Chapter 53

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"W-wait, seriously?" Masami looked up at Detective Naomasa in surprise a few days after she had been interrogated.

"Yup," Naomasa smiled down at her. She was still in the hospital and covered in bandages, but now she could at least move around. And soon, she'd finally be out. At least, according to the Detective. "All those in charge of deciding what would happen to you decided that you could be set free as long as you are under careful watch of the heroes and police. As such, it has further been decided that you'll be transferred over to the Heroes Course at school."

"Th-the Heroes C-Course?" Her brows had furrowed in confusion. "But wouldn't they w-want to keep me away f-from fighting seeing as th-that's what I was arrested for in the first p-place?"

"While fighting as a vigilante is illegal, you can still fight legally if you become a hero." Naomasa pointed out to her. "Besides, the government's making a fuss about both All Might and Shirokage going out of business at the same time. I suppose you could consider this a win-win situation."

"F-fair enough," Masami admitted with a sweat drop. She should have known that she would never be able to retire so easily. "B-but, whose class w-will I be in?"

She already had an nagging suspicion, but she wanted to confirm it either way.

"Ah, well, about that..." The detective rubbed the back of his head nervously. He wasn't sure how happy she'd be about this news... "It's been decided that you'll be in Eraser Head's homeroom. This way, your presence at the training camp makes a bit more sense seeing as you spent a majority of your time with Class 1-A."

"I-I see..." The former vigilante was more than a bit worried about the idea of having to be in Class 1-A. After all, Aizawa had yet to return after Masami had let the cat out of the bag, so to speak. She was almost positive that he really was angry at her despite his denying it before. "W-will the rest of the class kn-know about my b-being Shirokage?"

At this, Naomasa was glad that he could actually reassure her. "No, your identity as Shirokage will remain a secret for as long as you want it to. But you're still free to tell them if you wish. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if they were able to guess themselves. Your injuries may be a bit of a tell tale sign."

Masami sighed as she realized that to be true enough. The last time she had seen the class, she barely had a scratch on her. Now, she looked like a mummy. She supposed that she looked just as bad as Aizawa after the USJ attack. It didn't help that her injuries had been broadcasted on live television. Plus, Bakugo had gotten a close up look of the gaping hole in her stomach.

She almost paled at the thought.

Masami really hoped that she didn't get any blood on the boy...

"Furthermore, the school is implementing dorms starting this coming semester." Naomasa continued. "So you'll be staying there as another precaution as well as to keep you under surveillance."

"I-I understand," Masami gave the man a small, reassuring smile to let him know that she had no problems with the arrangement. "W-will I still be able t-to go to work, though?"

Kiyoko wouldn't be happy when she heard about the trouble she's gotten herself into...

"I'm sure that can be arranged." Naomasa didn't really see the problem with it. It seemed harmless enough. "However, you'll probably need to be escorted to and back."

Aizawa had already been accompanying her to work the past few months, so it wouldn't really be anything different. Though, Masami was still unsure of how the man would react to seeing her again. She could only hope that things wouldn't turn for the worse. Especially when she was just given the chance to redeem herself and retire as a vigilante.

"If all goes well, we should be able to get you out of here by tomorrow so that you can move into the dorms at the same time as everybody else." He mentioned with a smile as though it would comfort Masami to finally be out of the hospital.

But, in all honesty, she was afraid of finally being able to see everyone.

She really hoped they wouldn't be too mad....


759 words excluding A/N's

So, I'm trying to update at least one of my stories everyday right now. Let's see how long that lasts...

Finished- 2:54 pm on January 7, 2019


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