Let Me Get To Know You

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Jay's POV

After Ben and Audrey left, it was just us VKs and two Auradon residents, "Hey guys, I'm Doug. Dopey's son, as in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, an...heigh ho." he stuttered as he saw Evie "I'm Evie, Evil Queen's daughter." she said as she got close to throw him off. 

"Hmm, okay, Doug, I know this is love at first sight for you and all, but I think they're gonna need to know their schedules and where they'll be sleeping." the other Auradon resident said, we never got her name, all we knew was that she was a princess, a beautiful one too. 

She had this rich chocolate skin with black curly hair and a pearly white smile

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She had this rich chocolate skin with black curly hair and a pearly white smile. "Yes, of course, your majesty." Doug said to her "You guys will have a number of classes, like science, math, and Remedial Goodness 101." Doug said with nervousness in his voice "Let me guess, new class." Mal stated. 

"It's nothing, just a precaution made by Fairy Godmother to make sure you're in the right state of mind to be students here at Auradon Prep." the princess said. "Come on, guys. Let's go find our rooms." Mal said "Well, actually..." The princess started "We're supposed to show you guys around so, girls, you can go with Doug and boys, you'll go with me." she said.

 "Shouldn't you go with the girls and I go with the guys?" Doug asked "Trust me Doug, I'm trying to help you out." the princess responded to him. "I think we're independent enough to find our rooms on our own." Mal said "I'm sure you are, but Ben asked us to show you around and here in Auradon, we follow orders." the princess said. 

"So, you two, have fun with Doug," she said to the girls "you two, let's go." She ended as she strutted off in front of Carlos and I. "I call dibs." Carlos whispered to me, I laughed "Please dude, she's way out of your league." I said as I began to follow the beautiful princess down the hall.

Tia's POV

I was showing the two villainous boys down the hallway, telling them the history of the residence hall and things like that. "So you're the daughter of Tiana and Naveen?" The tan boy asked me "Yeah, how did you know?" I asked him "I mean, judging by majority of the people here, you kind of... stand out from all the rest." he said. 

I knew what he meant, I wasn't the only black person in Auradon, but I was one of the very, very few. "Wait, didn't your parents get turned into frogs?" the white haired boy asked me "Carlos!" the tan boy said as he slapped his arm "Don't be rude to the princess!" he said. "It's fine, he's not wrong." I said to him.

 "Yes, my parents were frogs at one point, but with that experience, they fell in love and learned not to judge a book by it's cover, but by the story inside of it. That is a lesson they've been teaching me since I was a little girl and I live it everyday." I told them. The tan boy looked at me and smiled and I smiled back, he was actually really cute, I mean really cute. 

"So, your name is Carlos, right?" I asked the white haired boy "Yep." he answered "So, what's yours, charmer?" I asked the tan boy, who smirked at me "My name's Jay." he said to me as he looked into my eyes "Well, Jay, I'd really appreciate it if you gave me back my locket." I said as his smile dropped, knowing I caught him. 

"How'd you know I took it?" he asked me "I wear it all the time, I notice when it's missing." I told him "Now, give it back." I demanded. "Alright, princess, I'll put it back on for you." he said "No, that's okay, I'll manage." I said to him, but before I could take it, he had it back around my neck. As he latched it, I felt his fingers touch my skin, my breath hitched as they did. 

"You're warm." I said to him "Yeah? What, are villains supposed to be cold blooded or something?" he teased "Yeah, well I just thought..." I stuttered "What happened to not judging a book by it's cover?" he laughed. He was just so, so, I didn't know how to explain it, he just made me feel so... What am I thinking? I have a boyfriend, I can't associate myself with this villain. 

"So what's the story behind the necklace?" Carlos asked "You seemed pretty annoyed when Jay took it." he continued "It just has pictures of my grandparents in it. I never met them, so it keeps them close." I told him "I'm sorry I took it." Jay said to me "It's okay. You gave it back, right?" I said. I stopped as soon as I saw their dorm door "Why are we stopping?" Carlos asked "We're here." I said as I unlocked the door to their room, and let's just say, Carlos freaked out. 

He started running around the room, jumping on beds and everything. Jay, on the other hand, stayed outside with me "Thank you for showing us around." he said "It was no problem, just fulfilling my duty." I said.

 "Enjoy your new room." I said as began to walk off "Wait!" Jay yelled, I turned around quickly 'What's up?" I asked worried "I never got your name, unless you want me to keep calling you princess." He said, I smiled, how could he be evil? "My name's Tia." I told him "Tia. That's a beautiful name for an even more beautiful girl." he flirted. 

I began to blush as Carlos began pulling Jay to come into their new room. "Hey, listen, there's still parts of Auradon that I haven't seen yet, I was wondering if you'd be willing to give me an exclusive tour when you have the time." He said "Yeah, sure." I said "Cool." he said "Cool." I repeated. 

We stopped talking and started staring into each other's eyes, we were like that for a second until we were interrupted by my boyfriend. "Tia!" Chad yelled from down the hallway as Jay and I broke eye contact "How was practice?" I asked him "Good." he said as he began to pull me in for a sloppy kiss. 

It was horrible and I knew he just did it to make Jay jealous because he saw the little "moment" we had together, I tried to enjoy it, but it was no use. When he pulled away, I looked at Jay, who was looking at his feet "Jay, have a good rest of your day." I said "Come on, babe. Let's get going." Chad said before Jay could respond. 

He pulled me away and we were halfway down the hall when he said "You can't be friends with them." I rolled my eyes "Whatever." I ignored him, but then he grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me back "I'm serious, Tia. He's a bad guy, you're a princess. You don't fraternize with the lower class." he said as he let go of my arm and walked off. 

He didn't even know them and he was already saying they were terrible people over one encounter. I literally hate being his girlfriend sometimes, well, most of the time. He was so arrogant, judgemental, and narcissistic. He always thinks he's right and he never lets me speak my mind or say what I feel, but it doesn't matter what I say, he never listens to me anyway. 

I know what you're thinking, if you hate your relationship so much, why don't you break up with him? I wish I could, but we are stuck together for life. You see, when Auradon was created, the four kings and queens were destined to keep the royal bloodlines together, so when we were young, our parents practically engaged us to one another, me with Chad and Ben with Audrey.

Ben was the only person who understood what I was going through because he was going through it too. I swear, Chad and Audrey should be engaged because they are truly meant for each other. 

I thought about what Chad said about befriending the new kids, he didn't even know them and he was already making assumptions. My parents taught me to never do that, so I'm going to give those villain kids a chance, especially Jay, I don't know what it is, but there's something about him that I just can't resist.

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