Chapter 33

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"Hmm," I paused in my cooking as I heard a small binging coming from my phone. Well, that's new. I've never heard it bing before.... Then again, I didn't realize that my ringer had been turned off until yesterday. "Izu-kun?"

It appears that he just sent his location.

I had to sweat drop though when I noticed exactly where he was. I quickly turned the stove off so the food wouldn't burn and headed into the living room where Aizawa-sensei was. "S-sensei," I grabbed his attention before showing him the location on my phone screen. "Izu-kun's getting himself a-almost killed again."

"And you know this just by him sending his location?" He raised a skeptical brow at me.

"T-the location is an alleyway," I gave him a look. How dare he doubt my undoubtable intuition. "In Hosu."

"We'll just have to..." He trailed off as the news came back on the tv, and it was showing Hosu... It was in flames....

"Those are N-Nomu," My brows furrowed in concern as I watched the news showing the destruction being caused in Hosu. "Why are y-your students so danger prone?"

"Who knows..." He sighed.


"Well then," The hooded figure of Shirokage looked over the city of Hosu. "This city just went to hell in a matter of seconds..." Shirokage let out a sigh before looking down at the scene that was playing out underneath her. "But I suppose I should help these idiots first."


"Midoriya. You need to give more details in times like this." Todoroki held up his phone after having shot his fire at the Hero Killer. "You made me late."

"T-Todoroki," Iida rasped out from his place on the ground. "You too?"

"Why are you here...?" Midoriya stared at the heterochromatic boy in surprise. "And you're using your left side..."

"Why?" Todoroki still had his flames out. "That's my line. It took me a few seconds to figure out what you meant since you sent just your location info. You're not really one to send that for no reason." Todoroki didn't waste time as he shot out ice from his feet towards the Hero Killer. Of course, the villain dodged by jumping into the air. "You meant that you were in trouble and to call for help, right? Don't worry. The pros will also get here in a few minutes."

Todoroki went to go shoot more flames at Stain, but before he could, a figure dropped from above landing a kick on the villain. That single kick sent him crashing into the ground.

"Ouch, that's gotta hurt," Everybody's eyes widened at the sight of the white haired vigilante. "And I'm talking to almost all of you here. Seriously though, don't you guys realize that injuries are a bad thing?"

She may have been joking around, but the three students could tell that she knew how serious the situation was. And they were surprised to see that she seemed rather concerned. Well, not for Stain. She just drop kicked the guy. I think it's safe to say that she doesn't care as much about his well being.

"Shirokage..." The Hero Killer gritted out as he shakily stood up. It was clear that Shirokage's kick had done some damage. "I never imagined that you of all people would show up..."

"Ah, well you know..." Shirokage rubbed the back of her head casually. "I just happened to be in the area. Figured I should probably help these kiddos out. I can't have them go dying on me now, can I?"

"Tch," He clicked his tongue. "You may be worthy of being called a hero, but you have a bad habit of getting in the way."

"You flatter me," Shirokage mocked, placing a hand over her heart. "But I'm nowhere near worthy enough to be called a hero..." She paused for a second as she noticed the injuries on the pro hero that was known as Native. His injuries were a lot worse than she originally thought. If he didn't get medical attention within the next five minutes, he'd likely die. "...How long do you two think you can hold him off?"

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