Hey, Hey, You, You, I Don't Like Your Girlfriend

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Mal's POV

"Yo! You're looking at the newest member of the tourney team." Jay said as he walked into me and Evie's room, Carlos wolf-whistled and he walked over to my bed, "Did your plan work with Jane? You going over to see the wand?" Jay asked, "Do you think I would be going over every spell in this book if I hadn't completely struck out?" I asked him annoyed. 

"Someone's in a bad mood." Carlos said "My mom's counting on me!" I said as I thumped the back of his head "And I know you won't want to face your mom if we fail." I said to him, he looked down.

"Hey, you guys, we can do this!" Jay shouted "If we stick together." he finished, he was really in the team spirit, but he was right, I couldn't do this without them and I know they felt the same way about me. "And we won't go back until we do. Because we're rotten..." I started "...to the core." Evie, Carlos, and Jay finished. 

"Also, I found out that Fairy Godmother blesses Ben with the wand at coronation. I have nothing to wear, of course." she said, I stared at her "What?" she asked as if she didn't withhold information for who knows how many hours? 

"Hold that thought." I said as I heard a knock on the door, I opened it to reveal Ben "Hey." he said "Hey." I responded "I didn't see you guys today, I was wondering if you had any questions or anything?" he said flustered "Not that I know of." I said, looking to my friends who had no questions to ask.

 "Oh, well, okay." he said and he began to walk off. "Wait!" I said "Is it true we all get to go to your coronation?" I asked "Yeah, the whole school goes." he said "No way. Do you think that the four of us could stand in the front, next to the Fairy Godmother so we can soak up all that goodness?" I asked, trying to get a way to the wand.

 "I wish you could." he sighed "Upfront, it's just me, Tia, Chad, my folks, and my girlfriend." he stated "And your girlfriend." I repeated. Perfect. "Okay, that's all I wanted to know, Thanks." I said "Oh, there will be plenty of room-" I cut him off by slamming the door in his face. 

"I think it's time that Benny Boo got himself a new girlfriend." I suggested "And I need a love spell." I said, Carlos tossed me my spell book and I scrambled through it. Memorization spell, no. Eternal Beauty spell, no. Love Potion Cookie, bingo. 

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