Family Day, Part 2

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Mal's POV

I was standing, watching everybody. Ben teaching Jay how to play croquet, Carlos playing fetch with Dude and Evie sharing fashion tips with Belle. As I was observing, an older lady of color came up to me "Hello there." she said "Hi" I responded, she went on the other side of me "Have we met?" she asked. 

I looked at her, she didn't look familiar "No, I don't think so." I answered. "I'm new. I'm sort of like a transfer student." I told her, "Ah, okay." she said as Audrey came up behind her "Grandma." Audrey whispered. Oh, no.

"Audrey, give Grammy a kiss." the older lady said, which Audrey did. As she kissed her grandmother, Audrey noticed me and her smile dropped, instantly "Grammy"? I asked, I knew who her parents were, not her grandparents "Sleeping Beauty's mother?" Audrey said to me as if I was stupid. 

"Grammy, I don't think you should be talking to this girl." she said as she looked me up and down "Unless you wanna take another hundred year nap." she taunted my mother's curse. "What?" Grammy said as she began to stare at me, I began to look at her "You!" she screamed. 

I was startled "How are you here?" she stuttered "And how have you stayed so young?" she asked me. Ben then came up behind me "Queen Leah, it's okay. Maleficent's still on the island, this is her daughter, Mal." he told her, I smiled at her. 

"Don't you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a second chance?" Ben asked "A chance to what, Ben? Destroy us?" she asked. I stared at her blanky "Come on, you remember the poisoned apples. And the spells? The spells." she started "My daughter was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse." she continued as I looked at her somberly "Her first words, her first steps, I missed it all!" she yelled. 

I felt so bad, I reached out to her "I am so sor-" "No. Stay away from her." Chad said firmly as he pushed me back. "Don't do this, Chad." Ben told him "What? They were raised by their parents, Ben." he said "What do you think villains teach their kids? Kindness? Fairplay?" he asked "You stole another girl's boyfriend." he said to me. "Hey, hey." Ben tried to stop him, but it didn't work "You enjoy hurting people." he told Jay, "Watch it." Tia said, but he just brushed her off. 

"You." he stared at Evie "You're nothing, but a gold digger and a cheater." he stared back at the crowd around him, trying to redeem himself from the beatdown he got from Jay a few minutes earlier. Evie then went into her purse "Magic mirror in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land?" she asked it as she put it in Chad's face, the mirror showed his reflection. 

"What?" he said as he pushed Evie's hand out of his face, Jay then grabbed him by his shirt "Back off, Chad, Alright? Just back off!" he yelled "Jay, stop." Tia cried out, desperately trying to pry Jay's hands off of him. 

Evie sprayed Chad in the face with knockout spray I gave her and he fell to the ground, but not without the help of Jay pushing him

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Evie sprayed Chad in the face with knockout spray I gave her and he fell to the ground, but not without the help of Jay pushing him. As he did, Jay elbowed Tia in the face and knocked her down "Princess!" other people shouted "Tia." Jay whispered as he ran up to her. 

She just backed away with this look of utter fear plastered on her face "Come on, Mal." Evie said as she grabbed my hand and started pulling me away. "Guys!" I heard Ben yell "Jay!" I yelled, calling him to leave with us "I'm so sorry." he said to Tia before he ran off as well.

Ben's POV

Audrey, Doug, and Lonnie managed to wake Chad up right after Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay left. I was in shock of what happened, it took me moments to realize my parents were in front of me. "I feared something like this would happen." my dad said to me, I looked at him "Dad, this isn't their fault!" I told him, he shook his head at me. 

"No, son. It's yours." he said stoically and he began to walk away, "Mom." I whispered desperately, she looked at me sadly and took my father's hand to leave. I had to fix this and make it right, I had to find the four of them. 

I looked everywhere, but I finally found them at the picnic area "Hey guys, how is everyone?" I asked with enthusiasm, trying to lighten the heavy mood. They all stayed quiet "Hey, listen. It was nothing, forget about it, let it go. It's over." I told them "Tomorrow, I promise, after the coronation, everything will be okay." I ended. 

"How's Tia? Is she okay?" Jay asked me "She's fine, just a little bruised." I said "She's not mad at you." I told him as I put my hand on his shoulder, he just shook his head. "You didn't see the look on her face, though. She was terrified of me." he choked out "I was a villain." he said. 

"She's fine. I'm positive." I tried to reassure him "I have to go. I'll see you guys later." I said as I gave Mal a kiss on the forehead and walked away, I had to give them time to cool down, so I just have to wait.

Mal's POV

I was sitting at the picnic table with my friends, all four of us thinking about what just happened. We were all just so lost on what to do, where to go from here. "Listen, Evie, I wanna talk about earli-" "Doug." Chad said, trying to get Doug away from us. 

"It's my fault, Doug. I'm so sorry." Evie whispered "No, it no-" "Doug." Chad repeated "Doug." Evie pleaded "I'm sorry, I can't." he said, walking back to his table. Evie, pushed her tray of food away, losing her appetite and as she did Audrey and Jane came up behind me. 

"How long does she think that's gonna last?" Audrey laughed "Mal's just a bad girl with a fatuation." she scoffed "Yeah. I mean, he's never gonna make a villain a queen." Jane said in my ear before her and Audrey walked off. 

I was fed up, I helped Jane, even though I had bad intentions, I still helped her out and she was treating me like this. I flipped open my spell book "Beware, forswear. Undo Jane's hair." I said, then I heard screams, I guess the spell worked, Jane's hair was back to its normal short and thin way. 

My friends and I stood up and turned to the princes and princesses "There's a lot more where that came from." I told them coldly. Audrey glared at me "Excuse me, who do you think you are?" she asked me "Does it look like I'm kidding?" I asked back, no one answered, so I started flipping through my book again, that scared them off of our backs. 

I turned around, back to my friends "I'm really looking forward to tomorrow." I said, they looked at me with the same sinister glare that I had in my eyes "Let's grab that wand and blow this popsicle stand." I added before we began walking to our rooms, preparing for the day we'd all been waiting for.

" I added before we began walking to our rooms, preparing for the day we'd all been waiting for

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