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I smelt fire and I saw jimin trying to get in how did this fire even start ....

Random person:
I saw it that vampire was in there with yoongi he's a betrayer he doesn't need to live. I thought to my self I smirked to the thought of just killing him "I guess he shall burn like one of them" I said grabbing a stick of fire and placing it inside his home. " burn" I said before I left toward the woods.

I couldn't get up it was like being in a coma I knew I smelt fire and I was getting hot. I then heard shouts from kookie he was out side my house but he couldn't come in because there were things blocking the door I knew because I heard.

"HYUNG!!!" I saw fire everywhere and I couldn't save yoongi hyung there's was only one way and I had no choice I transformed and ran as fast as I could down the hill trying to find taehyung or that short guy jimin. I found jimin talking to tae so I ran to them I couldn't talk in my wolf form so I started whining and stomping.

Yoongis friend came up to us and started stomping and whining so I grabbed tae and started following him I guess that's what he wanted. And once I saw the fire in yoongis house I ran faster then ever " taehyung!! Come I need you to try and make a hole in this house" I said yelling and jumping on top of the roof I saw tae break a hole in the roof which was perfect. I looked in the hole and yoongi was sleeping while the fire got closer " yoongi wake up!!" I yelled he opened his eyes and looked around there was really no way out " grab my hand!" I say extending my hand to grab his.

I reached out to jimins hand and he pulled me up causing us to fall off the roof and me landing on jimin. There was a huge wood that was flying towards jimin and me I knew that it would kill jimin if I didn't stop it so I transformed and let it hit me.
"Hyung!!" Jungkook yelled " are you-" he began " I growled and transformed back falling on jimin again hearing an "mph" . The wood had landed in my chest it hurt but not as much as my heart. I saw my home the only place that I loved. and my wheel chair inside was burning I sighed " somebody pull this freaking wood out" I said looking at everyone forgetting I was on jimin. I felt jimins cold hands on my neck then at my chest " ready?" He said I just rolled my eyes and nodded he pulled it out fast but it hurt so much it made my ears pop out and it started healing slowly.
I saw Jungkook comeing back with a wheel chair he had at his home. " hyung I made it for you it's out of wood" he said dropping it and turning back to normal. " thanks" I was going to lift myself but jimin grabbed me bridal style with made me angry and put me on the wheel chair.

I smelled the smoke from the house next to us it smelled sweet and poisonous. I looked at yoongi " you wanna stay with me I have a spare bed and tae is staying with jungkook. " no I-!" I stomped on his foot makeing him shut up , jungkook was about to say something but I glared at him and he backed up. "I'll think about it" yoongi said rolling away from me causing me to follow " I saved you!" I yelled " you owe me" I said stoping him " alright!" He yelled back.

I glanced over to jungkook who was trying to avoid taehyung " I hate vampires" I said muttering causing jimin to hit my head " ow!" I looked at him and growled he was just smiling like he always does.

"Yoongi! What happened here" I yelled makeing him jump. " um it was an accident" he said not looking at me " tch make sure it doesn't happen again" I said glareing mostly at the vampires. I felt someone cold come beside me.

I came up beside namjoon " namjoon I see you have met taehyung and jimin my trouble makers" I said smirking " yea yea come on we are still on a hunt" he said growling. I nodded and followed closely behind him " we don't want a war do we" I said softly and grinning looking at namjoons neck.

Later that day

Fighting another werewolf while others watch even the vampires came to watch. I got cut in the stomach but I could handle it , I looked at taehyung looking worried which made me grin and turn back to my regurlar form to fight off the other werewolf " what are you doing your going to die!!!" Yelled yoongi being held back by jimin. I looked at yoongi and smiled my bunny smile while my ears popped out. The other were wolf was confused but came running towards me. " your pretty fast!" I yelled at the dog. My shirt was completely tore and my pants had holes in it I sighed knowing I would have to buy new cloths. I grabbed the dog and flipped him over hitting his back against a rock. I heard him whine and then he pushed me with his back leg down pining me " alright that's enough" i whispered then grabbed the dogs neck he started coughing and then turned back to his regular form " uncle uncle!!" He yelled "pardon?" I said still holding his neck and lifting him in the air " ok .... you..win" he choked out.  I smiled and let him go.

" you make your werewolves fight" I said looking at namjoon who was sitting next to me " yea its for fun" he answered picking two other players " yoongi!! And heosok!" He yelled

"Shit..." I muttered " hyung~" jimin said clinging on me "beat him" he said seriously not even smiling. He looked kind of scary, I nodded and transformed. "Yoongi ah!!" I heard heosok yell "I'm going to beat you up alright!" he said chuckling and turning to his wolf form. He grabbed me into a wolf roll we were rolling back and forth in the dirt and when I rolled on top it gave me a chance to push him down with my paw. He bit my paw and he knew he was cheating we weren't supposed to bite just hit and scratch those were the rules I guess the leader didn't see. If that's the way he was going to play it then I would have some fun to. I watched his every move and mimicked them he then moved closer I just jumped back. I had my chance and I bit his tail, he growled loudly and I really just wanted to laugh. he then tripped on a rock I felt bad for him he needed to train more. I walked towards him and placed my paw on him makeing sure he didn't get up he then turned back. And so did I falling down on the ground " you ok" heosok asked. I started laughing for no reason I actually had fun everyone was surprised and were speechless.

That smile of his was beautiful it's the first time I see him laugh.

Random vampire:
" hey ...puppy why don't you fight me" I said causing everyone to stand back. The useless mutt picked him self off the ground and into his wheel chair. He then glared at me " I'm not fighting any vampire....today" he said rolling away. " tch ...stupid mutt you can't even walk" I looked at my leader who was grinning and the leader of the wolves did not look so happy about my little show. I suddenly felt a large punch to my face and I kick to my stomach "ahh!" I yelled out. I looked up to see who did it. " next time you want to start something..." he said bending down " start it with me". It was the one and only park jimin was he betraying us? . I then saw his tall friend pull him out the circle and disappeared.

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