! I thought it would be fun" I said getting on my bed. "Well thanks for helping to pull it out" I said faceing away from him "yup" he said chuckling a little. "Tomorrow I'll definitely get another kiss hyung" he said making me blush a little "in your dreams" I said falling asleep

Arthur here!! Next chapter will include the doctor helping yoongi with his spine 😆 will yoongi ever walk? Idk keep reading 😆 will the carnivores attack again?! Idk keep reading 😆😆

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