Chapter 13

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Six adults engaged in a conversation of utmost seriousness as they discussed the previous villain attack and those behind it.

"The police have investigated the group calling themselves 'The League of Villains,' and there does not appear to be anyone registered with the name Shigaraki in his 20s or 30s with a quirk that lets him disintegrate whatever he touches." Tsukauchi Naomasa, a detective with the police force, began to thoroughly explain his report of the event to the heroes in the room. "It's the same with the villain called Kurogiri with the Warp Gate. They are probably not citizens and are using false names. In other words, they are people with unregistered quirks who are part of society's underbelly."

"You mean, we don't know anything..." The Blood Hero: Vlad King noted basically summing up the report.

"Now, I wouldn't say that!" A cheerful voice spoke up from the thought to be empty chair in the room.

Almost all of the occupants in the room jumped in surprise at the sudden appearance of the vigilante. Yes, Shirokage had just gate crashed the meeting.

"Shirokage!" Vlad King had jumped up from his seat after realizing the female was sitting right next to him.

"Ya' know, you guys should really strengthen your security," The vigilante had ignored all the reactions of surprise as she spun in her seat. "It was almost too easy to get in here!"

"What are you doing here?" Midnight asked as her and some of the other heroes prepared to fight. The only ones who had shown no reaction to Shirokage's appearance had been Naomasa and Nezu, both for different reasons. Naomasa, of course, had dealt with the vigilante before and had finally just grown accustomed to her showing up out of nowhere. Nezu, on the other hand, was just Nezu. Things like this never surprised him.

"Well," Shirokage finally became serious as she looked at the occupants of the room. "I found out a good deal of information about our villain friends and decided I would share it with you."

"You don't seem like the type to give away information for free just like that," Sniper had narrowed his eyes at the white haired girl.

"You underestimate me," She sighed in response. "I'm not in this business for personal gain, ya' know?"

"How do we know the information isn't false?" Midnight was also suspicious of the offer.

"You'll just have to decide that yourselves." The vigilante spoke in a calm manner that gave off the feeling that she had expected the suspicion. "So, do I have permission to speak of my findings?"

"We'd appreciate it," The principal didn't seem to mind that the information was coming from a vigilante.

"You have my thanks," Shirokage nodded towards the principal before bringing out a folder from her hoodie. "First things first, I'd like to go ahead and say that while Shigaraki may appear to be the ring leader, there is a much more powerful force backing him from the shadows. I, myself, had trouble finding information about him."

"A much more powerful force?" All Might questioned.

"Mhm," Shirokage confirmed, answering All Might's question. "And it just so happens that it's a villain you have fought before. I'm sure you know who I'm implying."

"You don't mean...?!" All Might came to a realization as everybody except Nezu and Naomasa gained confused looks.

"All for One..." Shirokage sounded grim as she spoke the name, and her next words seemed to be directed towards All Might. "He's the exact opposite of you in almost every way and is quite dangerous... He also owes me 50,000 yen..."

The heroes and detective sweat dropped as the normally cheerful vigilante began grumbling about All for One and the money that he owes her.

"Ahem, anyways..." She coughed as she finally got back on track. "It's not just All for One who is dangerous. Shigaraki himself is dangerous as well. I'm sure All Might noticed, but Shigaraki is a man child. He brags about his possessions, and he makes immature, wild statements with a straight face. He still has yet to get rid of his childish sense of omnipotence, and All for One only encourages this attitude. In a way, he spoils Shigaraki in an attempt to corrupt him and cultivate his malice even further. And in this society where the current environment is saturated with heroes, villainous people who have been oppressed are drawn towards the simple-minded evilness that Shigaraki displays. During my nightly patrols, I've often encountered multiple villains talking about the League of Villains, and they agree with the ideals of the group."

"This is indeed a dangerous organization," Nezu looked to be in thought. "We'll have to prepare for more incidents."

"Well, I'm not sure how much this will help, but you can have this file with all the information I have on The League of Villains." Shirokage threw the folder she had been holding towards Naomasa who fumbled to catch it. "And don't worry, if The League of Villains tries to plan anything else, I'll be sure to let you know some way or another."

"We thank you for your cooperation," Naomasa told her as he flipped through the files. "But, you yourself are a criminal. I'm sure you understand what I'm implying."

"I understand completely," Shirokage gave an unnoticeable smirk. "However, you won't have much success in arresting me, especially tonight. After all, right now, I'm just an illusion."

Shirokage swept her hand through herself to prove her point as her hand touched nothing but white flames. It appeared that her entire body was made of the flames.

"Besides," Shirokage started to stand up. "There's no need for you to worry as I plan on turning myself in as soon as I accomplish my goal."

"You plan on turning yourself in, just like that?" Snipe asked as the other occupants of the room's eyes widened at the vigilante's declaration.

"Mhm," Shirokage nodded in confirmation. "But until then, I don't plan on getting caught anytime soon."

"You always have been strange, even for a vigilante," Naomasa shook his head with a sigh causing her to grin.

"I'll take that as a compliment!" Flames began to engulf Shirokage as she spoke. "But I'm afraid I have to take my leave. Later!"

And with that, she disappeared along with her flames.


1059 words excluding A/N's

Finished- 5:30 pm on July 30, 2018

Bye ~

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