Chapter 52

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Midnight patted Masami on the back with a sweat drop as the younger girl sulked. After many minutes of them trying to calm Masami down, she had finally stopped crying and had decided to just not make eye contact with anybody instead.

"I'm sorry if this will come off as rude," Naomasa started as everyone had finally calmed down. Though, Aizawa had yet to return to the room, so they could only assume that he had left. "But I have a few more questions if you don't mind?"

"O-oh, that's f-fine..." The detective couldn't help but flinch at the saddened tone Masami was using. He felt a bit bad about even asking.

"Well, first things first," He sighed as he pulled out some documents. "We need to legally document your quirk for the records, so would you mind explaining how it works?"

"I-I call my quirk Kuro and S-Shiro," She still refused to look at them in the eye. "They're a bit different than w-what you may think."

"What do you mean?" All Might thought that he had gained a pretty good idea of what her quirk was after the previous fight, but he wasn't as sure now.

"Well, f-fire has nothing to d-do with my quirk," She only gained confused looks at her declaration. After all, they had all seen her use fire at one point or another. "The f-fire is actually the q-quirk of my quirk."

"Quirk of your quirk?" The idea seemed to throw them for a bit of a loop.

"O-oh, um, I-I suppose it would be easier to sh-show you." Naomasa was about to warn her about the quirk restraining cuffs that had been placed on her, but he was certainly surprised when two girls appeared from black and white fire next to Masami's bed. They looked almost exactly like the brown haired girl. The only noticeable difference was their hair. One had the signature white hair of Shirokage while the other had pitch black hair like Masami had demonstrated before.

"Oohhh~" The white haired girl grinned mischievously. "It's been forever since we've truly been let out!"

"Indeed," The black haired girl seemed to be far calmer in her mannerisms as she spoke with a noticeable elegance.

"S-sorry about that you two," Masami sent them a sheepish grin as she seemed to relax in their presence. "It's b-been a bit difficult as of late."

Three of the four others in the room watched the interaction in confusion and shock. The only one who didn't appear to be confused was Nezu. He had finally connected the dots.

"So this is how you managed to be in two places at once." He had recalled the time when Masami had come to the teachers lounge to warn them about the USJ attack despite Shirokage having been in the USJ the majority of the time.

"M-mhm," Masami nodded in confirmation as the three girls turned to their audience. "This is Kuro, a-and that's-"

"I'm Shiro!" The white haired interrupted with a great deal of enthusiasm. On the other hand, Kuro appeared to be doing her best to ignore them. "It's nice to meet all of you personally for the first time!"

"O-oh, um, it's nice to meet you as well..." Midnight and All Might sweat dropped a bit at her over enthusiastic attitude. It was quite weird seeing such emotions on Masami's face nowadays. Though, they supposed it wasn't truly Masami's face.

"You seem confused," Kuro was quick to pick up on the confusion of the three, and she had no problem stating it blatantly.

"A-ah, well, it's just that--" Naomasa was cut off by Shiro, who seemed to take pleasure in interrupting others.

"Don't bother," She waved him off dismissively. "We'll just make this simple for you. We live inside of Masami, and we're also the reason she's alive. We have a symbiotic relationship. We keep her alive and let her borrow our power while she provides us a place to live, and she'll even let us out every once in a while, like now. Plus, we get to enjoy her adorable and precious company as well!"

"Shiro..." Masami fidgeted a bit as she whined with a red face that made Shiro grin. She still didn't handle compliments too well.

"Though, you may have noticed that Masami can still take control of our bodies if she wishes." Kuro continued with a rather bored look. She seemed to act as though she had better things to do. "That's why we appear as clones of her, and she can essentially be in two places at once."

"It does require a lot of energy though!" Shiro chipped in. "That's why Masami eats so much! She has to eat at least three to four times as much food in a serving to keep healthy."

The four adults had gone into silence as they processed the information they were receiving. Though, Nezu still had one more question.

"And what of your quirks?" The principal directed his question to the new duo.

"Our quirks, huh?" At this, Shiro looked a bit thoughtful. "Well, it's a bit hard to explain, but you could consider my quirk as a fire of creation while Kuro's is a fire of destruction. My fire is better for healing and causing smoke screens."

"And my fire is better for pure combat. Though, it's far more dangerous than Shiro's." Kuro helped explain. "That's why I've had Masami refrain from using it. The last time she used it before the training camp was seven years ago when she went on a rampage and destroyed the entire building that she was being held captive in. I have to give her credit, though, I enjoyed watching that place burn."

Everybody else in the room let out a small sweat drop at the chaotic smirk that graced the black haired girl's face. She seemed a bit too proud of Masami. Though, now that the teachers and detective thought about it, they couldn't even imagine what a rampaging Masami looked like. Sure, they had seen her get into multiple fights as a child, but she just seemed too timid nowadays. Plus, they had never seen her truly angry.

Honestly, they were a bit scared of the very thought.

"D-don't scare them, Kuro," Masami looked at her lookalike 'sternly' as she tried to scold her. "That's m-mean."

"Alright, sweetie, whatever you say." Masami almost felt like she was being mocked as Kuro patted her head with a smirk still on her lips.

"Anyways! Ignoring Kuro," Shiro jumped in as she tried to lighten the mood. "There's not much more that we can explain without you getting confused, so we'll go ahead and take our leave! Masami's mind is a whole lot more interesting place than this, anyways."

"Agreed," Kuro nodded in agreement before they both disappeared in flames.

Everybody stared at the spot where the girls had disappeared with a sweat drop. They were definitely an interesting duo, that's for sure...

"Well..." Naomasa coughed to break the silence that had appeared. He was still confused, but he decided it would be in his best interest not to question anymore about her quirk. He was already trying to figure out how she could possibly even use her quirk right now with those cuffs. "As interesting as that was, I have a couple more questions, and then we should be done. Are you okay with that?"

"That's n-no problem at a-all!"


1263 words excluding A/N's

And Masami's quirk is finally revealed! Some of you guys had some theories that were pretty close!

Finished- 9:14 pm on January 4, 2019


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