Chapter 42

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"Hey, extra lessons group, don't stop." I sweat dropped as Aizawa-sensei used his scarf to pull Kirishima back up. Out of all the students who had gone to the extra classes, I was the only one wide awake.

It was kind of sad watching their struggle.

"I told you it'd be tough," Aizawa-sensei had no mercy with them. He seemed to be in a poor mood overall today after last night's conversation. And no, I don't mean him catching me with Shouto. At least, I don't think that would be the reason. Then again, he has been a bit more strict with the said boy today... I wonder why? He's acted completely normal around me. "You're not just trying to improve your quirks. Above all, you need to work on the weaknesses that were exposed during the final exams! Think carefully about why you're more tired than your classmates before you move."

"Y-Yes, sir..." Aizawa-sensei finally let go of Kirishima...

"Uraraka! Aoyama!" Ah. He's just targeting everybody today... "You two should, too. You didn't fail, but you were close. If thirty points was passing, you were at about thirty five." The two tensed up in shock as they tried to control their nausea from overusing their quirk. "Don't lose focus. All of you, move faster! No matter what you're doing, you should always be aware of where you came from. That's what it means to improve. Always keep in mind why you're sweating, and why you keep getting nagged."

"..." I looked up at him from my place on the ground where I was adding a few more weights before I started my training. As I wasn't actually in the Hero Course, Aizawa-sensei was allowing me to delegate my own training.

"What is it?" He noticed my stare.

"... Y-You're a good teacher..." It was true, but he still raised a brow at my response.

"Most would call it cruel."

"I c-call it realistic," It's common sense in my own opinion. "I'm sure hero w-work will never be sunshine and daisies. T-They just need to take heed of that."

He never got a chance to reply as Izuku came up to him asking questions about All Might and the other teachers. I didn't pay much attention to the conversation as I had finally finished adjusting my weights. Now, all I had to do was climb the side of the cliff before starting my actual training.

I feel like I'm the only one who actually has fun doing this training...


"More importantly, everyone, tonight..." I stopped in my one handed push-ups as Pixie-Bob started talking. "We'll have a test of courage with the classes pitted against each other! After training hard, you can play hard! The carrot and the stick!" I really don't think I should participate... I may accidently scar someone for life... "So, do your best right now!"


After dinner, we finally began the test of courage.

"Now, we've filled our bellies and washed the dishes! Next..." Pixie-Bob started cheerfully. Though, judging from how the Pussycats have been a bit tense all day, I can only assume that Aizawa-sensei has spoken to them about last night's discovery.

"It's time for the test of courage!" Ashido cheered whilst interrupting Pixie-Bob.

"We're gonna test it!" The others who had to take the extra classes also cheered.

"Before that," I have a feeling that Aizawa-sensei is about to crush any hope they had left. "It pains me to say this," Does it really, though? "But the extra lessons group will be having class with me now."

I knew it...

Hey, at least now I have excuse to skip this.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Ashido didn't hold the same sentiment as me.

"You're training during the day wasn't good enough, so I have to use this time." I watched in amazement as Aizawa-sensei captured all five with his scarf as they tried to escape. It's official. The scarf is made of magic.

And I want one.

"Give me a break!"

"Let us be tested!"

I sweat dropped at their pleas as I walked next to Aizawa-sensei on the way back to the building where there would be extra lessons.

"Come on, Mi-chan!" Ashido looked at me pleadingly. "Help us out!"

"S-sorry, Ashido-san," I gave her an apologetic smile. "I a-actually like the extra classes. T-They're very informative."

"Mi-chan..." They all anime cried at my response.

"We've lost our final hope..."

"S-Sorry about that..."


763 words excluding A/N's

I just finished up my Physics midterm... Pray for me...

Finished- 9:20 am on December 19, 2018


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