The Life of An Auradon Princess

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Tia's POV

"Repeat after me, girls." Flora, one of the fairy facilitators of the princess perfection program, said "A princess shall always be kind." she said "A princess shall always be kind." Audrey and I, the princesses of Auradon, repeated. 

"A princess shall always have patience." Flora said, "A princess shall always have patience." we repeated. "Most importantly, a princess shall remain pure of mind, mouth, and body." she said finally "A princess shall remain pure of mind, mouth, and body." we repeated. 

My mind wandered to that hot guy, Jay. He was so cute, with his long, luscious hair, charming brown eyes, pretty white smile, strong, muscular arms. 

"Auradon to Tia?" Audrey yelled in my ear, "We have to recite more rules

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"Auradon to Tia?" Audrey yelled in my ear, "We have to recite more rules." I rolled my eyes and sighed in irritation, I hated all the rules that came with being a princess, I didn't sign up to have my entire life controlled. "A princess must have true love in her heart." Flora started, my mind wandered back to Jay. 

How he called me stunning the first day he saw me and how he was genuinely interested in what I was saying while giving him a tour, he actually listened to me, unlike Chad. As I was daydreaming again, Audrey got angry at me for not reciting the rules with her "Hello, Tia! We are supposed to be learning the rules of being a princess, not daydreaming! Snap out of it!" she yelled, I rolled my eyes and spoke up.

"Tell me again why we have to follow all these rules?" I asked, "I shouldn't have to pretend to be this perfect little princess that everyone wants me to be." I said after that. "Tia, a princess knows when to speak and when to be quiet!" Flora said "Why?!" I yelled "Why should I keep my mouth shut when I have something to say? Does a princess' opinion not matter?" I asked. 

"Is a princess not considered beautiful unless she wears high heels and designer dresses?" I continued "Can a princess not have fun?" I went on "I should be able to say what I want, wear what I want, and do what I want and not care whether or not I'm a princess!" I shouted lastly. 

"This is the life we were born into. Stop being a brat and learn to love it." Audrey said "Thank you, Audrey. You are going to make a great princess and queen one day." Flora said. Once again I rolled my eyes. 

"As for you Tia, you need to learn how to not let your personal feelings get in the way of your duties as a princess." Flora said to me. Right when I was about to respond, the bell rang, "Finally." I said as I grabbed my bag and stormed to the girls' locker room. I had to rid myself of this stress and anger.

Jay's POV

I was sitting on the bleachers with the tourney coach and he was talking to me about the tourney team "On this team, we could use a tough guy like you. We have a team of princes, if you know what I mean." he said, I knew exactly what he meant, the team was so polite and didn't hurt each other. 

"You're telling me. It's all 'pardon me, chum, did I bump into you?'" I mocked "Not with me. Where I come from, it's 'prepare to die, sucker!'. Like my father says: the only way to win is to make sure that everyone else loses-" I said in an impassioned voice "Jay, Jay, Jay. Let me explain a team. It's like a family." he said, I looked at him dumbfounded "You do not want to be at my house at dinner time." I told him. 

Jafar isn't really the best example for a parent, sure we get along, but when we don't, that's a different story. 

"Okay, um. You know how a body has lots of different parts? The legs, the arms, the ears, they all need each other. That's kind of what a team is. Different players who work together in order to win. Does that make sense?" he asked me, it did. 

If I wanted to win I had to work with all the other players in order to. Then I thought about which body part I could be "Can I be the fist?" I asked, he just grabbed my hand, laughed, and handed me a jersey with my name on the back with the number 8. 

"Welcome to the team." he said, I just stared at it in awe, I was actually a part of a team and I was excited. "Tia! Get ready to practice." coach yelled next to me "Tia? As in Princess Tia?" I asked "Yeah. Make no mistake, she's the best soccer player we have here in Auradon." coach said. 

Tia? The beautiful princess is an expert in soccer? It's too good to be true.  

Tia's POV

I was on the field, getting ready for soccer practice. This is my favorite part of the day, the only part of my day where I don't have to be a princess. I am the best soccer player in Auradon and there's a reason for that. 

Being a princess, everyone is watching what I do constantly, making sure that I look the part of a princess as well as acting the part, I hate it. I hate having to be this perfect girl that can never make mistakes, I'm a human, that's what I was born to do. 

I aligned my foot with the ball "A princess shall always be kind." I mocked as I kicked the ball, perfectly landing in the middle of the goal net "A princess shall always have patience." I mocked again as I kicked another ball "A princess shall always remain pure of mouth, mind, and body!" I yelled as I kicked a ball for each body part. 

"A princess must always have true love in her heart! Only speak when she's spoken too, and never lets her personal feelings get in the way of her duties!" I yelled as I hit my last ball with a bicycle kick into the net. 

"Whoo! Now that is talent!" I heard, I turned around to see Jay giving me a round of applause with his new tourney jersey rested on his shoulder. "Look who's talking, Mr. Tourney Star? Congrats by the way." I teased him, knowing how he killed it in tourney practice earlier this week. 

"Thanks" he said "What was all that?" he asked me "All what?" I asked him confused "All that." he said as he motioned to the soccer balls in the goal net "Oh, that was nothing." I said shyly "It was definitely something." he said, I smiled "Thanks." I said "No problem." he responded. 

We looked into each other's eyes again, then he asked me "Hey, I've got some free time on my hands, how about you give me that exclusive tour I asked for?" I looked at him "Sure, walk with me." I answered as I took his hand into mine.  

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