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"H-hyung I-" before I could finish he kissed me harshly pinning my hands above the tree. I didn't try to escape because he was a werewolf he was much stronger in strength and because I was excited he finally made a move on me. He was moving down to my neck and he suddenly bit me it didn't hurt it just surprised me. He let my arms go and I grabed his waist hugging it "jimin!" Taehyung Yelled interrupting us making yoongi stop "damnitt Taehyung it was getting good!!!" I yelled without thinking making Taehyung laugh. I looked at yoongi who had an annoyed face looking at taehyung "we will continue this later jimin and what you just heard forget it" he said walking off making me confused.

I walked off leaving a confused jimin, I don't want jimin to find out what I am because all I am is a monster I said thinking to myself looking at the tattoo on my wrist "I do want that jibooty tho" I said smirking "what's jibooty" a kid said looking up at me innocently "something you can't have.." I said ruffling the kids hair " is it something you eat?" He asked tilting his head "no" I said crossing my arms "is it candy"
"Is it a type of medicine?"
"Is it a person?"
"No..and yes"
"Is it a wolf?"
"Is i-"
"No!! It's an ass!! Ok it's an ass!!"
"What's an ass"
"Oh lord..."

I was now in my mates lap and I don't remember ever getting on it. I crossed my arms and looked up at chanyeol "we just met each other why am I on your lap" I asked glareing  "oh sorry" he said letting me get off. I watched as he ate his food which was deer meat , I helped my self to some blood pellets. I glanced at hoseok who was trying to ignore the girl beside him.

"Can I call you hobi?" Yeri asked me as I layed back on the soft grass "yeah" I said closing my eyes to rest from The fight I had with jungkook. I suddenly felt lips on my left cheek and I opened one eyes to see a blushing yeri "that's for saving me earlier and I'm sorry I covered your eyes ..I don't want to start off bad with my mate.." she said as she looked down "I'll forgive you if you kiss my other cheek" I said smiling and closing my eyes, she kissed my right cheek nervously and I smiled more "your forgiven" .

I was explaining what an ass was to the child and he looked at me weirdly
"You want a butt?"
"Your naaaasssty"
"Shut up!"
"You want a persons butt that's kind of weird"
"You will understand this more when you grow up ok"
".....you took my innocence away mister.."
and with that the kid walked away leaving me annoyed. I walked back to grab some food "change of plans we are going to continue tomorrow" I announced making everyone nod. I went home and laid down sighing and eating once, I finished eating and changed my cloths to more comfy ones i laid back down and and I closed my eyes falling asleep.
Suddenly I felt someone sit on me and I opened one eye to see jimin licking his lips and running his hand threw his hair. "Where were we at?" he said smirking.

"Taehyungiee" I whined laying on his lap "yes kookie" he said looking down at me with his pretty blue eyes "your really handsome you know that right" I said touching his face making him smiles that boxy smile. Why was he so adorable I thought to myself biting my lip "stop trying to turn me on kookie it's not going to work" he said crossing his arms "oh really.." I sat up and started tickling him "Yah!!" He shouted laughing. He suddenly flipped me over smirking "I'm top" he said in his deep voice.

Next day

Last night ended up with yoongi just falling back asleep he's very no fun. I glanced at a limping jungkook and a smiling taehyung I chuckled knowing that taehyung must have did something to jungkook to put him like that. "Jungkook ah did you have fun?" I asked "as a matter of fact I did you outta try it with yoongi hyung" he said smirking at me makeing me roll my eyes. I saw yoongi walk out with messy hair and scratching his neck with his eyes still closed. "Hyung we need to talk..abou-" he put his finger on my lips "shhh your to loud" he said walking off to the lake "your really starting to piss me off yoongi!!" I yelled throwing a rock at him which he Caught still walking away. I yelled in frustration makeing hoseok who was behind me laugh "someone's on his period" he said walking away "shut up horseok!!" I said walking in the opposite direction of him.

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