Evil Like Me

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Mal's POV

Me and Evie were on our way to Jay and Carlos' dorm, it was about 9PM, so everybody was in on curfew, it was the perfect time to steal the wand, but we had to find it first. "Jay, what are you doing?" I asked him as we walked in the boys' dorm, he was pulling multiple things out of his outfit. 

"Well, Mal, it's called stealing. It's like buying whatever I want, except it's free." he said smirking "Well, why don't you leave all this stuff here and you can have it after we take over the world?" I suggested. "You sound just like your mom." Evie said to me "Thank you." I said flattered "You do it your way, and I'll do it mine." he said back. 

"Die, suckers!" Carlos yelled "Hey Jay, you gotta play this game." he told Jay, who grabbed the controls and started playing the game. "Have you all forgotten what we're all here for?" I asked "Fairy Godmother. Blah, blah, blah. Magic wand. Blah, blah, blah." Jay joked as Evie and Carlos laughed. Was this all a joke to them? "This is our ONE CHANCE to prove ourselves to our parents." I said, that got everyone's attention. 

"To show them that we are vicious, mean, ruthless, and cruel. Yeah?" I asked "Yeah." they all agreed "Then, let's get to work." I said. "Evie, mirror me." I told her, she sat at the table in the middle of the room "Magic mirror on the- in my hand, where does Fairy Godmother's magic wand...stand?" she asked the mirror, which had pulled up the wand super close. 

"Zoom out." Carlos said "Magic mirror, not so close." Evie whispered, it zoomed out to show the Earth, now that's specific. "Closer." Evie said, the picture zoomed in "Closer." she said again, it obeyed "Closer." she said once more.

 "Stop!" Jay said, we had the picture "It's in a museum." Evie said looking at the image that said "Museum of Cultural History" on it. "Do we know where that is?" I asked "It's 3.3 miles from here." Carlos said after he mapped it on his computer. I went to the door to see if there was anybody in the hallway to spot us, no one in sight. 

"Come on, let's go." I whispered as I ran out with Evie, Jay, and Carlos following behind me. We were running quietly towards the museum "Check your mirror." I told Evie, wanting to make sure we knew where we were going "Is my mascara smudged?" she asked, I rolled my eyes, she was more worried about how she looked than finding the wand. "Yeah, and while you're at it, Why don't you see if you can find us the wand." I said annoyed "Oh, this way." she guided us. 

We walked up to the front doors of the museum, but there was a guard so we had to hide, this was the perfect time to cast my first spell. I pulled out my mother's spell book and looked for a spell to take out the guard "That's your mom's spinning wheel?" Jay scoffed "Yeah, it's pretty dorky." Carlos agreed. 

I looked up to see my mother's infamous spinning wheel "It's magic, it doesn't have to look scary." I told them. Just to prove them wrong, I found the perfect spell to put on our security guard "Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep." I casted the spell and the guard began to walk towards the wheel. He then poked his finger on the needle and yawned, he then laid down on the podium and went nighty-night "Not so dorky, now." I teased the boys. 

I pulled the door, it didn't open, I pulled again, still didn't open, I pulled three more times, didn't open once. "Stand back." Jay said confidently "Do it fast. Do it quick. Open up without a kick." with those magic words, the door opened, just fast enough for Jay to attempt a kick move, only to land on his butt. 

Evie and I laughed "You coming?" I asked Jay as I kicked his back and began walking towards the stairs. We were wandering through the museum looking for the wand, we past the Important Artifacts exhibit, the Gallery of Heroes, but we all stopped when we saw the Gallery of Villains. 

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