An Exclusive Tour

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Tia's POV

"So, how is Auradon?" I asked him as I balanced on a tree branch in the woods "Classes are pretty boring, tourney is fun, and Auradon, like you, is very beautiful." he said as he winked at me, I blushed as I pushed my hair out of my face. "So, what about soccer?" he asked me "What about it?" I asked him "How'd you get so good at it? A princess doesn't really strike me as a skilled soccer player." He told me, I looked at him. 

"That's exactly why I do it. Because it's not the typical thing for a princess to do." I told him "How'd I get so good? I don't know, I just do it when I'm mad or stressed. That's been happening a lot the past few years, so I've had tons of practice I guess. Ah!" I screamed as I began to fall off the tree branch, but Jay caught me. 

"You okay, your highness?" he asked "Yeah." I said "And my name's Tia. Not "Your Highness" or "Your Majesty", just Tia." I told him "Tia. Got it." he said as he lifted me back up to my feet. We continued walking "So, how'd you get so good at a sport you've never played before?" I asked. 

"I don't know. Running from store managers you steal from is probably the closest thing we have to sports on the Isle and I've always been athletic. I guess I always know what I want and I will run through anyone who tries to stand in my way." he said " So since you want to score the goal, you'll run through anyone or anything in your way of getting it." I assessed "Yeah, exactly." he said. 

"So, what else do you want?" I asked him, he stopped and said "I want to know what's up with you and Charming." I rolled my eyes when I heard the name "It's a long, complicated, royal story." I sighed. 

"When we were young, the four kings and queens of Auradon, our parents, wanted to keep the royal bloods together. So, they destined me to Chad and when we're eighteen, we will have a huge royal wedding." I said in a monotone voice. 

"Do you love him?" he asked "What?" I asked him "I said "do you love him?" he repeated, I thought about it for a while "Yes." I said "You hesitated." he recognized, "I did, didn't I?" I laughed, knowing he was right.

 "I used to, but then I realized the kind of person he is. He expects me to honor and obey him like I'm his slave, that's not me. My mom is all about hard work, me? I'm about loving what I do and that's not really the story of my life right now with him." I said. 

He looked at me somberly "It's hard being a princess, you know? All the rules and expectations for me to be this perfect little queen someday, it's all just so-" "Frustrating?" he finished my sentence as he looked into my eyes, I nodded slowly, "Yeah.". 

He sighed and said "Being the son of an infamous villain is kind of the same way. I have this expectation to live up to, like I always have to prove myself to my father." Finally, someone other than Ben can understand how I feel "This is so nice, to finally have someone understand me." I said. 

He looked into my eyes as I did to his, he began to lean in, as did I, just as our lips were about to touch I felt my phone go off. 

Council Meeting. Conference Quarters, five minutes. I read a text message from Ben, "I have to go." I told him "Yeah, it's getting pretty late anyway, but thank you for the exclusive tour." he said "It was my pleasure." I told him, I began to walk away. 

"Oh, and Tia?" he said "Yeah?" I asked as I turned around "It's your destiny. Choose your own path, not your parents'." he said as he pushed a loose hair behind my ear. "Thanks." I smiled and he began to walk me to the Conference Quarters of the castle.

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