First Day of School

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Jay's POV

Due to the alarm going off, we weren't able to get the wand which meant that we had to go to school, unfortunately. We had a school on the Isle, Dragon Hall, but it didn't really have the same courses as Auradon Prep does. We had classes like Enrichment, which teaches you how to be a better thief, I aced that class, of course. 

Here in Auradon, we have Basic Chivalry, which teaches you manners and how to treat a lady, I guess that could come in handy with that beautiful princess, Tia. Maybe if I use some of my natural charm along with this chivalry stuff, she'll fall for me and leave that Chad jerkface. 

As of right now, Evie, Carlos, Mal, and I were sitting in Remedial Goodness 101, learning a lesson from the Fairy Godmother. "You find a crying baby, do you, A: Lock it in a tower, B: Give it a bottle, C:Curse it, or D: Carve out it's heart?" she asked us. 

Carlos and I shared a look, not knowing what to say, Evie then raised her hand "What was the second one, again?" she asked, she pretended to be so dumb in order to get guys. I personally don't think she needs to, she's the fairest of them all where we come from, so I don't get why she lowers her intelligence to impress guys or more specifically, princes. 

"Okay, Mal, how about you give it a shot?" FG asked Mal "B: Give it a bottle." she answered "Correct. Again" FG smiled. 

"You are on fire, girl." Carlos said, Mal has been getting every question right ever since we started. "It's easy. Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun." Mal said "That makes so much sense." Evie said as Mal made big eyes at her, playing into her dumb act. As Fairy Godmother was about to ask the next question, this girl with brown hair, white skin, and a baby blue dress walked by us, she shrieked as she did. 

"Hello, darling." FG said "You need to sign off on early dismissal for coronation." the girl said "You all remember my daughter, Jane." FG said "Mom!" the girl mumbled. "It's okay, darling. Go say hi." Fairy Godmother encouraged "Hi." Jane said "Don't mind me. As you were." she said as she walk-shrieked by us again. 

"Let's continue. You find a vial of poison, do you, A: Put it in the king's wine, B: Paint it on an apple, or C: Turn it over the proper authorities?" Fairy Godmother asked us. Carlos raised his hand first, but I wanted to say the answer, so I grabbed his wrist and forced his hand down and raised my own. 

"Jay." Fairy Godmother called "C. You turn it over to the proper authorities." I said in confidence. "I was gonna say that." Carlos whined "Oh, well I said it first." I then grabbed his neck and started nudging his head, we were then on the desk, but Fairy Godmother stopped us. 

"I highly recommend you two take out all that energy on the tourney field." We looked at each other confused. What was tourney and why did she want us to do it? "Oh, that's okay. Whatever that is, I'm sure we'll pass." Carlos said, I then thought about it and asked "What time does it start?"

Carlos' POV

Jay and I were on this big field, getting ready to play this sport called "tourney". I didn't want to because I'm not the most athletic person in the world, I mean, come on, I have the structural integrity of uncooked pasta, how am I gonna keep up with Jay and these super athletes here in Auradon? 

"Ben and Jay, you're on offense. Chad, defense" the coach yelled, I was confused, I didn't know where to go. I was holding this huge, heavy shield that was blue and yellow for the school colors of Auradon Prep. 

"Hey, blondie, get out of the killzone!" coach yelled at me "Killzone?" I asked myself, I looked at the field, where I was standing was different from where everyone else was standing. Instead of being green, the grass was spray painted red and white and in the middle of the section, there was this huge cannon. What could that be used for? 

I moved out of what was the killzone and the coach blew the whistle. I just stood in the middle of the field and waited for something to happen. But Jay, he was running through any guy who got in his way of making a goal, unlike me, he was naturally athletic. As he was running, he was dodging and flipping over these rockets that shot out of that big cannon. 

He then started getting closer and closer to me, then I realized he was about to run through me "Jay, Jay, it's me, it's Carlos!" I yelled at him, he didn't stop, I threw my stick at him, but that didn't help, so I dropped to the ground and put the shield over my body. 

I felt him jump onto the shield to give himself a boost and the next thing I heard was Jay screaming and hollering about scoring a goal. "Hey, you, come here!" the coach yelled at Jay as we all gathered around him "What do you call that?" coach asked, Jay looked confused "I call that raw talent. I'll show you something you've never seen before. It's called a rule book." coach said as he laughed, excited about his potential new player. 

"Have you ever thought about band?" the coach asked me, I just laughed "I'll work with him, coach." Ben said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Let's run that again." coach said. I walked back to the middle of the field as I saw Jay nudge Chad. 

I know he doesn't like the guy just because he's dating the princess that he has a crush on, but I hope Jay doesn't create any problems for us.

Mal's POV

I was at my locker, I had spray painted it with the logo of my mother saying "Long Live Evil". Getting my books, I could see Ben, Chad, and Audrey in my peripheral vision. "Those kids are trouble." I overheard Chad say "Bye, Mal." Evie said "Bye." I said back "Come on, Chad. Give them a chance." Ben said. 

Audrey laughed "No offense, Benny Bear, but you're just too trusting." she said, she's got that right "I know your mom fell for a big, nasty beast who turned out be a prince, but with my mom, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy. That's girl's mother." She whispered the last part, motioning to me, I'm assuming. 

I wasn't looking at them, but I could hear them "I think you're wrong about them. I'll see you later." Ben said, next thing I knew he was behind me, "Hey." he said "Hey." I responded "So, how's your first day been so far?" He asked "Super." I said in a fake excited voice. 

He looked at my locker and my added decoration "You should really think about taking this talent off the locker into art class. I could sign you up." He said as that scared girl, Jane, walked by us. I heard her shriek quietly as she did, then I remembered, she was the Fairy Godmother's daughter. 

If I could get close to her, maybe I could get close to the wand. I looked at Ben and said "Way to take all the fun out of it." then I turned around and followed Jane to the bathroom.

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