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I saw taehyung talking to his brother and decided to interrupt " baekhyun!!" I yelled punching his arm " jimin!!" He said punching me back "jimin I'm going to see..something I left at your place" tae said running toward my house but I knew he was just going to be all over his boyfriend he knows he needs to hide that they are together if jin found out he would be dead. " so baekhyun you came to visit tae" I asked sitting on a rock " yeah ...and also I heard y'all were with the werewolves" he said looking at the people going by " yeah it's cuz we need land.." I answered looking up at him " so you have to actually interact with them" he asked rubbing the back of his neck " yea bu-" he cut me off "I feel bad for you having to live with mutts" he said looking disgusted. " I guess..."I said standing up and patting his back " nice seeing you again" he nodded and I started walking away.

I had left the house and went to wash up in the river I shook my gray fur that was wet. "You still hate me" I heard hoesok say as he was walking toward me. I sighed and continued my washing up. "I still regret that day" he said sitting down. I growled and turned back to my regular form falling in the water " you o-" I cut him off " I'm fine!!" I said angrily hitting the water. " I know your still angry at me and you think it's my fualt tha-" I interrupted again "it is your fualt!" I yelled " yoongi I know how you f-" I cut him off for the 3rd time " you dont!! Hoesok you don't know how it feels not being able to run or walk like other people you don't know how it feels when people ask you if your ok because I'm not ok I've never been ok I'm not like other people I can't do things other people can do don't say you understand because you don't !!! You don't know how I felt seeing you break your promise you don't know what if felt like seeing someone you loved run away without careing you don't kno-" my tears interrupted me "yoongi..." he said about to help me " leave!!!" I yelled makeing him flinch and walk away.

I passed hoesok glareing at him and I walked toward yoongi grabbing him and placing him on his wheel chair. I bent down seeing him wipe  his tears away I embraced him in a tight hug. For a second he hesitated then he hugged me back , we stayed like that for a little while and I took him home. "It'll feel good.." I said tempting him " no" he answered. "Please" I pleaded " no" he said glareing " hyunnnnnnnggg" I whined "no it's my blood" he answered makeing me annoyed I decided to take it any way so I stood up " hyung~" I said stepping forward as he rolled back " just a little bit....let me take some" I said moving even more forward making him back up hitting a wall. I leaned in and stroked his neck " you have nice skin hyun-" he interrupted me " get it over with" he said rolling his eyes " okie dokie"  I bit down slowly " jimin" he said " mm" I answered still on his neck " it hurts" he said glaring I bit harder knowing that he was lying. Yoongi bit his lip and I stoped " lier" I said smirking. He rolled his eyes and I chuckled.

I went to my brothers house at least I thought it was his house but before I could take another step I heard an unfamiliar voice "tae stop people are going to see" I heard someone say "I don't care" I heard my brother say "mm"I heard the unfamiliar person moan. I kicked down the door and saw my brother with another guy " TAE WHAT THE HELL.." I said as I saw the sight "oh man holy shit" the guy says hiding behind my brother " why are you with a mutt!!!" I yell makeing him flinch "I...we...him" was all that came out his mouth. Suddenly I saw the guy come out from behind tae and I blacked out.

"KOOKIE WHAT THE FUCK!!?!??" I ran over to my brother checking if he was alive from that punch "um it was the only thing I could think of" he answered. I calmed myself down "kookie go before he wakes up" I said grabbing my brother "ok but what will you tell him" he asked concerned "don't worry kook he will except it one way or another" I said sighing. An hour passed and baekhyun woke up " ahh my head what happened...ah!! You were with a mutt!!" He yelled and I covered his mouth "shhhh listen let me explain" I said trying to make him quiet.
I explained everything to him how I really liked kookie and for him not to tell anyone I got slapped and then punched in the stomach but it was worth it because he promised not to tell. " but I won't except the mu-" I interrupted " his name is jungkook and don't call him mutt" I said glareing "yeah anyway I won't except him I'm just doing this cuz your my little brother and your crazy and I love you" I smiled at what he said and nodded. I heard a knock at the door and I opened it " tae is it safe to come in" I nodded at kookie and he walked in " I'm sorry for punching you my names jungkook and I'm currently in love with your brother" he said as I smiled at how cute he was " whatever just don't hurt my brother or your dead" my brother said walking away , he suddenly turned around and kicked kookie " for punching me !" He said walking away " ouch!" Kookie said with a fall. " you ok kookie sorry about that" I said helping him up " it's fine" he said smiling.

" jin...WILL YOU STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE IM A SNACK!!" I yelled getting annoyed and shoving a blood pellet down his throat. " gosh your so rude!!" Jin said grabbing another pellet. "I can't help it your full of blood" I rolled my eyes at his comment "I found a new land but we have to do some things first before we move..first we gather everyone one and tell them tomorrow we will head out at night tomorrow so make sure you tell your group" I said sitting down. " well ..I'm glad you found land,to bad there wasn't a war before you found it" he said smirking. I glared at him, this guy wants to really drink my blood I thought to myself " yah what did the wolf say when a vampire stepped on his foot" I sighed " what" I answered not looking at him " aooooooooooowww" jin said laughing. I didn't know why he found it funny but his laugh was hilarious so I smiled.

I was falling asleep in my wheel chair when suddenly there was a knock at the door. Jimin opened the door and it was a guy with red hair and an eye patch "are you kidding me you to!??" The guy yelled at jimin " ...oh you found out about tae" jimin said stepping back to let him in. " yeah and it seems your with a mutt to" he said, I growled at him for calling me a mutt " don't call him mutt unless you want to be killed" jimin said chuckling "and we are not together someone burned his house down so I let him stay with me" he explained. The guy looked At me and took a step closer, have these vampires ever heard of the word space I thought to myself "are you friends with that so called jungkook" he questioned makeing me annoyed I nodded " baekhyun" jimin spoke up "it's getting late do you have anywhere to stay..." he questioned " no" he said sitting on my bed causing me to glare at him " stay here" jimin said patting his back. I was starting to get sleepy so I started to get into jimins bed since that so called baekhyun was in mine. " yah that's my bed" jimin said irritating me " I'm going to sleep leave me alone" I said covering myself.

" baekhyun your brother is crazy you know that right" I said chuckling. He nodded and laid on yoongis bed " he's stupid" he said sighing "well when we find land he's going to have to say goodbye to jungkook" I said looking at yoongi sleeping "the same with me and yoongi" I said sighing " you actually like this guy don't you" baekhyun said smirking "yeah and?!" I said punching him lightly "your as crazy as taehyung" he said laughing " shut up...if we find land I'm goin to feel alone again" I said sadly " I don't want to not see him again even tho we are supposed to hate werewolves I don't hate him you know,he's different" I said sitting in yoongis wheel chair " different how" baekhyun asked " he's rude" I answered "and?" Baekhyun said rolling his eyes I just smiled and looked at yoongi " I like it" I answered getting up and putting the blanket more on him " wow that's the reason you like him" baekhyun said laughing at me " you don't understand what I mean baekhyun you'll figure it out one day" I said teasing him. " tch your weird" he said irritatedly. I smiled and sat beside the sleeping beauty and closed my eyes and thought about not being a vampire...being normal, maybe I wouldn't be alone like I am now....

Dear readers i will try to update every day once I get a chance to so don't stop reading 😆

Dear readers i will try to update every day once I get a chance to so don't stop reading 😆

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