Bad Chad

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Evie's POV

I was internally freaking out in Chemistry class. I can't find it. It's not in my purse, I don't have any pockets, so where could it be? "Looking for something, Evie?" my teacher asked me, I looked up and there it was. 

My magic mirror in the hands of my chemistry teacher, how did he know about it? "Thank you, Chad for letting me know. It's good to know some people still follow the rules around here." he said, patting Chad on the back. 

I was furious, I helped him and he betrayed me, I thought people in Auradon were supposed to be nice, but I now see not everyone is. "I will see that you be expelled." my teacher told me "Mr. Delay, please." I pleaded "That isn't fair!" Doug stood up for me. 

"Obviously she wasn't cheating since she didn't have that, whatever it is." he added. "It's called a magic mirr-" "You're not helping." he cut me off "Sorry" I whispered "Maybe she was looking for another pencil." he suggested "Actually I-" "Really. Don't help." he said to cut me off again. 

"Please, Mr. Delay." I begged "Well, if you can pass this test, I'll return your property and we'll forget this ever happened." he told me, I smiled, thanking him. 

Chad just looked at me with this smug look, Ugh, I just wanted to punch him in those pretty white teeth, but before I could, Doug told me to start my test

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Chad just looked at me with this smug look, Ugh, I just wanted to punch him in those pretty white teeth, but before I could, Doug told me to start my test.

Tia's POV

I was currently at my locker, seething with anger. Chad had told the royal court about our breakup, so now I had to have a royal meeting and listen to them lecture me about how "Your marriage isn't about love, it's about keeping the royal bloods together" and blah, blah, blah. I didn't want to go, but I had to, I slammed my locker, only to be met with Jay. 

"Hey, princess." he flirted "Hey. I heard you did great in the game yesterday." I told him "I didn't do too bad. I was voted MVP." he responded. "Well, congrats, Mr. MVP." I said "Thank you. It would've been a lot better if you were there, though." he looked at me sadly, I sighed "I know, I just wasn't feeling well, that's all." I told him. 

"Anyway, you seem pretty angry, what's up?" I groaned "Chad Charming's a jerk, that's what." I spat. "What'd he do?" he asked me "He snitched on me that I broke up with him, so now I have a royal court meeting, Thanks to him." I said annoyed. 

"Wait, you and Charming broke up?" he asked with excitement "Wow, thanks for the sympathy." I teased sarcastically "Oh, sorry. You and Charming broke up?" he repeated in a sadder voice, I laughed. 

"It's okay. I'm happy we're over." I told him "Good, because now that you guys are over, I can finally ask you out. You free at 1?" he asked "Probably not." I told him. 

He looked defeated "But I am at 3. Why don't you come to my room. I could really use those broad shoulders of yours to cry on after this heartbreak." I pretended to be sad as I put my hands on his shoulders "Oh, I'm here for you, princess. I'll be your knight in shining armor" he joked. 

"Good. So then I'll see you at 3?" I asked "I'll be there." he laughed "Cool." I said "Cool." he repeated before he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek "Later, princess." he smiled and walked away.  

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