If Only

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Mal's POV

For our first date, Ben took me to the Enchanted Forest, we were currently walking across this rope bridge. "So, Mal. Tell me something about you that nobody else knows." Ben said to me, I thought about it "My middle name is... Bertha." I admitted, not even Evie, Carlos, and Jay knew that and they know everything about me. 

"Bertha?" he laughed "Yep, my mom really is the evilest of them all. Giving me the middle name Bertha." I said with a laugh. "Well, it's not that bad. Mine's Florian." Ben responded, I laughed "Florian?" I repeated "Yep." he said "Yeah, yours might be worse." I joked "See, I told you." he told me as I giggled. 

He made me close my eyes so I wouldn't see what part of the forest we were going to, it was special, apparently. "Okay, open your eyes." he told me, when I did I was met with this broken down plazebo made out of stone with a little picnic set out for the two of us. "It's beautiful." I said mesmerized by its beauty "You like it?" he asked "Yeah." I answered "Good. Let's eat, shall we?" he asked me as I took his hand "We shall." I responded. 

"So, is this your first time?" he asked me "We don't really date much on the Isle. It's more like, Gang Activity." I responded chewing on a donut "I meant, is it your first time having a jelly donut?" he laughed. I was a mess, crumbs all over my face "Can't take me anywhere, can you?" I insulted myself as he wiped the crumbs from my mouth "It's okay. It's cute." he flirted. 

"You know I've done all the talking. I don't know that much about you. Tell me something." he said as he leaned in, I thought about it "I'm sixteen, I'm an only child, and I've only ever lived in one place." I told him "No way, me too! We have so much in common already." he faked an excited voice, making me giggle. "Trust me, we do not." I said softly "And now you're gonna be king." I proclaimed, he sighed "Yeah." as he put his head down. 

"What?" I asked "A crown doesn't make you a king." he mumbled "Eh, it kinda does." I giggled. "Your mother is the mistress of evil and I've got the poster parents for goodness." he started "But that doesn't mean that we have to be like them. We get to choose who we're gonna be." he finished. I looked at him, thinking about what he said, maybe he was right, maybe I'm not meant to be like my mom. 

"Come on, let's go for a swim." he told me "Oh, no. I'm good." I responded "Are you sure?" he asked as he took off his shirt to show his six-pack abs "Yeah. I'm just gonna sit here and try these strawberries. I've literally never had one before." I said before I put one into my mouth and let me just say, strawberries, best food ever. 

I heard Ben laugh "Don't eat all of them." as he walked towards the water "Okay." I yelled as he went away. He was on top of this cliff above the water "Are those little crowns on your shorts?" I asked him "Maybe." he responded, I giggled and waved at him, he waved back and mocked his father's beastly roar before he dove in. 

I laughed for a while, but then I went back to thinking about my mother and what Ben said. Who was I meant to be, me or my mother? 

A million thoughts in my head.

Should I let my heart keep listening?

'Cause up til now, I've walked the line.

Nothing lost, but something missing.

I can't decide, what's wrong, what's right.

Which way should I go?

If only I knew what my heart was telling me.

Don't know I'm feeling, is this just a dream?

Oh, oh. yeah. If only I could read the signs in front of me.

I could find the way to who I'm meant to be, oh, oh.

If only, yeah.

Am I crazy? Maybe we could happen.

Yeah. Will you still be with me when the magic's all run out?

If only I knew what my heart was telling me.

Don't know what I'm feeling, is this just a dream?

Oh, oh, woah, oh. If only I could read the signs in front of me.

I could find the way to who I'm meant to be, oh, oh.

If only, yeah. 

If only, yeah.

If only, yeah.

If only.

If only.

As I finished my thoughts, I turned around and didn't see Ben. Not in the water, not on the cliff, he was nowhere. "Ben?" I called out, no answer "Ben?!" I yelled, more panicked, I didn't see him, so I jumped into the lake to find him. I called for him multiple times, no answer, the water got deeper and deeper and I started to drown "Ah! Help!" I screamed. 

Next thing I knew, Ben was carrying me back to the plazebo "Ugh! Why did you do that to me?" I asked in anger "I'm sorry. You can't swim? You live on an island." he said to me "Yeah, with a magical barrier around it, remember?" I reminded him "And you still tried to save me." he said "Yeah and I don't get a thank you or nothing. All I get, is soaking wet" motioning to the soaked dress that Evie made for me. 

"Thank you. You can have this rock. Make a wish and throw it back into the lake." he told me as he handed me a glowing rock, I just threw it right back in the lake, I was irritated. He put his jacket around me and sat back across from me. We sat in silence for a little while "Mal, I told you that I loved you." he started "Do you love me?" he asked, I didn't know what to say. 

"I don't know what love feels like." I told him as I turned away, it's the truth. My mom loved me in her own special way, it was very different from other parents' way of love. He turned my chin to look at him "Maybe I can teach you." he said as he stared into my eyes.

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