Family Day, Part 1

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Ben's POV

As I was with other Auradon Prep students performing our rendition of "Be Our Guest", I noticed Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay on the balcony. As soon as the performance was over I went to my parents "That was so lovely!" my mother said to me "Thanks, mom." I responded. 

Tia and I went to go take family pictures "Oh, by the way I have a new girlfriend." I told my parents, my mom gasped "I never wanted to say anything, but I always thought that Audrey was a little self absorbed." she mumbled, she was right about that. 

"Do we know your new girlfriend?" my father asked me "Sort of. Mal." I called for her, I saw my mother's jaw drop, I went up to give Mal a hug "This is Mal, from the island." I said to my parents. My parents greeted her and she greeted them back. 

"I was wondering if she could join us for lunch?" I asked "Of course. Any friends of Ben's..." "Well, I actually came with my friends." Mal said, cutting my dad off. "Well, you should invite them." My mom stuttered "The more the merrier." she said after that "Yeah, I'll go grab them." Mal said as she began to leave. 

"How about a game of croquet before lunch?" my dad suggested "Game on." I told him before we did our usual father-son fist bump. 

"Have you ever played croquet before?" I asked Mal as we walked towards the field "No." she laughed "Well, I'll teach you." I told her, grabbing her hand.

Tia's POV

"Hey, we're going to play a game of croquet with Ben's parents. Come with us. Jay will be there." Mal told me, I smiled "Okay, I'll come." I said as began to follow them to the field. "So, you're a croquet star now?" I asked as I walked up to Jay, who had just learned how to play "A little bit." he responded as he wrapped his arm around my waist "Come here, let me show you." he said.

He got behind me and put my hands on the mallot "You take the mallot, swing it back, and hit the ball." he instructed as he guided my hands "Oh, so you're a teacher too?" I teased, he laughed "Only for the best, babe." he said back. 

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck "You ready to meet my parents?" I asked him "He looked down "I'm as ready as I'll ever be." he sighed as he looked back into my eyes and smiled "Then, let's go." I said as I grabbed his hand. 

I approached my parents, Tiana and Naveen, "Hi, mom." I said as I hugged her "I've missed you so much." she told me "I know, I've missed you too." I responded. "How have you been?" my father asked me "I've been a lot better. I got a new boyfriend." I told them. "That's great, honey. I have to admit, Chad was a little controlling." my mother said. A little? "I agree. Hopefully he'll mature by your time of marriage." my father added, I nodded and looked down. 

"Yeah. Anyway, this is my new boyfriend, Jay." my father put his hand out to shake "Hi, Jay. I'm King Naveen, Tia's father." Jay shook his hand, "I'm Queen Tiana, Tia's mother." my mom smiled softly, shaking Jay's hand. "It's nice to meet both of you." Jay said "Likewise. You know, you look so familiar, but I don't recall seeing you around." my mother said to him. 

Jay laughed "Well, that's because he's not from here." I said "Oh, are you from somewhere exotic, like Maldonia? You do have a similar skin tone." my father said excitedly, thinking Jay as from his home country. Jay laughed again "No, I'm from the Isle." he let out "My dad's Jafar." I saw my mother stare at him with a blank look, she was literally in shock. 

"Jafar? Tia, can we talk to you in private for a second." my father asked me. I looked at him confused "Why? Anything you want to say to me, you can say in front of Jay." I told them "No, babe, it's okay." Jay said to me "Do what you gotta do. I'll be over here." he said before he kissed me on the cheek and began walking towards the snack table. 

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