Love (And Hate) is in The Air

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Ben's POV

I was walking the halls with Audrey and she was ranting about how much she didn't like Evie, Carlos, Jay, and Mal. Mal, just hearing her name or thinking about her made me smile. "Did you see what she's been doing to all the girls' hair? She did the same thing to Jane and Fairy Godmother's not happy about it!" Audrey whispered to me. 

"What's the harm in a little hair makeover?" I asked her "She's using dark magic. Sure, it starts with the hair, but then it goes on to the lips and legs and then everyone looks good and then, Where will I be?" she said as if she was the most beautiful girl in Auradon. 

I mean, she used to be, but now that girls like Mal and Evie are here, they're giving her a run for her money. I was about to respond to her previous statement, but she cut me off "I will see you at the royal lunch after my dress fitting for coronation." she said, I nodded "Bye, Benny Boo." she said before she kissed my cheek and strutted away "Bye." I mumbled to myself. 

"Hey, Benny Boo!" I heard behind me, It turned out to be Mal "Hey." I greeted her "How have you been?" I asked her "Good." she said "Look, I made a fresh batch of cookies, do you want one?" she asked as she wiggled a baggie with a cookie inside of it. "I can't. I got a big tourney game, but thank you for offering." I answered. 

"No, it's cool. Don't take food from villains, I get it." she said "No, it's not that-" I started "No, that's smart." she cut me off as she opened the bag and grabbed the cookie "More for me, I guess." she said as she was about to take a bite out of the cookie. 

Before she could, I grabbed the cookie and took a bite out of it myself, I didn't want her to think I declined it because it was made by her, a "villain". "You see, totally toasty." I said as I chewed the cookie "How is it?" she asked "It's chocolatey and warm and..." I began to stutter "And..." I stuttered again, I began to stare at Mal, the butterflies I had for her began to feel stronger than they've ever been before. 

"Mal, have you always had those golden flecks in your eyes?" I asked, admiring her beautiful green eyes. "Okay, that's enough of that." she said as she grabbed the cookie from my hand "How you feeling, bro?" Jay asked as he grabbed my shoulder. I felt love. I felt love for Mal. I felt love for her that I wanted everyone to know "I feel like singing your name... MAL!" I began to sing until she covered my mouth.

Tia's POV

I dreaded the royal lunch before a tourney game. It's a time where I have to sit with Chad, Audrey, and Ben and listen to Audrey rant about who she doesn't like and Chad blab about how great he's gonna do in the game. I was sitting at the table next to Ben, across from Chad and currently ignoring Audrey's rant "Tia!" she screeched, "Are you even listening to me?" I looked up from the small salad that I'm allowed to eat and nodded. 

"Anyway, have you seen what the four of them are doing? They're tearing Auradon Prep apart, one person at a time." she said "Who does Mal think she is? Using all that dark magic to make all those girls look good. Not everyone can be beautiful." she ranted. I rolled my eyes at her "Oh my God, Audrey, shut up!" I yelled in frustration. 

She was so self-centered and stuck up and it was really starting to push my buttons "Excuse me, What did you just say?" she asked shocked "I said you need to stop acting like you're better than everybody else. Trust and believe sweetie, you may be beautiful on the outside, but that is no match for the all the ugly on the inside, okay?" I responded sharply. 

"I was just trying to say-" "I don't care what you were trying to say." I cut her off "You need to learn how to be more humble." I said "So, I'll say it again and you better listen real good this time. Shut up! And don't say nothin', got it?" I ended my rant. Everyone sat around looking at me surprised "That was incredibly rude of you, Tia. You need to apologize to Audrey, right now." Chad said sternly. 

I looked down at my salad "No." I said, I don't need to apologize for how I feel, "What did you just say to me?" he asked, I looked him in his eyes "I said no." I repeated, he's not in control of what I can and can't say. He squinted his eyes at me "Who do you think you're talking to?" he asked me, I stared into his eyes once again "I'm obviously talking to you, Chad.". 

He scoffed "You must not be because you are supposed to speak to me with honor and respect." I glared at him "And why would I do that?" I retorted "Because I am your future husband and you will honor me! You will honor me the way a wife is required to honor her husband." he demanded me. 

"But I'm not your wife, I'm your girlfriend." I scoffed at him as I went back to my salad, he really thinks I'm going to honor and respect him after how he's treated me, please. 

"No, you are my problem. Tia, I don't know what's gotten into you, but it all seems to have started when they got here." he said to me with a strong emphasis on the word "they", so I assume he means the villain kids. "Guys, just give them a chance!" Ben yelled, trying to ease the tension, which made it worse "Why should we? What makes you think they're any different from their parents?" Audrey asked. 

I groaned "Maybe if you got to know them, you would see that they're not that bad! They're actually really interesting people!" I told them. Evie, Mal, Carlos, and Jay are really nice people who get a bad rep because of their parents "Why are you sticking up for them?" Chad asked me, I looked up "Because they're my friends. And I will not sit here and listen to you insult them like that." I responded. 

"Oh, please Tia. You're only saying that because you have feelings for Jay." Audrey said, I looked at Chad, he glared at me "Is that true? Do you have feelings for him?" I stared into his eyes again "Yeah. Yeah, I do." I stated. 

Chad stood up in anger "Oh, come on Tia, you can't be serious?!" he yelled, "I am serious. Jay has made me feel more special in a few weeks than you have in an entire lifetime!" I told him "What is that supposed to mean?" he asked crossing his arms "It means I'm breaking up with you." I said stoically. 

Audrey gasped, "You really can't be leaving Chad for that punk.", I nodded "But I am. I'm leaving Chad for great guy who cares about me." I glared at him. Chad began to chuckle, "You could lose your royal status leaving me. A queen can't rule without a king." he said smirking "We're all going to be king or queen one day, that's going to happen whether we're together or not." I stated as began to gather my things and walk towards the door. 

"Fine. Leave me, I can find someone else, but you?" he chuckled "You're nothing without me." he scowled at me. "So, go be with that freak, you'll be great together. You never did anything for me anyway, you lazy bimbo." he muttered. 

"I'm sorry, what?" I yelled as I turned around "That's enough, Chad." Ben spoke firmly, I was about to punch him in the face, but Ben restrained me and led me back to the door. 

"Let's go." Ben said "Befriending them was a mistake, Tia!" Audrey yelled as I was getting ready to leave "No, befriending YOU was a mistake!" I shouted back as I turned around once again "You've been nothing, but a royal pain in my a-" "Okay, let's go!" Ben pulled me as he covered my mouth. 

After the door shut, Ben began to walk me to my room "The game starts in an hour." he told as we reached my door. I didn't want to be around anybody right now, especially a bunch of cheering fans at the tourney game, "Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna make it." I said, he looked at me sadly "T. You can't let Audrey and Chad ruin the rest of your day." he tried "Plus, you won't get to see Jay play. You told him you were gonna be there, right?" he asked. 

I did. I also told him that I wouldn't miss the game either, but I'm just not in the mood "Tell him I'm sorry and I'll be cheering for him at the next game." I said softly. Ben looked at me and nodded, accepting that he wasn't going to change my mind "So, I'll see you after the game then." he said flatly "Yeah." I rubbed his shoulder "Good luck. Go get him, captain!" I teased, he smiled and began to walk towards the field to get ready for the game.

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