Which Way Should I Go?

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Mal's POV

I was standing in the front row of the crowd, waiting for Ben to start walking down the aisle. I looked up to see Evie and Carlos on the balcony, Jay was standing across from me, we were all looking at each other. Were we really going to be able to pull this off? The orchestra started playing and Ben made his way to the Fairy Godmother. 

"Do you solemnly swear to protect the people of Auradon with justice and mercy for as long as you shall reign?" she asked Ben. He knelt down and said "I solemnly swear." she asked next "Do you solemnly swear that when the time comes, you will rule equally alongside Princess Tia, Prince Chad, and Princess Audrey?" Ben looked over to Tia "I solemnly swear." he answered. With those last three words, FG took the crown off of The Beast's head and onto Ben's. 

She uncovered her wand and took into her right hand, this was my chance. It's right there, Mal. All you gotta do is grab it. 

Fairy Godmother put the wand on Ben's left shoulder, then on his right shoulder and then she held it up in the air. I moved my left foot forward, but I stopped. I thought about life here in Auradon, how much better it is than the Isle. Evie, Carlos, Jay, and I were so much happier here, do we really need to risk our happiness for our parents' revenge? 

"Then it is my pleasure and my joy, to bless or new- Ah!" FG gasped as Jane came around next to her and grabbed the wand. "Child, what are you doing?" FG yelled as Jane swung the wand around in the air "If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself!" Jane screamed "Bippity, Boppity, Boo!" she swung the wand, throwing bolts of magic all over, breaking the ceiling. 

I came up behind her and took the wand out of her hands, Jay ran next to me and Evie and Carlos came down from the balcony. I held the wand in front of me "Stand back." I said sternly, Ben walked towards me "Mal, it's okay, give me the wand." he said "Ben, I said stand back!" I yelled at him. 

"I told you so!" Audrey yelled, but I pointed the wand towards her to make her shut up. "Let's go." Carlos said "Come on, Mal. Revenge Time." Jay said in my ear. Ben looked at me with disbelief "You really wanna do this?" he asked me, I sighed "We have no choice, Ben." I told him "We have to do this for our parents." I added. 

Tia then walked up to us "Jay, you told me that I was in charge of my destiny. You said I should choose my own path, not my parents'." she told Jay "Here's a tip: take your own advice." she finished. 

Ben then looked at me "Your parents made their choice. Now you make yours." I thought about what he said, he was right "I think I wanna be good." I whispered as I put the wand down. "You are good." Ben said "How do you know that?" I shouted "Because... because I'm listening to my heart." he told me. 

"I wanna listen to my heart too. And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents." I turned around to face Evie, Jay, and Carlos. "I mean, stealing doesn't make you happy." I motioned to Jay "Tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy." I said "Well, that's not the only thing." he said as he winked at Tia. 

I then looked at Carlos "You, rubbing Dude's belly makes you happy, who would've thought?" I giggled, I turned to Evie and looked her in the eyes. "Evie, you do not have to act dumb to get a guy. You are literally so smart." I told her. 

"And I don't wanna take over the world with evil, it doesn't make me happy. I wanna go to school." I said "And be with Ben. Because Ben makes me really happy." I turned to face him, he smiled at me. 

"Us being friends makes me really happy." I told them "I choose good, you guys." I said, putting my hand in a fist and stuck it out, I stood alone, for a second. "I choose good, too." Jay said as he stuck his hand in "I choose good." Evie laughed as she put her hand in as well. 

Carlos stood there looking at us "So, just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be? 'Cause they're going to be really, really mad." he laughed "Your parents can't reach you here." Ben reminded him. He nodded "Okay, then. Good." Carlos said as he finally put his hand in. 

I then looked at Ben and told him to come, he put his hand in too and then we began to laugh. I put my head on Ben's shoulder as Tia walked up to Jay, who pulled her in by the waist for a kiss, everyone whooped and hollered as the two broke away. 

Happiness was in the air for a while, but it all died when a familiar green mist came into the castle through the hole in the ceiling "I'm getting the sense you don't like me since I'm never invited to your little parties." I heard my mother laugh as she stood in front of us.

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