Chapter 16

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"Masami!" I let out a slight yelp as I was literally tackled into a hug. "I see my son actually managed to convince you to finally come over!"

If you consider Katsuki dragging me by the back of my collar the entire way as convincing me, then yes. Yes, he did.

"A-ah, yes m-ma'am," There was no way in hell I'd tell her what actually happened.

"I'm making one of your favorite dishes tonight, so I told Katsuki to make sure you came for dinner." Katsuki's mom told me as we walked into the living room. "Katsuki, why don't you hang out with Masami here while I finish dinner?"

I don't think that was a suggestion...

"Whatever, you old hag..." Katsuki grumbled as he threw his backpack on the ground and sprawled on the couch.

"Old hag, huh?!" Oh dear, he angered her... "It's your fault that she never comes around here any more! Keep it up like this, and she'll never agree to become your wife!"





"Haaaaah?!" The two were butting heads at this point. "How the hell is it my fault?! And who would want to marry that damn nerd in the first place?!"

Should I feel offended?

I'm seriously not sure how to feel about this conversation.

"Ooooooh," Mrs. Bakugo gained a mischievous grin. "Weren't you the one that would always propose to her and get rejected every time when you were younger?!"

At this, both Katsuki and myself blushed. Though, he looked more angered than anything.

"Shut up, you old lady!" Katsuki continued yelling. "She wasn't like the wimp she is now! She'd only be in my way!"

A wimp, am I...?

"Oi, Katsuki..." He froze as he sensed the dark aura from behind him. "Would you care to repeat who you think is a wimp again?"

My voice sounded innocent enough with a fake close eyed smile on my face. However, the dark aura surrounding me told a different story as I cracked my knuckles with a slight tick mark on my forehead.

"Hmph!" Katsuki managed to unfreeze himself as he crossed his arms with an arrogant look. "You're a friggin' wimp, you damn nerd."

"Oh, is that so?" I continued to smile. "Then did you see this coming?"

"What do you-" He was cut off as the top of his head was suddenly punched causing him to fall face forward into the ground.

"Masami- 456; Katsuki- 0," I smiled down at him as he grumbled. "Try to actually beat me before calling me a wimp."

"You damn nerd..." He grumbled as his mother just started laughing, and he slowly got up.

"Haha, just like old times!" Mrs. Bakugo laughed, referring to when the two of us were still little. Yes, that's right. When Katsuki and I were still children, we'd constantly be challenging each other. Well, it was more Katsuki challenging me after his previously mentioned proposals failed.

He has yet to win.

No matter what the competition was, I've, somehow, managed to win every single time. Poor Katsuki never stood a chance. It may seem mean of me to not let him at all, but I have my reasons. The main reason being a certain promise I agreed to if he ever does win. Luckily for me though, Katsuki never challenges me anymore. He probably thinks I'm too weak to be worth his time.

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