Mother Knows Best

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Mal's POV

"I'm back!" my mother sang as she turned towards the Fairy Godmother "It can't be." she whispered. "Tia, get behind me." Jay said firmly "But-" "Now!" Jay demanded, which Tia obeyed. 

"Go away, mother." I pleaded, my mother began to laugh "You're funny. She's funny, right?" she then dropped her smile "Here. Wand me, chop, chop." she demanded. "No!" Ben yelled at me, I lurched towards my mother, but I threw the wand towards Fairy Godmother "Bippity, Boppity-" "Boo." my mother mocked as she froze everyone in the castle except me, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and herself. 

"Syke." she laughed as she began to walk around the castle "Oh, at another time, at another time." she said as she took the glasses of Adam's face and began to bite on them. "Evil Like Me, don't you wanna be mean." she began to sing the song that was in my head at the museum the first night here in Auradon. 

As she ended, she yanked the wand out of Fairy Godmother's frozen hand "Looks like someone needs to pluck their nose hairs." she said as she poked the wand up FG's nose. "Where shall we begin?" my mother asked herself, she then looked at me "I know. Why don't we start by getting rid of this." she said as she forced Ben's ring off of my finger with the wand. 

"No." I cried "Perfect fit!" she cackled "Falling in love is weak and ridiculous." she said as she began to mess with Ben's crown and face. "It's not what you want." she told me "You don't know what I want!" I yelled at her "Mom, have ever once asked me what I want?" I asked her, knowing the answer was no. 

"I'm not you." I told her with tears running down my face "Obviously not. I've years and years and years of practice being evil. You'll get there." she tried to encourage me. "No, I will not!" I shouted "And I really wish you had never gotten there yourself." I cried. "Love is not weak or ridiculous. It's actually really amazing." I told her. 

"I know one thing young lady, you have no room for love in your life!" she growled at me. I looked at her in anger, I had to get the wand away from her, luckily I've been practicing spells "And now I command wand ro my hand!" I screamed as the wand flew out of my mother's hands into mine. 

"It worked." I gasped "Give me the wand. Give me the wand!" she yelled "Hold on, Mal. Maybe good really is more powerful than evil." Carlos whispered to me. My mom laughed "Oh, please, you're killing me. Aarf!" she barked at him, trying to scare him, only to have Dude run into her arms. "Ugh. The breath. Dog breath. Get off me!" my mother threw Dude to the ground, which he ran back to Carlos. 

Jay then went after my mother's septor, trying to use his physical strength to overpower my mother's intimidation. My mom looked at him, grabbed his thick bicep "Gaston should be jealous." she said before thumping Jay in his forehead, making him fall on his back.

 My mother began to cackle "Enough!" she yelled "You all will regret this!" she screamed before she shapeshifted to her dragon form. Evie, Carlos, and I began to back away as Jay got up off the ground, my mother blew fire at him, he rolled out the way of danger. 

For some reason, my mom decided to make Jay her target, everywhere he ran, she was there, waiting for him, breathing fire, roaring, anything to slow him down. "Come on, run Jay, run!" Carlos yelled, that's exactly what he did, he ran, but not fast enough to outrun my mother, who was flying fast using her wings. 

"Hurry, hurry!" Evie yelled "Jay, please!" I screamed as he ran towards me, my mom not far behind him, he dive rolled behind me "Magic mirror, shine a bright light!" Evie commanded the mirror, which it obeyed. The light caused my mother to fall and slide in front of me. 

"Get behind me, Eves." I said as I pushed Evie aside "Leave my friends alone!" I shouted at my mom "This is between you and me mother." I said, looking into her dragon eyes. 

She stared at me with those neon green eyes as she roared, I stared right back into her eyes with my own neon green eyes "The strength of evil is good as none. Which stands before four hearts as one." I shouted at her, she didn't budge. 

"The strength of evil is good as none. Which stand before four hearts as one." I repeated, nothing. "The strength of evil is good as none. Which stands before four hearts as one!" I yelled on last time and once I did, my mother was gone and Fairy Godmother became unfrozen. 

I ran up to her to see my mom, who was once a dragon, was now a tiny little lizard "Did I do that?" I asked Fairy Godmother "No, your mother did." she told me. "She shrank to the size of the love in her heart. That's why it's so itty bitty." she said after that. 

"Will she be like that forever?" I asked "Well, forever is a long time. You learned to love. She can too." she said, I nodded. I looked down in my hands and saw I still had the wand "I believe this belongs to you." I said as I handed her the wand. "Thank you. And I believe this belongs to you." she responded as she handed me Ben's ring. 

"You all have earned yourselves an A in Goodness class." FG said as we all began to laugh "Bippity, Boppity, Boo!" she sang as everyone unfroze "Rawr!" Ben and Adam roared, ready to attack "Ben, Ben. I think we've got this all wrapped up here." I told him. 

"Next time, I save you." he breathed out to me "Yeah, let's hope there won't be a next time." I said before I gave him a hug. "Jay." Tia gasped as she engulfed him a huge hug "I'm okay. I'm okay." Jay said he comforted her. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Fairy Godmother lecturing Jane "I will be right back." I told Ben as I walked over to them. 

"I love you, but you are on a major timeout." FG said sternly "Don't be too hard on Jane." I told Fairy Godmother "I'm the one who put all that crazy stuff in her head." I said. I grabbed Jane's hand "You are beautiful. Inside and out. Your mom got that right." I said to her "I guess I did get pretty lucky in the mom department." Jane sighed happily "Yeah, I guess so." I responded. 

As Jane and FG walked away, Audrey came up to me, I curtseed to her and she did the same to me as we smiled at each other. "Hey!" I yelled at the servant putting a glass case on top of my mother "Careful! That's my mom!" I joked. 

"Well, let's get this party started!" Jay laughed as he put his arms around Evie, Tia, Carlos, Ben, and I "Oh, ay, oh, ay, hey!" We all yelled.

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