The Arrival

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Ben's POV

We saw the limo pulling up in the distance, the marching band started playing and residents of Auradon started cheering, ready to welcome our newest additions to the Auradon Prep family. The limo drove up to the main entrance and as the door opened, a boy with white hair fell out on his back while being pushed to the ground by a taller, tanner boy. 

"You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?" the white haired boy yelled "Because you want it!" the tan boy yelled back. After they scrambled for a minute, two girls stepped out, one with blue hair, and one with purple hair, they urged the boys to stop bickering because they had an audience. 

"Just cleaning up." The tan boy laughed as he helped up the white haired boy "Leave it like you found it. And by that I mean just leave it." Fairy Godmother, the headmistress of Auradon Prep, said to them. They threw all of the items they took back into the limo and shut the door. The tan boy then took a quick glance at my girlfriend and sauntered towards her and said "Hello foxy. The name's...Jay." he smirked and she just laughed awkwardly. 

Fairy Godmother then got in between the two and said "Welcome to Auradon Prep, I am Fairy Godmother, Headmistress." The girl with the purple hair's eyes widened "The Fairy Godmother? As in bippity boppity boo?" she asked as Fairy Godmother confirmed her question.

 "Wow, I just can't imagine what it was like for Cinderella to see you show up." She started "With that sparkly wand, and warm smile...and that sparkly wand." She said again. "That was a long time ago, and like I say don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future." Fairy Godmother said, I then introduced myself to them. 

"Hi guys, I'm Ben." "Prince Benjamin, soon to be king." my girlfriend, Audrey, said to correct me, I smiled at her and said "And this is Audrey." I said only to be corrected once again "Princess Audrey, his girlfriend." she said as she grabbed my hand. 

"These two will be showing you around." Fairy Godmother said "The doors of wisdom are never shut, but the library is open from 8AM to 11PM and we have a very strict policy on curfew." she said then she left with the marching band following behind her. 

I went to go shake Jay's hand "It is so nice to finally meet you all" I grunted as he punched me in the chest instead the handshake. I moved to the next person, who was the purple haired girl, as I shook her hand and looked into her eyes and I felt something as soon as we touched, then I snapped out of it and continued my speil. 

"This is a momentous occasion. A day that will go down in history...and chocolate.?" I said as I sucked the chocolate that was distributed onto my hand after I shook the white haired boy's hand. "The day that our peoples began to heal." I finished as I shook the blue haired girl's hand "Or the day that you show four people where the bathrooms are." The purple haired girl said.

 "A little bit over the top?" I asked "Oh, more than a little bit." she said "Well, so much for my first impression." I told her, we shared a look for a while before we were interrupted by Audrey. "Hey, you're Maleficent's daughter, right? Yeah, I totally don't blame you for your mom trying to kill my parents and stuff." Audrey said "Oh, my mother's Aurora, Sleeping-" "Beauty, yeah. I've heard the name." The girl interrupted. 

"And I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone on the entire world, but my mother to their stupid christening." she said "Water under the bridge, right?" Audrey asked "Totes." the girl fake laughed with Audrey. 

To cut the tension, I asked the four their names "Jay." The tan boy said "Carlos." The white haired boy said "Evie." The blue haired girl said "Mal." the purple haired girl said. "Well, Jay, Carlos, Evie, Mal, Welcome to Auradon Prep, let's take a tour." I said as I started showing them around our school. 

I was showing them the front foyer "So, you guys have a lot of magic here like wands and things like that?" Mal asked "Yeah, it exist." I answered "But it's pretty much retired here, most of us are just ordinary mortals." I said "Who just happen to be kings and queens." Mal responded "That's true. Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years." Audrey said as she wrapped my arm around her shoulder. 

"Doug." I said motioning to him to get Audrey off of me "Doug is going to help you with your class schedules." I said to the four "Don't forget about me." Tia said as she came from the other side of the hallway "Ah, yes, you guys, this is my best friend, Princess-" "Who cares, let's go play racquetball." Audrey interrupted me. 

Tia rolled her eyes and turned to look to the four new kids "Well, hello there." Jay said "Has anyone ever told you how absolutely stunning you are." he said after he kissed her hand gently. "Oh, brother" Carlos sighed as he rolled his eyes. 

She began to blush until Audrey said "Her? Stunning? Please, the most stunning girl in this entire kingdom is me. Right, Benny Boo?" I looked at Tia with a look of confusion on my face. "No, Ben, it's okay. She's right, you know, if you consider bad breath and a nasty attitude beautiful, that is." Tia fired back at Audrey which gained a laugh from the four villain kids. 

"Oh, I will-" "Go now, but if you guys have any questions feel free to come and find me." I cut Audrey off, we then left.

 I can't stand when she does that, when she makes people feel inferior to her. She can be so self absorbed that I don't know how much longer I can bear it.

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