Chapter 1

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"Since you're all third years, it's time for you to think seriously about your future," Our teacher began. "I'll pass out handouts for your future plans now, but..." He swiped up the handouts off his desk. "You're all..." He threw the papers into the air with a smile. "Pretty much planning to go into the hero course, right?"

"Yes!" Almost all the students shouted while showing off their quirks. I was not one of them. I had zero interest in becoming a hero.

The only other people not showing off their quirks were Izuku and Katsuki. Izuku, obviously, had no quirk to show off, but he still meekly raised his hand into the air. Katsuki, on the other hand was still looking down with his feet on his desk.

"Yes, yes, you all have wonderful quirks!" The teacher spoke. "But using your powers at school is against the rules!"

"Sensei!" Katsuki finally spoke up with an arrogant grin as he looked up at the ceiling. "Don't lump us all in the same group. I'm not gonna be stuck at the bottom with the rest of these rejects!"


If we're rejects, then he's most definitely an imbecile.

"That was uncalled for Katsuki!" There was an immediate out roar.

"Yeah, yeah!"

"You all should shut up like the extras you are!" Just because you don't know them doesn't mean they're extras Katsuki...

"Oh," The sensei remembered as the room quieted down. "If I remember correctly, you want to go to U.A. High, right, Bakugo?"

I deadpanned almost immediately.

Of course he wanted to get into U.A. Listen, I may not want to be a hero, but I did plan on attending the general studies department in U.A. Despite it being a school mainly for heroes, the general studies was an excellent place to gain more knowledge. And now, I find out that Katsuki, the class barbarian, plans on going to the same school.

"U.A.?" People murmured. "That national school?!"

Oh dear... I could already see the horror on Izuku's face.

"It was in the top 0.2% this year, you know!"

"Their acceptance rate's always really low, too!"

"That's exactly why you guys are just extras!" Katsuki jumped onto his desk. "I aced the mock test! I'm the only one at this school who could possibly get into U.A. I'll definitely surpass All Might and become the top hero! My name'll be inscribed on the list of top earners!"

"Oh yeah," The teacher continued calmly and off handedly. "Midoriya wanted to go to U.A., too, right?"

... Our sensei is cruel...

There was silence for a few seconds before almost everybody burst into laughter.

"Huh? Midoriya? No way!"

"You can't get into the hero course just by studying!"

"Th-they got rid of that rule!" Izuku defended himself as he stood up. "There's just no precedent..."

At this point, Katsuki slammed his palm onto Izuku's desk and created an explosion causing Izuku to fly back onto the floor.

"Hey, Deku!" Katsuki yelled with a maniacal grin. "You're below the rejects! You're quirkless! How can you even stand in the same ring as me?!"

Why isn't the teacher doing anything?!

"No, wait, Kacchan!" Izuku raised his hands up and began to back up into the wall. "It's not like I'm trying to complete with you or anything! Believe me! It's just that it's been my goal ever since I was little. And well... I won't know unless I try..."

At this point, Katsuki's hands were smoking, and he looked furious.

"Whaddaya mean, unless you try?!" Katsuki yelled. "Are you taking the test for fun?! What the hell can you do?! You're quirk-"

"Katsuki-kun," I spoke up quietly, interrupting him. Immediately, all eyes were on me making me almost shy back and shut up, but I stood my ground. Sort of. "Y-you have no right to make fun of others dreams. W-we a-all have our own dreams, a-and you shutting d-down the dreams of others o-only makes you even more of a b-barbarian!"

"Haaaaah," Oh dear, he looked ticked. "What was that you quirkless trash?!"

"Y-you heard me!" At this point, Katsuki and I were standing face to face with even more smoke being emitted from his hands.

Yeah... That plan didn't end so well for me...

Thankfully, the teacher finally stopped anything before it got too far.

At the end of class, me and Izuku were the last ones packing up, and the said boy looked at me timidly as I stood up.

"T-thank you, Masami-chan!" Izuku finally said. "For before!"

"It's no problem," I gave him a smile as he looked down. "That's what friends are for Izu-kun! I'll see you at school tomorrow"

And with that I gave him a wave before running out of the classroom only to pass by Katsuki on my way out. Luckily, he didn't notice me.

I sighed as I walked out of the school and towards my part-time job. If Katsuki finds out about me applying to U.A., even if it is only the general studies department, I'm dead. So very dead.

I've been a shy and timid girl for a long time now. I wasn't always this way. At one time, I had been an outgoing child who was best friends with Midoriya Izuku and Bakugo Katsuki. Everything mostly changed after I was told that I was quirkless as well as the death of my mother.

Now, I was the quiet girl at the back of the class who worked a part-time job and wished for a more normal life.

But, unfortunately, nothing was ever normal around me.


Hideyoshi Masami(Last then First) or Masami Hideyoshi: A quiet, timid girl with light brown hair and bright blue eyes. She has an interest in many things and plans on applying to U.A.'s general studies department.

(↑Imagine her with blue eyes)

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(↑Imagine her with blue eyes)


985 words excluding A/N's

Ah, sorry it took so long, but I hope you enjoyed it!

Finished-  9:18 pm on May 18, 2018

Bye ~

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