More Than Just A Pretty Face

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Evie's POV

I was so excited, I was able to get a B+ on my chemistry test without my magic mirror. I had to tell Doug, I saw him in the picnic area, eating his lunch. I snuck up behind him and put my test in front of his face, so he could see my grade. 

"For the first time, I'm more than just a pretty face." I giggled, on The Isle, my mother taught me that beauty is everything. She believed that I didn't need the books, I needed the looks to get a prince and I never thought anything of it. But now, after this test, I'm starting to think my mother was wrong. 

Doug looked at me "Shocking, huh?" he joked as I sat down next to him. "It's pretty great." I said "And so are you." he flirted with me, which made me smile. "I bet I can get an A on the next one without the mirror." I told him "Well, maybe we can get together and-" "Yeah, let's get together." I cut him off, this time "There you are! I have been looking for you, literally everywhere." I heard Mal yell. 

"What's wrong?" I asked worried, she sighed heavily "Ben just asked me..." she stuttered in irritation "On a date." she finished, "Nice." Doug said as I giggled quietly. "We can handle this." I told her "Bye, Doug." I said before I got up and started walking Mal to our room.

Tia's POV

It was 4:30 in the afternoon and I have been ranting to Jay about my relationship with Chad for the past hour and a half. "He said that I wasn't his girlfriend, I was his problem." I scoffed "And then, he always expected me to bow at his feet and follow his every command. Do I look like a dog to you?" I yelled as I laid my head across Jay's lap. 

"Nope." he said flatly "Are you listening to me?" I asked him "I was, but I zoned out around the forty-five minute mark." he told me. I rolled my eyes "Why? That's what Chad did to me and you know I hated it." I screamed at him as I sat up, he shushed me "What? There's nobody here to catch you." I said. 

We were in the castle alone, the parents were at the Conference Quarters, Ben was on a date with Mal, and Chad and Audrey were somewhere ruining someone's day. "You're scaring the animals." he said as he pointed to my television, which was programmed to Animal Planet "Because you're so hot." he joked "Shut up." I muttered as I laid back in his lap. 

"I'm tired of hearing about Chad. You guys are over." he told me "Stop talking about what he wanted you to do and who he wanted you to be. Let's talk about you." he said after that "Me?" I asked him "Yes, you." he answered. "So, Princess Tia of Auradon, what do you want to do?" he asked me "What do you mean?" I asked "I mean, what do you want to do with your life? I know you don't want to be a queen." he was right, I didn't. 

I hate being a princess, I know I'm going to despise being a queen. "I want to be a psychologist." I responded "I want to see how people's minds work." I added "Now, that's what I'm looking for." I looked up at him "What?" I questioned "More of the real Tia, not Princess Tia." he said to me, I smiled up at him. "You're not meant to be a queen, T. You have too much intelligence to hide behind that beautiful face." he said, I blushed. 

"Thanks. You're not too bad yourself." I complimented him "Thank you for being here for me when I needed someone to talk to." I told him as I sat up again. He smiled at me "Anytime, princess. I'll always be here for you." he said to me, I smiled back. 

I saw him glance at my lips and back to my eyes before he leaned in and kissed me. As soon as our lips touched, I felt fireworks go off, that's something I've never felt before. He pulled away "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that." he breathed out, I giggled as I pulled back in for another kiss. 

"Hey Tia, Have you seen J-" Carlos barged into my room, we backed away as soon as he did "Sorry, did I interrupt?" Carlos asked, feeling guilty "It's fine

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"Hey Tia, Have you seen J-" Carlos barged into my room, we backed away as soon as he did "Sorry, did I interrupt?" Carlos asked, feeling guilty "It's fine." I said "What do you need, Carlos?" Jay asked annoyed "We have tourney practice." he said. He looked at the clock, 4:50, ten minutes before practice started. 

"Looks like I have to go." he said slowly as he got up, I nodded, he gave me a kiss on the cheek "I'll call you." he said as he got to the door, I nodded again "Bye." I waved "Talk to you later, beautiful." he said as he winked at me. 

"You just had to ruin the moment, didn't you?" he asked Carlos sarcastically as he pushed his forehead back "It was an accident." I heard Carlos say before both of their bickering voices faded down the hallway.

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