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"Jimin! Why did you do that!" I asked in an angry voice. " because I felt like it!! Nobody's going to call yoongi a mutt!" He answered angrily. I sighed " Tae!" I heard jungkook call "kookie!!" I ran leaving jimin behind.

"Come with me" I said grabbing his hand " we're are we going?" He asked. I was smirking and just led him " you'll see" i said. We reached jimins house that I was going to borrow since mine was far. " why are we at jimi-" he was cut of by me pushing him on a bed " your not the only one who can be dominant" I said grinning causing him to blush.

A couple of  hours later

"Yoongi hyung!!" I called finally catching up to him. He on his hill looking at the sunset. " what do .....you want" he said in between a yawn " your tired" I asked sitting in the grass " yeah it's been a long day" he answered me looking at the grass " you want to sleep" I said standing up " yup let's ..go"  he said  yawning again. I stood up and grabbed his wheel chair and started heading toward my place when suddenly yoongi told me to stop. " you don't wanna go in there" he said warning me " what do you mean" I said opening my door " it's jus- KIM TAEHYUNG WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?!" I yelled looking away from the two guys. I heard yoongi try to hide his laugh " I told you" yoongi said shrugging. " get dressed and get out!!!" I told taehyung " you what's your name again?.. jungkook?! Next time you want to do something with my friend here do it in your own damn house GOT IT!!" The young boy quickly nodded and grabbed taehyungs hand then they ran away laughing " tch" I said glareing at them.

I started laughing as I ran without my shoes and holding kookies hand. " we were caught" I said laughing holding my stomach makeing kookie laugh to. We finally stoped laughing " yah I'm going to stay with you at your place" I said hoping on his back. "yea sure" he answers lifting me up more on his back.

I watched jimin tidy up his room and I noticed that the room was bigger than mine which was burned down. There was one bed to the left and one to the right " you can go ahead and sleep" he said while makeing his bed. I got into the bed and looked at the dirt wall "yoongi hyung.." I heard jimin say interrupting my stareing. I looked toward him and he was right in front of me bending down dangerously close. " what?!" I said unpatiently "if there were a war to start between vampires and werewolves would you protect me.." he said with a straight face. "No.. now let me sleep" I rolled back to the wall "your rude.." he said laying down. " and?" I replied earning a chuckle from him " I like it". I smiled at his response and closed my eyes, jimin was a vampire but for some reason I didn't hate him. I fell asleep and slept unusually peaceful.

I watched him as he fell asleep I really had nothing else to do vampires don't need to sleep. I wondered what taehyung was doing right now,he was probably makeing out with his kookie. I cringed thinking about what I saw earlier "it's going to take a lot to get that picture out my head" I said sighing.

"Kookie..kookie...kookie...kookie" I kept repeating  In till he would listen to me. I was getting a little pissed off, he was ignoring me and I didn't like it " Jungkook" I said, after I said his name he looked at me smiling. How could I stay mad at him if he looked so cute. " yes taehyung" he finally answered
" so are we a thing now?" I asked "your asking me that after we bonded" he answered making me laugh " bonding? Kookie your so innocent" I said laughing again at his cuteness " well anyway we are !! That was my way of showing that I really like you dummy" he said flicking my head " ouch" I smiled my box smile and rubbed my head.

Namjoon was sitting down falling asleep and I could see his neck showing nicely. I could smell the aroma of his sweet blood flowing threw his veins I wish I could just take a bit- " stop thinking about my blood and eat your blood pellet" namjoon said surprising me. " yah I didn't know you could mind read" I said glareing at him and crossing my arms " I can't, I just could sense you looking at my neck" he said makeing me feel dumb. "Tch werewolves" I said sighing and walking away from the mutt ..wait till there is a war and you screw up namjoon I'm going to taste that sweet blood.

This chapter was short sorry I'm going to make the next one more longer 😊 please keep reading

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