Chapter 56

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Masami looked around her new room in awe. Principal Nezu and Detective Naomasa had taken the trouble of having her stuff moved over to her dorm for her, so she had all her stuff with her. Literally, all of her stuff barely filled a quarter of the room. She was glad that furniture was provided. Sure, she had gotten more stuff since having moved in with Aizawa, but she didn't have a lot.

She had decorated her dorm with a few posters coming from different bands, anime, and cartoons, and she had her homemade quilt laid out on her bed. There was also a shaggy teal rug placed in the middle of the room, and a few pictures sat in picture frames in different areas of the room. She was thankful that she finally had enough clothes to almost fill up her new closet. Right after having moved in with Aizawa, he had forced her to go clothes shopping after seeing her lacking wardrobe. Though, Masami was a bit disgruntled that he hadn't let her pay for anything. All in all, it was a fairly simple room.

"Hmm?" She was a bit startled at a sudden knock on her door. She was almost positive that everyone else was still working on their room, so she wasn't sure who would be knocking. "A-Aizawa-sensei? W-what are you d-doing here?"

She really hoped he wasn't mad at her...

"Kage kept on yelling at me until I told him I'd bring him to you." Aizawa looked away a bit as Kage popped his head out of Aizawa's scarf before noticing Masami. She was a bit surprised when the feline ended up jumping into her arms.

"Kage!" She hadn't seen the cat in over a week, and she was beginning to think that she would never see him again.

Meanwhile, Aizawa watched with a bit of amusement as the two started cuddling with each other. It was clear that the human and feline had missed each other significantly.

"Th-thank you, Aizawa-sensei!" Aizawa felt a bit of relief seep into him at the sight of her bright smile. He was a bit worried that she would still be panicky around him, thinking that he was mad at her. Sure, she still stuttered, but that was Masami in default.

"Don't worry about it, kid." Aizawa smirked a little as he placed a hand on top of her head. Masami was starting to think that this was a regular occurrence. For some reason, people enjoyed patting her head. Meanwhile, the more exuberant characters had a bad habit of tackling her into hugs. If she was being, though, she enjoyed the contact. It showed her that there were people who did indeed care. "Besides, giving you the little traitor of a cat isn't the only reason I came here."

"Hmm?" Masami blinked a bit in confusion.

"I have a couple of questions for you." Aizawa stated simply making the girl gain a look of realization. She supposed that it wasn't too surprising, but it did worry her a little. At least she could answer any questions now that the seal that was placed on her was gone.

"O-oh, d-did you want t-to come in, th-then?" She stepped out of the entrance of the doorway. Masami figured that any questions he had to ask probably weren't the type of questions that should be asked in the middle of the hallway where another student could overhear everything.

"That would probably be for the best..." Aizawa sighed as he walked in giving a nod off thanks towards the girls. "Damn nosy kids..."

Apparently, he had the same thoughts as Masami. Class 1-A wasn't exactly known for their subtlty.

"..." Masami could only sweat drop as she went to go sit down on her bed. Meanwhile, Aizawa took a seat on the office chair next to the desk that was in the room. "Wh-what did y-you want to ask?"

"Detective Naomasa and Principal Nezu said that you agreed to be in the Heroes Course," Aizawa started. "But is this something that you really want? I'm sure you already understand that the life of a hero won't always be sunshine and daisies. I'm sure it wouldn't be too late for you to transfer back to General Studies."

Masami was a bit surprised at the question. She wasn't sure why he was asking. She was honestly wondering if he was trying to convince her to go back to General Studies. And, of course, as Masami always does, she was worrying about whether or not Aizawa was mad about her joining his class or the Heroes Course in general.

Either way, her answer didn't change. "I-I really do want to become a h-hero," She smiled softly as she looked at her hands. "It's always b-been one of my d-dreams. O-of course, I'm s-still debating with myself wh-whether or not I d-deserve to be h-here. B-but, at the same time, I-I hope being h-here will help m-me redeem myself even a little. I-I know I'm not a v-vigilante anymore, b-but I still want to help people."

"..." Somehow, Aizawa didn't seem very surprised as he let out a small sigh. "You're too hard on yourself..."

Masami just gave a sheepish smile in return. She couldn't help it, though. It was just her nature.

"S-sorry about that," Neither one of them mentioned anything about Aizawa being Masami's dad as they talked. Both were hesitant about bringing up the topic. Masami was worried about Aizawa hating her while Aizawa was worried about her being disappointed in him. After all, he hadn't been lying ages ago when he claimed to be terrible with kids. That was probably one of the reasons Akemi had kept Masami and her brother a secret from him in the first place.

The two kept talking with Aizawa asking the occasional question until the tension that had been between them finally dissipated. They were both grateful for the dissipated tension. It would have been awkward if it was still there by the time class started.

Then again, Masami always seems to find a way to make things awkward.


1050 words excluding A/N's

And here is the promised chapter! Sorry it's coming out so late at night, but I've been a bit busy today. And by busy, I mean I had a very in depth conversation with my parents about how hilarious it would be if I said "Peace out, b******!" when I graduate. Now, let's just take a moment to say that I am not a cursing person. So, if I did that, it would be the first time any of my classmates would ever hear me curse. And I've known them for eight years. Anyways, thanks for helping me out with the quote thing! I really appreciate it! Also, sorry if this chapter isn't the best. I had a bit of writer's block while writing this...

Finished- 11:47 pm on January 11, 2019


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