Chapter 5

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I stood opposite of Michiko as she gave me a pitying look. We, unfortunately, had been chosen for opposite teams, myself on the blue team with Michiko on the red team, and Michiko was the only one who knew I was quirkless. It's not as though I wasn't athletic or anything, but people are obviously going to notice my lack of quirk.

I'll just have to show them what a quirkless girl can do.

Almost immediately after All Might blew his whistle, the gym became a battle zone. The other team had a large amount of people with mutant quirks, and they were taking out my team one by one. And soon enough, only three of us were left on my team with eight on the other. I had mainly only made it this far due to dodging.

"You guys should just go ahead and give up!" An orange haired boy called out to our team as he used his speed quirk to dodge incoming balls.

"As if!" A navy blue haired boy retorted as he used his tail to catch one of the dodge balls, effectively getting another person out.

The two began to get into a debate as they fought over who would win, and they both began throwing dodge balls at each other at an indescribable speed. Everybody, even those who were still playing, just sort of stopped and watched the two argue.

That went on for a few minutes until they were finally interrupted by a large smack.

The orange haired boy had finally been hit, but it wasn't the blue haired boy who threw it.

It was me.

"O-oh," I blinked in a surprised manner. "D-does this mean we win?"

"What are you talking about?!" The orange haired boy went to turn to the rest of his team. "We still... Have..."

"Ah," I scratched the back of my head as he stared at his nonexistent team. "I-I s-sort of, kind o-of got everybody else out while they w-were focusing o-on you."

I have a small blush as I realized everyone was staring at me. Most of them were in shock, but I could see Michiko grinning from where she stood in the out area.

"B-but.... how?" I think I broke his mind.

"U-um," What was I supposed to say?

"Well!" All Might saved me from having to speak. "I guess this means the blue team wins!"

Everybody finally broke out of their stupor, and those on the blue team, as well as Michiko, began cheering. And once again, I was surrounded by people asking questions.

"Alright!" Thank you, All Might. "That's the end of class for today! After you change back into your uniform, you can go ahead and head back to your homeroom"

I bolted out of the room almost immediately as I tried to dodge being questioned by anybody. I quickly changed and managed to get out the door of the locker room before anybody else had even left the gym. I feel kind of bad about leaving Michiko there, but everybody surrounding me was a bit too overwhelming.

I was so focused on avoiding my class that I wasn't paying attention to what was in front of me, and I, once again, ran into someone causing me to fall back.

"I'm s-sorry!" I apologized after wincing due to the fall, and I looked up to see a familiar face that I didn't expect to see here of all places. "Yagi-san?"

"E-eh?" The blonde haired man seemed surprised that I knew who he was. Clearly he didn't remember me. "I'm sorry, but do I know you?"

"A-ah," Well this is kind of awkward. "M-my name is Masami, Hideyoshi Masami. Y-you knew m-my mom, H-Hideyoshi Akemi."

"Oh!" Yagi's eyes finally lit up in realization. "I almost didn't recognize you! You've grown since the last time I saw you. How are you?"

"I-I'm good," I stuttered. "H-how have you been?"

He gave a small chuckle as he put his hand on my head.

"I've had my better days," He admitted. "What about Akemi and your brother? How are they doing? I haven't heard from your mother in a while."

My eyes widened in shock as my stare became downcast. I guess not very many people knew despite my mother once being a fairly famous hero.

"A-ah," I tried to hold back tears as I saw Yagi-san frown. "T-they actually died a f-few years back."

My voice had gone into an almost inaudible whisper, so I'm surprised he even managed to hear me.

"I'm sorry to hear that..." He sounded sincere as he frowned before he came to a realization. "So who's been taking care of you? I have the feeling you still haven't told your father, so that counts him out."

"O-oh, um," What do I tell him?! I looked away from him as I tried to think of something "A-a family f-friend has b-been taking care of m-me."

Well, it's not a complete lie...

"I see..." He didn't seem entirely convinced, but he let it go anyways. "Well, it's nice to see that you're okay. Plus, I heard that you helped win the dodgeball game today!"

"W-word travels fast..." I sweat dropped causing him to chuckle.

"You'll often find that the case around here," He told me before glancing at his watch. "I should get going or else I'll be late to another teachers meeting. It was nice to see you again, Young Masami."

What's with the 'young' Masami thing...?

"R-right," I gave him a bow. "I-it was nice t-to see you again a-as well."

We both headed our own ways, and I finally made it to my classroom and grabbed my stuff before leaving as it was the end of the day. However, once I got outside, I came to a realization.

If Yagi-san is a teacher here...

Then does that mean he's a pro hero?


1017 words excluding A/N's

OK, just for clarification, Masami does not know that Toshinori Yagi is All Might. She just knows him from meeting him as a child. Basically, her mother was one of the few who knew of All Might's secret.

Update: Voting has officially ended

Todoroki: 1

Katsuki: 0

OC: 0

Finished- 6:10 PM on May 22, 2018

Bye ~

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