Chapter 24

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"Thanks for waiting, everybody! The first match of the second round is a big match!" I could hear Present Mic all the way from the waiting room, but I still made sure to keep a close eye on the screen in front of me. "The man who won a huge victory in the first round and literally left the audience frozen-- From the Hero Course, it's Todoroki Shouto! On the other hand, this guy barely made it past the first round! What kind of fight will he show us this time? From the Hero Course, it's Midoriya Izuku!"

Somehow, I get the feeling that this match will depend on whether or not Shouto decides to use his fire.

"At this year's Sports Festival, both have shown top class performances! It's like two great rivals fighting against each other! Now-- Midoriya versus Todoroki! Start!"

Neither of them hesitated to attack as Shouto sent ice Izuku's way while Izuku flicked in Shouto's direction effectively destroying the ice. I'm glad I'm in this room or else my hair would have been blown back again. Now that I think about it... I should probably find that hair tie...

"Wow! Midoriya stopped Todoroki's attack! He stopped it again!"

It appears that Shouto wants Izuku to injure all of his fingers. This is kind of redundant... It's literally a match of endurance at this point.

"Todoroki doesn't recoil from Midoriya's power and gets in close!" Ah, they're actually fighting now. "Todoroki keeps attacking with overwhelming power! Here comes the finishing ice attack!" Izuku still managed to destroy the ice however. Shouto ran towards Izuku slower than usual giving him the chance to land a strike to Shouto's stomach. "A solid hit! We've got some action!"

They were both on the offense and defense, but I could tell that Izuku was running off of pure adrenaline.

"Th-this is...!" I could only smile as I noticed Shouto finally using his flames in battle. I could only assume that Izuku had said something per usual. However, I had to frown as Endeavor decided to speak up.

"Shouto!! Have you finally accepted yourself?! That's it! Good! It all starts from here for you! With my blood, you will surpass be... You will fulfill my desire!"

"Endeavor suddenly shouts encouragement...?" Can that really be considered encouragement...? "Such a doting father."

I had to smile as the two were about to finally use their full power. I probably shouldn't be, but I do find it amusing that Midnight and Cementoss have to stop them. Literally, Cementoss was already making a barrier between the two. I guess this just goes to show how strong the two are...

I can feel the stadium rumbling as the two attacked. Even Midnight ended up getting blown away.

"What was that just now...? What the heck is up with your class?" Yamada-sensei seemed exasperated at this point.

"The air that had been cooled thoroughly was suddenly heated up and expanded." Aizawa-sensei explained.

"That's what created this explosion...? Just how hot was that?!" I had to smile at how freaked out he sounded. "Jeez, I can't see a thing! Hey, who won the match?"

"M-Midoriya is out of bounds..." Midnight managed to get out as the dust clouds cleared. "Todoroki advances to the third round!"

So... If I win my next match... I'll be up against Shouto...


"The bones in your right arm were shattered..." Recovery Girl told Izuku as he laid on the bed with casts on. I had come here immediately after the match as I knew repairing the arena would take some time, and I figured that I would see how Izuku was doing. It's safe to say that he wasn't doing too well... "It'll never be the same as it was before. I need to remove the pieces of bone to make sure they don't stay in your joints. I'll heal you after that. To push and light a fire under a child who would destroy his body this much for what he yearns for... I don't like it. You're going too far. You, and this boy. You can't praise him for this."

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